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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

Korppi said:
IamAwsome said:

According to Spike, they are bring a "Mystery developer's project" after they interview Reggie.


 Retro? Monolith?

My money's on Ubisoft.

They spent a lot of time on Ubisoft yesterday, it wouldn't be them. 

Around the Network
hatmoza said:

Lol, and the gifs come rolling in..

did anyone else see Iwata staring at bananas?

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

They needed a really strong finish.

They didn't have it.


They have done a lot talking. That's all.
The conversation was felt force. The presentation was bad overall there was a moment I go out because I can't bear to hear them talking anymore. Talking about Reggie and with his talk with the CEO's.

Anyways. I am more excited for tomorrow. 3DS 1 hour conference.

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Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony should all be ashamed of themselves

While MS was the worst IMO, Nintendo should be most ashamed as their's had the most going for it

WiiBox3 said:
What happened after Nintendoland? I lost my connection.

They talked a little lot more about NintendoLand, Reggie said goodbye and they showed us another tour of NintendoLand!

Signature goes here!

As a  nintendo fan... I liked pikmin and the mario news but.... that was probably one of the worst e3 shows nintendo has have... Zelda, DK, Metroid, retro, monolith, 3rd party games????? I was really dissapointed...
Nintendo land looks like a nice wiisports game, but I am no buying it if they sell it as an standalone game.


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

that was ridiculous

6/10 - Meh

I felt like I missed everything in the show.