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Linkzmax said:
I linked to it in the thread already. Bizarre that outlaw died presumably with the power that was meant to save such a death.

While dying Master Chief has an antidote. It makes me think Rol was a Poison Doctor.

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outlawauron said:

Peace out Outlaw.

Sorry for being such a meanie head.

(Nothing I can do with charred meat...)
outlaw pretty much confirmed what Rol was.(FF) Though it's possible Rol was a doc to fire and poison and any other non-standard kill.


At the Stray Sheep, they separated. "Good night Mr. Kitten" waved Rufus as he entered to the local pub. Mr. Kitten, however, figured it was too early to call it in for the night, he had other plans. " Maybe I should look around for any strange activities going 'round town." He thought. A startling laugh, almost sinister echoed through Mr. Kittens ears. This was no ordinary laugh. The laughter sent a terrible tremble down his spine. Lights throughout the town lit, people exited their homes curious to what the origin of that awful, ominous sound could be. Among them, Rufus, smudging off lipstick from his collar. "Call me!" a gorgeous red head shouted to him as he headed towards Mr. Kitten.

It was Noctis. "What is the matter?! Why are you laughing like a madman?!" demanded many confused town people. "I just thought I'd go ahead and make myself noticed since I was busy plotting for your deaths in my absence!" responded Noctis, "Nothing can beat the music of thousands of dying in unison! The very thought of it ... I find it amusing. Bwar hurh hurh hurh huh!"

The town carried the disturbed Noctis to the center of the town where they already readied their post just for this occasion. "You are a monster!" cried Cortana, "How many others have you killed?!"  Princess Peaches questioned. "Well, er. I haven't really killed anyone to be honest." Noctis countered, "I couldn't find your water source! Bwar hurh hurh hurh huh!"

"Mother of God. I think they finally got something going for themselves." explained Mr. Kitten to Rufus, "Good for the town! Don't you agree Rufus? ... Rufus?" ... " Yes! And the laughter stopped too!" Responded Rufus as they both watched Noctis swing by the neck.

"If you need me Mr. Kitten, I'll be spending the night at Erica's house."


Noctis was Lynched



Night 2 Start

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Heck, I'll just announce it here instead of using PMs.

Nights going to be 'bout 12 hours longer than usual. So don't rush your actions.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

So... I guess it was a good thing!

Mr. Kitten took advantage of the morning light to see the identity of last night's lynched member. He could have used a flash light prior, but logic seems to change after spending so much time in Hamburgerville. "Why, if it isn't the crazy Kefka and his poison bottle" pointed out Mr. Kitten, "The town successfully lynched a baddy!"

"Mr. Kitten!!!" rushed Rufus, "Come! Something's happened to Prof! I think he's dead!"

On the scene, Pr. Layton describe  what happened:

"It looks like the victim disappeared after a brutal death. The rope indicates Prof was tied to a chair and tortured. That broken baseball bat next to those shattered teeth looks like the crime weapon... scratch that, those condoms indicate that he was not dealt death with the  baseball bat, but he was gang raped by several members afterwards. It was after the horrific sex that Prof took his final breathe ... scratch that because rape is not funny. Those computers over there indicate that Prof tried to bribe the baddys with a game of Diablo 3 that was just recently released. Evidence does show that they spent at least 6 hours playing Diablo before his death. The broken keyboard shows that someone must have rage quit. It was in this rage that Prof was sent to his maker."

"Ok, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what exactly killed prof but whoever did this really wanted him dead. Nothing would have prevented this murder. Though, the disappearance looks like the work of someone else."

Noctis was Kefka

Noctis was a Serial Killer/Poisoner


Prof was Murdered

Prof was Janitored


Day 3 Start

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I am thinking prof was killed by a mafia hitman, if he is a townie.

Also there is a passive janitor.