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Forums - General Discussion - Post your voice! - We will no longer be silenced!

Online recording software >>

Around the Network
RedInker said:
Allfreedom99 said:
spurgeonryan said:
@ redinker

It is better now. Must have just been my computer. Everything was black except for the post area.

wasn't just you. I had the same problem. Everything was black for a few minutes starting with his post and all the way down the page. Now its fine.

Whoops. Fuck knows how I managed that. Sorry guys.

:) Now we know you yield the power to break threads at your command...

With great power....comes great fun.

Vas-y said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Record music with Vocaroo >>

This applies to all the other british guys lurking around VGChartz: please record your voice, I'd appreciate it.

And Australian. That would be sweet.


pezus said:
d21lewis said:

Audio recording software >>

You sound kind of like the Old Spice guy lulz. 

You mean Bruce Campbell? lol.


pezus said:
sperrico87 said:
pezus said:
d21lewis said:

Audio recording software >>

You sound kind of like the Old Spice guy lulz. 

You mean Bruce Campbell? lol.

No, this one:


I think he sounds close to this guy.

Around the Network
Gilgamesh said:

I think he sounds close to this guy.

He kind of sounds like a mixture.

D21 should do Old Spice commercials on the Radio!

I am actually surprised, Darthdevidem01 is a really good speaker :D

Also I liked a lot of the stuff I was able to listen to here ;D good times :P

Record music and voice >>

spurgeonryan said:

Audio recording >>



I found this on Youtube. It is a rare recording of Nintogapies voice in a internet cafe/ Gyro shop in downtown Fargo, Wyoming.


We will wait for him to come and verify, but I am hardly ever wrong with these sorts of things.

Because I'm so from Fargo.

it was up to outlaw last night and i'd rather hear your texas/cajun voice

annoyingly i only hav mics for my PS3 and can't get it to work need to buy one for my PC but i would be the queens english darling because i am old fashioned and posh,not many regional british accents around are there, there was a good irish accent where are the scots,NI and welsh,i love the welsh accent and midlands/north although there are many types

good to hear the yanks keep them coming

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