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Forums - General Discussion - how long will it take???


how long until I get banned.

1hr 2 14.29%
1-5hrs 0 0%
1 day 2 14.29%
Perma ban 10 71.43%
spurgeonryan said:
happydolphin said:
I voted perma ban, hope that helps.

He is a lurker. He does not know what he wants. do not encourage him!


Failure to change avatar is the best bet for EasyRider....easyrider.

k, so you quote-posted me but used a regular reply? You're weird.

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spurgeonryan said:
happydolphin said:
What I don't get is, when I came here I was sure it was about his avi and sig, so I voted permaban, but now he's talking about this politics thread, and some other people are involved so idk. :/

I say we all start an initiative to find something that Kaz is not right about. Then beat him at his own game!

What a great idea!

I'm starting the thread!

:/ nevermind

spurgeonryan said:

that is body paint and a figment of your imagination. I see that you erased your original post, but I am going to post this anyways.


HappyD said: Put some clothes on,  I can see your pubes!

k, this is just a dumb post, honestly. What are you trying to achieve with this?