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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

I'm not going to finish the 2006 conference now I guess

Gonna do something else instead

But it made pretty clear, pretty fast, what went wrong here

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Smeags, the 3DS software conference is tomorrow.

Today is a hardware roundtable, or something similar.

Not seen this anywhere else. Wii Virtual Console games will be transferable to the Wii U.


RolStoppable said:
PSwii60 said:

Animal Crossing split-screen multiplayer was also shown, as well as Donkey Kong Crash Course (Arcade-like), but then remember in May Iwata couldn’t promise “overwhelmingly rich” Wii U launch titles

This doesn't excuse not showing any 2013 games though. People like to see what they are buying into, so an outlook for the entire first year of a system doesn't hurt at all.

I completely agree. There really is no better place than E3 to show off their new hardware and unique titles. That's why, to me, the way the conference went rather suspiciously underwhelming and overly vague. It feels Nintendo is underplaying their cards a bit and is being a little too conservative considering their declaration of unprecedented support for third parties. Either it was completely deliberate, and Nintendo plans to sporadically release more solid info post-E3 or they are seriously having personality conflict.

We'll see tomorrow if Nintendo has actually made any adjustments, and hopefully have an ace (or more) up their sleeves. I mean, they claimed to have learned from 3DS.

milkyjoe said:
Not seen this anywhere else. Wii Virtual Console games will be transferable to the Wii U.

You should make a new thread for this.

Edit: "ABC News has learned that there are no brightness controls for the touch screen Wii U GamePad controller, which might have been a good option for saving batteries. This is in line with how other Nintendo handhelds operate; the Nintendo 3DS offers no control over screen brightness."



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milkyjoe said:
Not seen this anywhere else. Wii Virtual Console games will be transferable to the Wii U.

WTH? And they don't mention this?!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I think Nintendo should have put away their rule of not talking about games that are far away from release for this year's E3. When selling a new console you need to convince people that they should absolutely get it and for that you need to show a wide variety of games.

I mean something as simple as revealing the subtitle of the next Smash Bros. would have fleshed out this conference and reminded people that the title was coming to Wii U.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
I think Nintendo should have put away their rule of not talking about games that are far away from release for this year's E3. When selling a new console you need to convince people that they should absolutely get it and for that you need to show a wide variety of games.

I mean something as simple as revealing the subtitle of the next Smash Bros. would have fleshed out this conference and reminded people that the title was coming to Wii U.

I totally agree!

Buying a console is actually a long term investment (at least for me), and if you're gonna buy the new system you're gonna want to know what to expect down the road!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

TruckOSaurus said:
I think Nintendo should have put away their rule of not talking about games that are far away from release for this year's E3. When selling a new console you need to convince people that they should absolutely get it and for that you need to show a wide variety of games.

I mean something as simple as revealing the subtitle of the next Smash Bros. would have fleshed out this conference and reminded people that the title was coming to Wii U.

Very true. Thiey should have realized that this is their chance to go big: if you're asking folks to plunk down hundreds on hardware, you'd damned well better give them great reasons to. A one-month lineup of games probably isn't going to cut it. For example, had they had this rule for the 3DS, I certainly wouldn't have bothered to get a 3DS until after the price cut at the earliest.


Huh. Now I've talked myself out of completely agreeing with you. =^/

milkyjoe said:

It'd be as 'bad' as most 360/PS3 games.

Oh, then why the heck are people complaining?! Geez!