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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Also, I'm interested to know why people take it for granted that mafia can talk during the day. This is not a requirement in mafia, it is a choice of the host of each particular game.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

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Baalzamon said:
Also, I'm interested to know why people take it for granted that mafia can talk during the day. This is not a requirement in mafia, it is a choice of the host of each particular game.

"Finally a note: Factions, such as Mafia, Siblings, Masons, etc, CAN also talk during DAY phases in their designated quick topic. The quick topic is a safe and private thread so far as the URL for the quick topic is not shared outside private messages."

Oop, I guess I should actually read the rules :/

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

happydolphin said:
TruckOSaurus said:
happydolphin said:

So now, assuming Radish is town and Linkz set up alignments by house, all we would need is for another few players to reveal their characters (by which we deduce house), and mafia team B has identified mafia team A.

This is how I understand it.

Guys, I'm totally against it.

Why are you so sure there's two Mafia teams?

Trucks, I already addressed this bro ->

Were you just ignoring that, or are you not so happy I might be helping town evade the trap? I smell scum anger.

How is the fact that you consider that "Roles are distributed to certain houses" proof of the presence of two Mafia teams? Why would you put so much faith behind an assumption?

You talk in a way that makes it seem like you've got way more information than I do. On my part, from what I read on my character, I only know that my character is good in the show and that I'm town, so I'm more inclined to believe assholes in the show will be scum in this game but I even can't be certain of that. Linkz isn't the kind of host who will trap scum with their names, I remember him giving out safeclaims to scum once.

So you either put too much faith in your assumptions or you've got some inside information that makes you so assertive about the setup of the game.

Signature goes here!

Ff you and i both know that character claims at this point would never work. Furthermore some characters may likely be more desirable to target. Houses is much much safer if not for roles but also for theorized roles.
for example brienne is likely a bodyguard. However she is not a bodyguard otherwise radiah would have been less forthcoming in identifying himself. However scum might still THINK he is a bodyguard because its still possible that some characters may align and the meta might be just too tempting.

Back to my point, asking me why not ask for characters is probably the worst excuse for the simple fact that we both know that house would be a much aafer medium.
Next, no, you implied that i am demanding houseclaims which i am not. Unlesa yourr saying that im only asking for them.

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TruckOSaurus said:

How is the fact that you consider that "Roles are distributed to certain houses" proof of the presence of two Mafia teams? Why would you put so much faith behind an assumption?

You talk in a way that makes it seem like you've got way more information than I do. On my part, from what I read on my character, I only know that my character is good in the show and that I'm town, so I'm more inclined to believe assholes in the show will be scum in this game but I even can't be certain of that. Linkz isn't the kind of host who will trap scum with their names, I remember him giving out safeclaims to scum once.

So you either put too much faith in your assumptions or you've got some inside information that makes you so assertive about the setup of the game.

Fair enough, but like I said to baalz, I didn't consider the two Mafia team hypothesis a fact of the game.

I agree with Linkz not trapping scum by their names, actually I'm rather expecting him to try to fool flavor analysers who would try to do that, by making the bad guys town. Before you jump the gun and consider this reason for me being scum (due to whatever forknowledge you may have on your PM and knowledge of GoT), keep in mind I have yet to research my house and my character. I don't know if in GoT they are good or bad, and I prefer being oblivious to this so as to avoid giving hints to anti-town amap.

Happy those were your own quotes.......

theprof00 said:
otherwise radiah would have been less forthcoming in identifying himself

You must have already forgotten.  It was only last game when Radish claimed jailkeeper when it was completely unnecessary (whether or not others were claiming, it still was not needed).

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

theprof00 said:
Ff you and i both know that character claims at this point would never work. Furthermore some characters may likely be more desirable to target. Houses is much much safer if not for roles but also for theorized roles.
for example brienne is likely a bodyguard. However she is not a bodyguard otherwise radiah would have been less forthcoming in identifying himself. However scum might still THINK he is a bodyguard because its still possible that some characters may align and the meta might be just too tempting.

Back to my point, asking me why not ask for characters is probably the worst excuse for the simple fact that we both know that house would be a much aafer medium.
Next, no, you implied that i am demanding houseclaims which i am not. Unlesa yourr saying that im only asking for them.

you're right, I'm not a bodyguard (should I have admitted that? I'm not going to give information about my role until a lot later on, don't want to make the same mistake as last round). I can't see any legitimate reason why we can't at least know what houses people are in - it's the perfect way to limit mafia opportunities to fakeclaim later on, without giving much away about character or role.

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theprof00 said:
Happy those were your own quotes.......

Where did my quotes mention your name, let alone you asking us to post our characters?

I was speaking on my own.

This explaining of things like this is getting burdensome.