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Forums - General Discussion - Is homosexuality wrong?


Is homosexuality wrong?

Yes 36 32.43%
No 75 67.57%
Andrespetmonkey said:
BluGamer23 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

Well this is easy... There is a big difference between 2 consenting adults having sex and child molestation/rape. 

so you assume its always child molestation/rape even if the child is concenting to it?

you said homosexual is a medical condition and is normal.. 

so to must be pedophilia: As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia, or paedophilia, is defined as a psychiatric disorder in persons who are 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children

I did say it was normal, but where did I say it was a medical condition?

There isn't anything wrong with being attracted to children, you can't help it, what IS wrong is ACTING on your pedophilia because most children aren't emotionally or/and physically mature enough to have sex, and even if the child IS mature enough in all ways there is no real way of knowing beforehand, so it is still wrong. Massive difference between this and 2 consenting adults of the same sex having sex.

I'm not being hypocritical in the slightest, and your argument is pretty pathetic. In short, comparing pedophillia to homosexuality is ridiculous, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. Read my original reply to you a little closer.

pathetic?.. really now kid.. so lets change the circumstances up a bit.. your arguement of two consenting adult.. what of a mother 42 and her son 21.. both adults .. and both consenting.. now what ?


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Tino Vainamoinen said:
BluGamer23 said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:
BluGamer23 said:
is Pedophilia wrong?..

yes? well there you go hope that answers those of you who says homosexuals is not wrong.. hypocrites!


I think I found the biggest idiot on the internet. Fun fact: Not all homosexuals are pedophiles, in fact I bet like... less than half are. And you're kinda saying that ONLY homosexuals can be pedophiles. Uhh, there are straight pedos out there, just saying.
That comparison makes me sick to my stomach. 

Can I just assume you're probably one of those dick heads who like lesbians because "they're hot" and hates gay men because they're men.


wow and i found the biggest cumb dunt on the internet who has comprehension problems... where did i say homosexuals are pedos?.. n

I'm just gonna leave this here, feel free everyone to laugh at this moron.

lol easy there tiger dont ger your short shorts and g's in a knot


I'm not going to moderate those who have made offensive posts in this thread, but really, the topic itself is incredibly offensive. Asking if homosexuality is wrong is like asking if being black or female is wrong. Sexual orientation is a trait a person is born with and it's not a choice for them. Posing an offensive topic as an open ended question does not make it okay either.

Locking this.



So, Is homosexuality wrong? I don't know and I don't care. I don't care if it is normal or not, I don't care if it's natural or not. The only thing I care is: people have a right to live their life the way they want as long as they don't affect others. So, go ahead! I don't judge gays and I respect them.

I've never understood why can someone be against something like homosexuality.

AndrewWK said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:
AndrewWK said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:
AndrewWK said:
Boy on Boy = wrong

Girl on Girl = one of the best things on this planet.

I fucking hate people like this, oh my god.

Calm down, penises belong into vaginas. Everything else is just insane

I fucking hate people like this, oh my god. Why should you give a fuck if a guy likes a guy enough to like you know HAVE SEX WITH HIM? Why do you care, it's their life. You're seriously just being a bigot.

I hate homophobic douchebags so much... like seriously. It's not even funny. I also assume you're religious...

Listen you little shithead, I am not a homophobe. My comments where meant as a joke, I really don´t mind gays. I like it sometimes when I go out and a homosexual tries to hit on me. And I think every person should have the right live his life however he wants except if i is the austrian way(fucking little children in the basement). Nobody has the right to deny you the true love, no matter if it is a boy or girl or a transvestite. And don´t isnult ever again.

And yes I am religious, but I don´t see why you brought this up? First you are all like. Ohh my god he hates homosexuals, and in the same time you judge religious people.

I'm gonna cry you called me a shithead.

Well your comments are really not funny, it's like making jokes about women, black people, or any other minority. Like no bitch, it's never funny.
I assumed you were religious because a proper atheist(or I guess a good religious person even) would never even think about joking about gay people. Just saying. 

Oh and yes I judge religious people, only if, however, they're bigoted assholes.
Good going changing your opinion, you know after you figured everyone on the thread supports it, you just don't want anymore bullshit I assume.

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BluGamer23 said:

Andrespetmonkey said:

I did say it was normal, but where did I say it was a medical condition?

There isn't anything wrong with being attracted to children, you can't help it, what IS wrong is ACTING on your pedophilia because most children aren't emotionally or/and physically mature enough to have sex, and even if the child IS mature enough in all ways there is no real way of knowing beforehand, so it is still wrong. Massive difference between this and 2 consenting adults of the same sex having sex.

I'm not being hypocritical in the slightest, and your argument is pretty pathetic. In short, comparing pedophillia to homosexuality is ridiculous, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. Read my original reply to you a little closer.

pathetic?.. really now kid.. so lets change the circumstances up a bit.. your arguement of two consenting adult.. what of a mother 42 and her son 21.. both adults .. and both consenting.. now what ?

Now that would be incest, and there are medical reasons as to why that is frowned upon, I'm sure I don't need to tell you what they are. 

Any particular reason this was closed without a mod notification of why?

Edit: As APM just pointed out, it does in fact have one... sorry Monty!


it had one: 

I'm not going to moderate those who have made offensive posts in this thread, but really, the topic itself is incredibly offensive. Asking if homosexuality is wrong is like asking if being black or female is wrong. Sexual orientation is a trait a person is born with and it's not a choice for them. Posing an offensive topic as an open ended question does not make it okay either.

Locking this.

From montanahatchet, look on previous page

AndrewWK said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:
AndrewWK said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:
AndrewWK said:
Boy on Boy = wrong

Girl on Girl = one of the best things on this planet.

I fucking hate people like this, oh my god.

Calm down, penises belong into vaginas. Everything else is just insane

I fucking hate people like this, oh my god. Why should you give a fuck if a guy likes a guy enough to like you know HAVE SEX WITH HIM? Why do you care, it's their life. You're seriously just being a bigot.

I hate homophobic douchebags so much... like seriously. It's not even funny. I also assume you're religious...

Listen you little shithead, I am not a homophobe. My comments where meant as a joke, I really don´t mind gays. I like it sometimes when I go out and a homosexual tries to hit on me. And I think every person should have the right live his life however he wants except if i is the austrian way(fucking little children in the basement). Nobody has the right to deny you the true love, no matter if it is a boy or girl or a transvestite. And don´t isnult ever again.

And yes I am religious, but I don´t see why you brought this up? First you are all like. Ohh my god he hates homosexuals, and in the same time you judge religious people.

Yeah, obvious joke was obvious. It's funny how many white Americans used to hate Black Americans a few decades ago and now they seem to have no issue with them (at least teh majority). Hopefully things will change for gay people as well at some point.