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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should i trade in my vita for a 3DS XL?


Should i trade in my Vita for a 3DS XL?

Yes 14 46.67%
No 3 10.00%
Keep vita and wait for more games to come 10 33.33%
see results 3 10.00%

I only have one game for the vita and that is metal gear solid HD collection. My vita has literally just sat on my shelf for the past three days collecting dust. So do you all think i should trade in my vita for a 3DS XL.

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I think in an attempt in trying to be funny, it falls flat, but if you currently have a 3DS, just trade that one in and pay the difference and buy a XL, keeping the Vita.

Train wreck said:
I think in an attempt in trying to be funny, it falls flat, but if you currently have a 3DS, just trade that one in and pay the difference and buy a XL, keeping the Vita.

That's not my intention. I'm pointing out how ridiculous that other thread is.

Train wreck said:
I think in an attempt in trying to be funny, it falls flat, but if you currently have a 3DS, just trade that one in and pay the difference and buy a XL, keeping the Vita.

That's not my intention. I'm pointing out how ridiculous that other thread is.

When I used to work at funcoland (gamestop) a long long time ago, people used to do this on a regular basis (PS1 to N64 and back, PS2 to DC to Xbox and back). Thats why stores like this exist.  I dont think its ridiculous at all.

Around the Network
Train wreck said:
I think in an attempt in trying to be funny, it falls flat, but if you currently have a 3DS, just trade that one in and pay the difference and buy a XL, keeping the Vita.

That's not my intention. I'm pointing out how ridiculous that other thread is.

What thread?

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Train wreck said:
Train wreck said:
I think in an attempt in trying to be funny, it falls flat, but if you currently have a 3DS, just trade that one in and pay the difference and buy a XL, keeping the Vita.

That's not my intention. I'm pointing out how ridiculous that other thread is.

When I used to work at funcoland (gamestop) a long long time ago, people used to do this on a regular basis (PS1 to N64 and back, PS2 to DC to Xbox and back). Thats why stores like this exist.  I dont think its ridiculous at all.

Isn't it just a waste of money in the end, though?

Train wreck said:

That's not my intention. I'm pointing out how ridiculous that other thread is.

When I used to work at funcoland (gamestop) a long long time ago, people used to do this on a regular basis (PS1 to N64 and back, PS2 to DC to Xbox and back). Thats why stores like this exist.  I dont think its ridiculous at all.

It can be done properly, of course. But what this guy did was to buy a console and buy one single game for it without keeping future releases in mind. (Well, I actually doubt that he ever even bought the console in the first place). He then says that the console is collecting dust and asks if it would be worth it to buy a Vita instead, as if he didn't expect lots of Mario titles in the first place. I mean, he didn't even tell us what games he like in the OP. My guess is that he already know that he prefer the Vita's library, but wanted to see fans from both consoles fight.

Train wreck said:
I think in an attempt in trying to be funny, it falls flat, but if you currently have a 3DS, just trade that one in and pay the difference and buy a XL, keeping the Vita.

That's not my intention. I'm pointing out how ridiculous that other thread is.

Why do you think the other thread was ridiculous?

Every person has different tastes, and he seemed to be seriously asking the question, it's not as if he was trolling.

This thread, on the other hand, is pretty ridiculous indeed. Don't be oversensitive.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

On a different note, am I the only one that finds MGS2 fucking impossible to play on the Vita? I just finished the section where I found the president and he grabbed my balls. So far, I:
-Sliding along walls is glitchy, now.
-Still don't know how to do chin-ups
-trying to come out of cover, shoot, and go back behind cover is IMPOSSIBLE
-Holding someone up for their dogtags and then changing from my pistol to my tranquilizer requires some serious finger gymnastics
-touching the screen to peak left/right is very hit or miss
-using the touch screen to change weapons took some serious getting used to (but it's not an issue, now)

There's probably more but that's off the top of my head. Most of the problems come from Konami not having any idea how to make up for the loss of a second set of shoulder buttons. I think they could have just redid the entire control scheme and created a new one from scratch instead of trying to force everything onto the Vita. The Vita has a touch screen (back touch doesn't seem to be used for this game) but it lacks pressure sensitive buttons and shoulder buttons. It's getting frustrating.