1. Noctis_nox (a demonstration of superior judgement)
2. Linkzmax
3. c03n3nj0
4. Radishhead
5. Spryguy ( I want to be a white mage)
6. WiiBox3 (The noob sitting on a white mage)
7. pezus
8. Mario
9. Prof
10. Soleron
11. NotStan
12. Wonk
13. Final-Fan
Lol, I need to start checking the forums since I always seem to miss the link in the previous game thread lately.
BTW, the theme/game idea I've had is actually pretty strange, and in fact I have some concerns about whether players would hate me. I don't think it's a "bastard mod" game, but I'd like input from someone I trust. However, that person would then be unable to play the round I host. So, I could just throw it at you. Or someone who doesn't want to play a round could give me feedback. Or if there is a third party I could consult, that would be helpful.