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Forums - Website Topics - I thought we were suppose to be working to return some quality back here?

Jay520 said:
What Xxain is saying is that general news stuff doesn't need to be all compiled into one thread. They should have their own individual thread.

Official threads should be made for specific games, or events, not general news.

This virtual what ive been saying the whole in regards to handling officials. Did anybody else not understand this?

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NintendoPie said:
Jay520 said:
What Xxain is saying is that general news stuff doesn't need to be all compiled into one thread. They should have their own official thread.

Official threads should be made for specific games, or events, not general news.

So you would want that many Official Threads? An Official Thread isn't supposed to be focused on one thing necessarily, it's supposed to show many things. Big things, like a Wii U release date and price, shouldn't be in an Official Thread. (Well, they can be but they should ave their own OP, too.) Small things, like a few new screenshots for Fire Emblem and Black Ops II, should go into the Official thread so as to not clutter the site even more.

whoops, that's supposed to say "they should have their own individual thread".

And yes, small stuff like that could have their own thread. It'll allow for small, focused discussion on that one topic. Take the Black Ops pics for example. I didn't even know there were Black Ops pics released. Why? Because I haven't been following every single title update to the Official thread. Say I want to go see these pics you're talking about. I'll have to search through a epically long thread to find them or I'll have to ask somebody to link me to them & hope they'll give me the appropriate link.

A better thing to do would be giving Black Ops screenshots it's own thread. That way, not only will I immediately see the thread when it's created, I'll also be able to easily locate the pics.

Threads about games isn't going to clutter. If a thread appears to be useless, then it'll fade away.

I personally think the official threads can still exist though. But I also think that smaller threads should be more frequent.

Why do you keep saying the site was dead 6 months ago? I don't remember it like that.

Ryan - Never did I once question the effort that you and Mugen threads. My point is is needed

It was going to the right direction when Monty, Machina and Seece were trying to get rid of spamming. Then they lost, and it's been a mess.

Spurge, you are a really nice guy, but you are a spammer, and you will always be one. Hell, you asked me to read a thread for you so you could post.

This site needs to change, a lot. Being very strict is a good change.

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@ Ryan Many of us do not want to make threads. It just does not interest us enough. Plan in simple I hardly ever care to.

what your thread is doing Ryan is equivalent to going to a Pokemon site and then making a official Pokemon Thread when site is a official thread. Now it would be different if you focused on a specific pokemon but your thread is all encompassing doing what Nintendo forums itself should be doing.

"Even mediocre threads push at least 30 posts"

This made me lol. This isn't something to brag about.

Anyway, I don't know what you mean. This site was awesome back then, espescially during the holiday.

Also, you seem to be encouraging popular threads for the sake of being popular. You act like simply getting 100 posts means you've done something great. In a lot of cases, it's the opposite. I'd say a thread with 100 post thread is too high of a goal anyway. A thread can be successful with about half of that amount, probably less.

Rudisha said:
can someone link meto the official Nintendo thread? what's in it?

Here's the link.

As for whats in it? Pages and pages of awesome Nintendo News :)

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morenoingrato said:
It was going to the right direction when Monty, Machina and Seece were trying to get rid of spamming. Then they lost, and it's been a mess.

Spurge, you are a really nice guy, but you are a spammer, and you will always be one. Hell, you asked me to read a thread for you so you could post.

This site needs to change, a lot. Being very strict is a good change.
