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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

baalz, I'm not going to talk about this anymore because you do got me in a difficult position. A lot of players can't see it the way I see it. You win for now.

But take these words with you every day, every night, every QT you share with your scum buddies, or every PM you send out as a SK: I was never fooled by you.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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hatmoza said:

I'm going to repeat, I just don't believe your story at all. I am convinced you have a safelist and that you feared an investigation so you panicked and fakeclaimed This is not your average case that you can back up with anything concrete. It's just your shady words and story, I can't prove or disprove it. I don't buy it. I wish I had concrete evidence.

I'll keep asking the vigilante to shoot you.

I'm going to repeat, if you don't believe my story, then vote me off.  Why is your vote not even on me if you want me dead so badly?  Why are you so intent on the vigilante killing me, when with your belief, I am supposedly perfectly capable of being lynched now?

Your plea towards the vigilante makes absolutely no sense.

Actually, it makes perfect sense.  If a vigilante targets me, I am dead no matter what.  You will not have to use a night kill on me then.  You can instead use it on some other target you determine you want dead.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Vote: Hatmoza

You simply are not making sense at this point. I was going to vote for you much earlier, but I figured a HoS would be enough to get you to understand why Baalz is town. Apparently not. You say you want him dead and that he had a one time lynch proof ability, but don't want to lynch him again? Surely if you truly believed he had a one time use for it then you would be voting for him again right away, yet you want the vigilante to kill him instead?

Also, lol at Happy's vote.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Baalzamon said:
happydolphin said:
Hatz, I can't quote easily cause I'm on my Wii.

1.) He said he didn't think there was a Miller. How then would he attract votes to himself? None of it makes sense...

Also, if he was mafia, he would want us to think his ability is not 1-shot.

I have to admit, he's doing a great job at covering up, and I almost bought it.

It's true that I'm hesitant to keep my vote on him due to the possibility of an unlynchable town, but it's an ability I have never, ever heard of.

2.) Also, in his reply to me, he said that he just wanted to extend the day and didn't plan on getting lynched, but earlier he said he didn't care about getting lynched.

3.) A townie should care about causing a night...

I'm removing my vote on him in hopes of catching another scum, but I want the cop to scan him tonight.

Lastly, final-fan, can you explain why you think so?

1.) Millers get voted out in vgchartz mafia.

2.) I was going to get "lynched" no matter what happened.  I didn't want to get hammered before the day was done though.  There is a big difference.


3) Can you stop All-capsing please. What I meant to say was, to say "I don't care about getting lynched" means you don't care about seeing nightfall happen, whether you cause it or not. Even, as scum, it would be your intent to see that blame fall on another player, hopefully a townie. I admit my wording was wrong.

2) That doesn't explain the contradiction. Are you trying to say that "I didn't care about getting lynched" was not really worded properly? Care to reformulate?

1) In that case, why is nobody placing a vote on pezus? Why did nobody place a vote on you up until pezus revealed your contradiction? Also, I really see no reason why a miller (a townie) would get a vote. At best, cops would not waste scans on them, but getting voted for, that's much. And this game prooves that.

You're doing a great job at covering up, but your web is weaving itself around you

Cop really needs to scan you, we can't risk wasting another day.

FoS Hatz for wanting the vig to shoot him. Baalz already explained to you that if he's lying, then he's lynchable.

Regarding the No Lynch versus the loss of the X-shot, baalz, that's a good point. I'll accept it. But, if you are town, you would be making us more confused. I don't think as town you did a good move.

Now to put some pressure on suspects. To start, Mario.

happydolphin said:

3) Can you stop All-capsing please. What I meant to say was, to say "I don't care about getting lynched" means you don't care about seeing nightfall happen, whether you cause it or not. Even, as scum, it would be your intent to see that blame fall on another player, hopefully a townie. I admit my wording was wrong.

2) That doesn't explain the contradiction. Are you trying to say that "I didn't care about getting lynched" was not really worded properly? Care to reformulate?

1) In that case, why is nobody placing a vote on pezus? Why did nobody place a vote on you up until pezus revealed your contradiction? Also, I really see no reason why a miller (a townie) would get a vote. At best, cops would not waste scans on them, but getting voted for, that's much. And this game prooves that.

You're doing a great job at covering up, but your web is weaving itself around you

Cop really needs to scan you, we can't risk wasting another day.

FoS Hatz for wanting the vig to shoot him. Baalz already explained to you that if he's lying, then he's lynchable.

Regarding the No Lynch versus the loss of the X-shot, baalz, that's a good point. I'll accept it. But, if you are town, you would be making us more confused. I don't think as town you did a good move.

Now to put some pressure on suspects. To start, Mario.

3) You are aware that there was a time limit for day 1 right? Whether it ended in no lynch, no lynch due to Baalz, or no lynch due to time running out; the end result would have been the same.

2) He didn't care to get lynched because he was lynch proof?

1)No one is voting for Pezus because of how he claimed. He counter claimed someone who lied about being miller. Under normal circumstances millers are almost always lynched. This game and last games are exceptions and not the norm.

Go ahead and put pressure on me. Start asking me some questions.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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Nobody has voted for Pezus because they feel my stunt revealed that he is in fact a legitimate miller (not just a mafia trying to claim it).

Think about it from a mafia point of view: If Pezus is indeed mafia simply claiming miller so he could get me mislynched yesterday, then the moment I get lynched and revealed as a miller (when he counterclaimed miller, he had no clue that I was indeed nothing more than an unlynchable townie), he would get lynched the next day.

That scenario simply doesn't make sense.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Ninja'd. Apparently I have somebody answering questions directed towards me for me. Tehehehe.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Baalzamon said:
Ninja'd. Apparently I have somebody answering questions directed towards me for me. Tehehehe.

Indeed. I know that makes me a hypocrite because of what I told Rol, but Happy's reasoning isn't sound.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

supermario128 said:
Vote: Hatmoza

You simply are not making sense at this point. I was going to vote for you much earlier, but I figured a HoS would be enough to get you to understand why Baalz is town. Apparently not. You say you want him dead and that he had a one time lynch proof ability, but don't want to lynch him again? Surely if you truly believed he had a one time use for it then you would be voting for him again right away, yet you want the vigilante to kill him instead?

Also, lol at Happy's vote.

Even if he was town, I can understand baalz vote on me. But your vote mario is just your cheap attempt to come after me after all the shit I threw at you in this game.  That just adds to the reason why you stink of mafia. You Hosed probably five players since this day started. Let me answer your question with the same question. Why do you feel confident to vote me after I admitted defeat to baalz? Are you mistaking my confession that I have nothing to prove him to be scum with as a weakness? Do you you really think him voting me means anything at this point? Is this your opportunity to sneak in a vote?

What also bothers me is that I've given you so many more opportunities to be suspicious of me but you only gain the confidence to do so when someone has a vote on me. Where was this vote when I basically told you to stop with the list making? Was that not scummy enough for you? Instead you rolled over and obeyed like a tame dog.

why is it that you just now laughed at HappyDolphin's vote when you are obviously well passed that post? Why is it so funny now? Because it adds comic relief to your scummy vote on me ? Or because the relevance matched so well  to hide your vote behind.

But it's only fair that I answer why I don't have my vote on baalz. My first reason being it's the start of the day. Secondly, and here's the big one, it didn't occur to me that it was likely a one shot unlynchable until Kantor mentioned it after my first post of day 2. Go read that post for yourself

I really thought it was an unlimited lynch proof until Kantor said x shot. I took the liberty of reading it in the wiki, and sure enough it was there as a common one shot. A little back ground check for something you strongly defend will tak you a long way mario. So eager for my blood. I got something to tell you. This town will not go down so easily.

Don't underestimate me. Just because I can't compete with baalz claim because I have no proof and very few to back me, does not mean I don't have the ability to back my points up with facts. What you and baalz claim to see as a weakness will easily be turned against you. Especially you mario. You think I wasn't waiting for the first piece of shit scum to jump all over me when I showed signs of weakness? You fell right into fuckville, and I'm the sheriff.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

From the start of the game, it was joke votes, getting called out, unvoting, silly tongue faces, being told by F-F to stop screwing around so we don't lynch you. It was you blatant lies that even Trucks called you out on  when you tried denying you didn't say certain things. It was how you retreated the moment people pressured you.

I've had a long list of reasons to suspect you mario ever since I  the beginning after your ellipses comment, and fuck me if I'm not going to pursuit my number one suspect this whole game. Even recently you are dodging rol's votes. And now you fall for even bigger bait by voting me the moment you think I'm in danger of getting lynched.

Vote: mario

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson