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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Well, here goes.
This is all rewritten for clarity and some portions have been cut due to what I considered overthinking.

FF opens the with a riddle. Why not. Out of the characters that have real names spelled funny and names that don't even exist, some that come to mind are
Petyr Balish

That seems to be it.
Kind of a narrow area to put himself in, especially given that at least one of them is completely morally reprehensible and possibly scum [note: find out more about character vs flavor. Character alignment may not equal game alignment, but perhaps scumbags in general could be scum]


So, either he's honest and doesn't understand the risks (he could also be a town aligned Joffrey...yeah right), or he's just saying "I could be anyone". I'll have to wait and see if it's right in the end, but this kind of joke of "i'm being risky, but I'm actually not" comes off as taunting played off as humor. Normally town shows humor early on...but taunting doesn't really come off as natural humor, but forced humor. Which is what this whole thing is, a forced joke.


I almost forgot that next joke. 'Shake things up with no lynch'. Ok, now the attempt for humor feels even more forced. I wonder if he's drunk.


SO he wanted to see who would jump on him for "trying to end the day"? More taunting? Baiting isn't FF's strength as town. It's logical analysis. Leave the mind games to the big boys.


WUT 'you are anti-town'. More taunting.


FF's definitely begging for a scan. Godfather? SK? Self-watcher? Hopefully the cop targets someone more important.


His next post about my own fuckup about nen pisses me off. 'Oh, I think I would've checked'. Sure you would have FF.


Mario seems to share my thoughts on FF. Good sign.


Hmm, I was a little worried that Hat and Mario were bickering because I think they're both town, and here we go, FF is pitting them against each other. Mario is right that Hat is being defensive.. [cut]


FF must be feeling pretty happy about getting out of that. Mario had to back off because, like me, it's just a feeling he's trying to defend, and he had to defend it from two sides on two similar topics, FF AND Hat. I think what some people are forgetting (Hat) is that it's not scummy to not want to be wrong. Mario was wrong about Hat's ellipsis, but I could see where he thought he was right. Mario defended his feeling and Hat attacked his fact. Both are likely town just playing the way they play.

That's what I have on FF in my QT so far.
Adding to all this, there is the questioning of my QT. Every single person who has questioned it seems paranoid and has mentioned it is scummy. FF's is the only one who doesn't show a single bit of alignment questioning.
Not to mention that all game he has not said a single thing about me, but now that a couple people have voiced their opinion regarding the QT (an easily defendable position, I must say), he puts in his two cents without even mentioning the possibility of scuminess. Wonk did this last game when he said he would go over everything he missed, and specifically singled me out without ever pointing a finger.

I've only brought up FF because I think he is the scum here.
My other main suspect is Kantor, for defending me unnecessarily.

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Also, I would like everyone to sex-claim please.
Still missing:

no claims

nvm sexclaiming wonk.

and nvm spryan, assuming you do understand basic human anatomy.

Hmmm house claims might not be a bad idea long as that's OK :D

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Sorry everyone. Friday and Saturday I had double-shifts from my two jobs, and today I have a shift and a test to study for tomorrow. I should have more time starting tomorrow.


I am male.

See you guys tomorrow.

Well, I'm glad we're back to me being the only voice in the room.

Quick question for you Kantor:
When you defended me the first time you specifically did it because I might have a useful role. Why did that reason enter your mind?

Smeags said:
Sorry everyone. Friday and Saturday I had double-shifts from my two jobs, and today I have a shift and a test to study for tomorrow. I should have more time starting tomorrow.


I am male.

See you guys tomorrow.

Smeags, what's your house?

Seriously though, first sex claims, now house claims - it's a slippery slope towards giving the mafia too much information imo. 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Also, here are my thoughts on the meta so far.

HappyD is right when he earlier said that scum would have more error correction regarding the nen situation. Upon making a mistake, scum in their QT should have warned them. I agree with Happy.

One main problem I have with scum talking during the day is that it takes everything out of the day 1 edge. In my experience, day 1 has always been the time to get people to talk about things resolutely and "stick them" to their ideas, claims, etc as well as get them all working on separate strategies.

For example, a noob mafia might think it's OK to hint at being a sibling, or another mafia might think it's ok to lurk, or another might think they shoud just follow examples.

Additionally, endgame for scum is all about wiggling around the facts. Getting everyone tied down day 1, reduces the possible escape routes for scum later. A similar example would be mario last game with his sensor claim and getting "trapped" within his previous claim.

The same ideas don't apply to this game since strategy can be discussed immediately. However, there is one thing that can't be evaded, and that's a character claim of some sort. If people reveal small info about their characters (nothing telling) it restrains them to their claim without being offered the possibility to maneuver.