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mantlepiecek said:

Linkz reasoning was that Radish is mafia because he hinted he was jailkeeper during day 2.

But, the first person to find out a post that hinted that (which I believe was a sub-conscious hint from radish) was me. Only that post pretty much confirms him to be jailkeeper.

But Linkz attacked him before I came into the scene.

Hence the HoS, since Linkz says that radish hinted being a jailkeeper and should have been killed during the night, when I clearly said it was extremely difficult for anyone, to find that out. Radish has thrown random comments throughout the game, that could have been misinterpreted in many ways. And yet this post, only when seen through retrospective glances proves him to be a jailkeeper.

And that post to ninpie is further proof, he is acting all mighty right there. That's overconfidence of power, he is easily one of the stronger townies we have.

Also at that point he was considering ninpie to be a useless cop because Noctis wasn't revealed as Kefka yet. So we were not sure exactly how the characters aligned with townies/mafias.

Lets not forget ninpie's behavior that time. Radish was throwing his weight around Ninpie for that reason.


That's how I saw it btw.

We agree about Rad too bad we dont about wonk .

Forget about the overwhelming evidance that Rad is telling the truth. I just...really dont see how radish is fake claiming and all he's done so far is an act.

I mean its radish! He's the one who name claimed and got himself killed is the ROF round. That guy cant lie himself out of.....well anything.

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NintendoPie said:
Wonktonodi said:

2 days with not posts of content show me you have no interest

1. not reading and only skimming what happens when you aren'y on shows you have no interest

2. stonwalling and having no opinions of your owns show me you have no interest

3. You lack of contect totally helps scum.  The town can win when the townies participate actively. When they don't by lurking or spamming they just help scum.

Yeah, I heard that a few times from you. You can think that way, I personally don't care.

1. That doesn't make any sense.

2. I have my own opinions.

3. Not true. When a Townie does nothing/"adds no content" they don't help the Scum nor hurt the scum.


1. It might be beyond your comprehension but it makes sense.  Reading is not the same as skimming. Only skimming what happens when you aren't on shows you don't really care.

2. Then share them or

3. once again if you aren't scum hunting but posting spam posts with no content. If you aren't looking for scum you are by your inactivity helping them hide. Lurkers help scum by not posting and letting scum lurk. Spammers help scum by filling the thread with useless information and letting them get away with doing the same.

Final-Fan said:

But you SHOULD want to talk to him.  He's on the verge of being lynched and you haven't looked at the case against him and don't know if you want him to be lynched.  You should talk to him so that your conversation can help you decide to either hammer him or try to convince other people we shouldn't lynch him. 

At least, that is what you should do if you're town. 

>_< He's so annoying to talk to though, at least in this game... 

Wonktonodi said:

1. It might be beyond your comprehension but it makes sense.  Reading is not the same as skimming. Only skimming what happens when you aren't on shows you don't really care.


I didn't mean that. The way you worded it made no sense.

radishhead said:
Final-Fan said:

Holy shit, radish, if your ego was in Russia I'd be able to see it from Sarah Palin's front porch. 

Sorry, it's just annoying when I know that I'm playing better than almost everyone here, yet here I am on L1 because a few people decided that they don't want me to be the top-dog anymore. How do I know this? They're outright ignoring other, more viable leads just so they can feel a bit better about themselves. Ego? I call it common sense.

Oh god... please Radish... could you please drop that act? It is horrible to watch... also I would also like someone to hammer him ASAP.

Oh, and Radish, if you are Town, you would play good if you would not be such a huge distraction... also the moment you were out in the clear again after day one you continued with your typical Radish behaviour... this is the actual reason why I vote for you, you purely deserve it. Well there is still the stuff about everything not fiting... and right now you even paint the worst radish image I have seen so far, because you now act arogant, when you are in no place to do so.

And one thing has been proven to me so far, if linkz says you are scum, you are scum, if he says you are town, you are town... I have seen it often enough!

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Okay people... I'll try to look into Radish, but it'll be torturous! :O

Okay, what is PM Flavour? I keep seeing this and it doesn't help by not knowing what it means.

NintendoPie said:
Okay, what is PM Flavour? I keep seeing this and it doesn't help by not knowing what it means.

PM Flavour is additional Text in your PM that has nothing to do with explaining your ability, giving you your name and telling you about your allignment.

NintendoPie said:
Okay, what is PM Flavour? I keep seeing this and it doesn't help by not knowing what it means.

flavour is anything more than just saying what the role and character are. LIke the flavour in the posts that start and end the day. Everything more than day start night start and the flips of who dies is flavour.

Stefl1504 said:
NintendoPie said:
Okay, what is PM Flavour? I keep seeing this and it doesn't help by not knowing what it means.

PM Flavour is additional Text in your Role-PM that has nothing to do with explaining your ability, giving you your name and telling you about your allignment.


for clarification, that is the PM you got from hatmoza at the beginning of the game