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Come on, NinPie just admitted that he doesn't feel like reading the thread anymore- isn't it worth lynching a flavour cop that isn't interested in the game than risking lynching (because I appreciate that you guys don't know that I'm town) an unlimited use jailkeeper?

Vote: NinPie

@Baalz, you realise that if you get me lynched then you're going to be the target tomorrow? You too Linkz and Trucks - just because you know that I'm telling the truth about my role, and you realise that it'd be a huge advantage to you if I were to die, you don't all have to go into moronic tunnel mode just to make sure that your plan is complete. Imagine that I'm lynched right now, within the next 50 posts or so, and I am flipped to be exactly what I said I was. Maybe then you'd wish that one of you had played a more subtle approach regarding my lynch train than what you've currently displayed. Because what Mafia comes down to is perception of others, and following my lynch there will be a LOT more information to go on, not from Cop roles, but from the way that you've essentially revealed your intentions today. Now you can't say that you were just "following the crowd" on this one; you 3 made up the entire crowd; making it seem like there was a case, when there wasn't. I must admit though, the coordination of this attack is very good - I suppose that the Mafia can talk during the daytime in this round.

@Prof: It seems that Rainbow Dash has been misinterpreting my playstyle as much as all of you guys

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Wonktonodi said:
NintendoPie said:
LOL! You really figured that out? 

I don't want to read it, it takes up too much time and gets boring.

so why are you even playing?

I really dont know why people sign up to mafia games when they have no intention of actualy playing.

Also i really like Moreno to be mod killed at this point becouse he is beyond lurking.

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Even if i dont trust the claim i cant lynch him by meself.

I say we lynch Moreno today and have Rad scanned (i suppose you guys can agree to this ?)

Unvote: Wonk

Vote: Moreno

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Wonktonodi said:
mantlepiecek said:
Linkzmax said:
As well? If you think they had two shots then he certainly would have been killed too, if he's town of course.

You're kind of proving my point you know. prof was strongmanned for claiming a 1-time RB/Pilfer while radish hinted being a jailkeeper and is still alive.

HoS : Linkz

Radish never hinted being a jailkeeper. Other than the post I posted which was very subtle. He only hinted being a blocker. 

And between radish and prof, mafia are more likely to move towards prof because of his experience.

and here you bring up other reasons to take out prof wich would counter you point about radish claiming.It's like you are trying to argue for the sake of arguing and disregarding your own viewpoints just so you can disagree.

I don't understand this post. Radish didn't claim until day 3, but he gave hints all along the way.

My viewpoint is that radish knew he was a jailkeeper. He has given hints to prof, when it was NOT needed. In fact, the way he put it, the only way you could probably know it is if you knew he was a jailkeeper.


It's not both ways. I didn't pick up on the hint until day 3, btw. He just said, "Or it could be a jailkeeper saving your life" (something like that). That doesn't say anything to the mafia, at all.


Anyways, imo, the town is going for a mislynch right now.


Also regarding your previous posts : I am not disregarding Linkz points. He is right in some ways, so I only reply to points that I think should be addressed.

I think the mafia attacked prof with the strongman because they wanted him out desperately. They may not have known that radish is a jailkeeper. How many people found that out anyway? They thought of him as a lesser threat in comparison to prof's experience as well as ability.

This is what I wanted to say.

radishhead said:
Wonktonodi said:
radishhead said:
Linkzmax said:
You're right. That's why I voted you for claiming infinite use when every other power claimed has been otherwise.

Well what was I supposed to do? Claim that I had limitations and then get lynched later because I reveal that I've been jailkeeping during every night phase? I can't help the role that I've been given.

claiming limits would seem more your style since you would want to be less of a target for a nightkill. but maybe you aren't that worried about a nightkill

My style is always telling the absolute truth whether it means death for me or not

Oh yeah, sure mister jigglypuff....

Around the Network
Stefl1504 said:
radishhead said:
Wonktonodi said:
radishhead said:
Linkzmax said:
You're right. That's why I voted you for claiming infinite use when every other power claimed has been otherwise.

Well what was I supposed to do? Claim that I had limitations and then get lynched later because I reveal that I've been jailkeeping during every night phase? I can't help the role that I've been given.

claiming limits would seem more your style since you would want to be less of a target for a nightkill. but maybe you aren't that worried about a nightkill

My style is always telling the absolute truth whether it means death for me or not

Oh yeah, sure mister jigglypuff....

I said it last round and I'll say it again: that wasn't a lie - that was a fakeclaim (not only that, but it was a fakeclaim that I NEVER ACTUALLY CLAIMED)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
Stefl1504 said:

Oh yeah, sure mister jigglypuff....

I said it last round and I'll say it again: that wasn't a lie - that was a fakeclaim (not only that, but it was a fakeclaim that I NEVER ACTUALLY CLAIMED)

Yeah, but if someone fakeclaims it isn't a lie right, so you dismiss your own statement of never lying -> because you can tell the truth while fakeclaiming...

Also Radish, I wanted to remind you, we still are waiting for those rereads of some people you only made one so far, you don't want to be a liar, do you?

Stefl1504 said:
Also Radish, I wanted to remind you, we still are waiting for those rereads of some people you only made one so far, you don't want to be a liar, do you?

Ah yes, I forgot about those-  well, I can't do it today, but I'll do one tomorrow for sure; do you have any requests?

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
Stefl1504 said:
Also Radish, I wanted to remind you, we still are waiting for those rereads of some people you only made one so far, you don't want to be a liar, do you?

Ah yes, I forgot about those-  well, I can't do it today, but I'll do one tomorrow for sure; do you have any requests?

We already had a lot of requests if I remember correctly, also if I remember correctly, you already said tomorrow some days ago, and additionally I believe that you don't will live until tomorrow...