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"I don't get it" Rufus complained, "I thought they wanted more time ..."

"You have a lot to learn young one." replied Mr. Kitten, "you got to treat the people like poop straight from the beginning because they will eventually poop all over you regardless of your efforts. Still, let's see where this lynch goes as I ... erm, haven't counted the votes"

"Then why are we in flavor mode Mr. Kitten?" wondered Rufus.

"Thought I'd mix things up a bit" Outlawauron responded out of nowhere. "I'm here to finish the fight. I'm going to shoot my way out of this like I always do! Here's the plan: I'll visit everybody's house right now, and see for myself who the stinkin' scum are. If they are innocent, I'll leave 'em alone, if not, I'll shoot 'em in the face."

"This truly is a flawless plan!" Shouted Mr. Kitten with excitement, "no more innocents will die! Thank you, thank you so much Chief!"

Outlawauron remembered, "I also have this antidote that supposedly saves people from getting ...AHHH! HOT! HOT! I FEEL LIKE MY BODY'S BURNING FROM THE INSIDE OUT!"

Mr. Kitten and Rufus took several steps back from Outlawauron to avoid the flames that abruptly sparked from his body, "is that normal?" asked Rufus. "No,Rufus ... this is a new one ... even for me."

Outlawauron ran around for a few moments screaming and crying. It doesn't really take that long to die when each and every single cell in your body burns simultaneously. Even in death, he wore his helmet proudly ... but he still cried like a girl. Just saying.


Outlawauron was Ignited

Outlawauron was Masterchief from the Halo Series

Outlawauron was a Universal Back-up

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Gonna count the votes so treat this as Twilight until further notice.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Universal Back-Up? What?

Your flavors are gold.

What the fuck? Does the mean outlaw was targetted by a (delayed) arsonist and he didn't know about it? If he knew, why didn't he tell anyone?

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:
What the fuck? Does the mean outlaw was targetted by a (delayed) arsonist and he didn't know about it? If he knew, why didn't he tell anyone?

Maybe he could not. What do you mean by Arsonist?

I'm not gonna lie.

I'm really confused right now.

Someone explain to me what just happened.

....Well. I am really hoping Noctis was mafia now. At least that would mean my initial guess was correct.

Smeags said:
I'm not gonna lie.

I'm really confused right now.

Someone explain to me what just happened.

Outlawauron internally combusted.

NintendoPie said:
Smeags said:
I'm not gonna lie.

I'm really confused right now.

Someone explain to me what just happened.

Outlawauron internally combusted.

Well I kinda got that... *laughs*