In Hamburgerville's final moments, F-F, baalz, and danne held hands and prayed for the evil creature nen to disappear. The lynch post was gone so that's all they really could do. "Prayer will do you two no good!" Nen laughed out. "The two of us?" F-F said with a puzzled look, "I thought we were 3." Poor danne was ignited before he cold even say his goodbyes. "Where is Mr. Kitten?!" cried baalz, "I'm sure he will save us!" Little did poor baalz know, Mr. Kitten packed his bags and left as soon as the natural disasters struck the town.
"Hahaha!" Nen laughed ominously, "Now I will burn you all!... oh wait, I have to wait a full night before I can ignite one of you. Mind waiting it out?" Nen asked kindly. "You mean to tel us you're useless right now!? Are you fucking serious...?" F-F asked. "Get 'em!" baalz shouted.
"Come on guys, we can talk this through!" Nen pleaded as the two survivors dragged him to the hardware shop, the last building standing in town. What F-F and baalz did to Nen was even crueler than what the mafia did to their victims. They nailed nails in Nen's eyes, screwed her into the floor, twisted her tongue out with pliers, and urinated on her.
Hamburgerville was not saved. Everyone except for F-F, baalz, and Mr. Kitten perished. There is no happy ending. The once brilliant Hamburgerville and its colorful people from video games around the world were all dead.
Just like all the other places Mr. Kitten visits... Mr. Kitten is wanted in 48 States and countless countries around the world by the way.
Danne was Ignited
Danne was Samus
Danne was Bullet Proof Town
Nen Was Lynched
Nen was Eve
Nen was Arsonist
Game End
Thank you for Playing!!