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Forums - General Discussion - Gonorrhea superbug strand found. Make sure you wear protection. updated with most common STD list.

So this strand has been found in Japan and is resistant to antibiotics. The new strand called Neisseria gonorrhoeae has genetically mutated to evade cephalosporins -- the only antibiotics still effective against the infection.

This makes you wonder did the Gonorrhea mutate from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. I mean WTF! However the use of antibiotics has lead to super bugs in the past. So will they cure it? They are working on it but maybe download the damn BOINC program I posted and help cure disease's. I will leave a link below.

So how does this effect your sex life?

 Top Sexually Transmitted Diseases

1. Clyamydia

2. Gonorrhea

3. Syphilis

4.Mycoplasma Genitalium

5. Trichomoniasis

6. Crabs/Pubic Lice

7. Scabies

8. Human Papilloma Virus/HPV


10. Herpes/HSV

11. Hepatitis/HBV

12. Chancroid

13. Bacterial Vaginosis/BV

14. Nongonoccocal Urethritis (NGU)

15. Molluscum Contagium

16. MRSA

17. Lymphogranuloma venereum

For more info on STDs -

Boinc -

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I'm in a relationship but this may affect bringing a girl into the bedroom like we have in the past. DAMMIT!!!. We always safe but using saran wrap is not to sexy. So I think we will be more picky then we already have. We are picky and it takes a perfect girl for my girl to go along with it. Either way thats some scary sh-t.

Doesn't phase me one bit, I mean unless my old lady brings it home somehow. I do hope they have it figured out by the time my kids start bangin' for their sake.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

My bad, sorry


Pjams said:
My bad, sorry

Did you start the super bug? don't get it?

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SnakeEyez said:
That's some scary shit but I rather them cure herpes instead. A friend of mine has it and its a shame that she caught it from her cheating ex BF and has to deal with it. Such a pretty girl too.

DId you know that it's more likely to catch HIV then herpes. the list goes like this, actually I will just post it at the top.

spaceguy said:
Pjams said:
My bad, sorry

Did you start the super bug? don't get it?

Yes, it was me. Nothing in my life could ever be described as super. And although I retain an altruistic heart, my beloved gonorrrhea has failed me. I apologize. 



Get that rain coat on chaps. That sounds like a serious case of knob rot!