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@Truck yeah, Diablo2 is awesome! Can't wait to get my hands on the third!
So you see how I could mix up abilities and roles, Me being noob and all? I thought roles were the same as having actions, and abilities was the same as power ups... Kinda...

@Nen noooooo! Zeus is such a cruel God!

Do we lynch someone or take a chill pill?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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I think we should definitely try and lynch someone. At this point I think if we don't the town might lose anyway. And this time limit maybe there on Day 3 as well.

mantlepiecek said:
I am a Miller.

My character is Alucard.

Also I was going to roleclaim anyways, since I was afraid a Cop might scan me and consider me mafia. But didn't since I didn't attract that much heat until today.

Honestly I have no idea who Alucard is.

Alucard is Dracula's son and the protagonist in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night so him being Miller does make sense.

FoS (Finger of Shame) on you for not knowing about SotN!

Signature goes here!

DanneSandin said:
@Truck yeah, Diablo2 is awesome! Can't wait to get my hands on the third!
So you see how I could mix up abilities and roles, Me being noob and all? I thought roles were the same as having actions, and abilities was the same as power ups... Kinda...

@Nen noooooo! Zeus is such a cruel God!

Do we lynch someone or take a chill pill?

Damn I meant Diablo III. D2 is also awesome of course.

I think I believe you for now since your claim makes sense and your reactions to being suspected felt genuine.

Signature goes here!

DanneSandin said:
noooooo! Zeus is such a cruel God!

Do we lynch someone or take a chill pill?

Mr. Kitten is the cruel one.

I say we lynch, i got Linkz & Pie on my plate now. One sounds scum and the other had fishy role claim and an unbelivable name claim.

ii'll decide when i get back home. 1 hour bus ride clears the mind.

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As much as I approve of Day 1 no lynches, it's definitely worth following up with one of our leads going into Day 3 today imo

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

theprof00 said:
Oh, and I'll claim too, while I'm at it.

I am a roleblocker/absorber 1 time shot.

Trucks is our 2 shot cop.

He was very likely to be blocked last night. Hat wouldn't tell me if being blocked would result in a lost shot. I assumed that Trucks was guaranteed to be blocked last night. So, I ALSO blocked him, because I would at least take one of those shots from him and be able to use it freely without being blocked. It would also give the chance that we would both scan in the same night, possibly clearing 2 people at once, which is much better than one at a time. Additionally, if Trucks would have lost a shot by being blocked, it would be totally fine because it would not go to waste.
This is why I said, "trucks may have questions", I assumed he would have received a pm telling him that he lost a shot, and I wanted to reassure him".
Also, in scenario b, where trucks is mafia, I would absorb a mafia power, or even block a kill and receive a kill instead!

Now, the condition of my role is that I do not know the ability I receive until tonight. Trucks claimed that he was not blocked. This would immediately
Trucks says he was not blocked. I don't know if Trucks was blocked or not because the blocker does not receive a message of accomplishment. But...I will know tonight, so, I must not die, stefl. You are hereby ordered to protect me. You are already under suspicion of being mafia being a man. If you let me die, you will be lynched (I assume). Doctor can protect whoever they want.

It is possible that my action did indeed go through and I will see tonight what his role is. We can decide tomorrow what the result means.
If there is a busser, or I was blocked, or diverted, we'll find out tomorrow.

Now that's interesting. I was not blocked last night. In fact, I'll reveal my scan since it'll help us shape our idea of how name and alignment fit. I scanned Baalzamon because I was convinced of his scumminess and wanted to scream "I told you so" to everyone on Day Two with my guilty result but I was wrong about him and he scanned Not Guilty.

Are you sure you do both roleblock AND absorb, not just one or the other?

Also, you forgot that I'm Duke Nukem when you made your gender alignment theory.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

Now that's interesting. I was not blocked last night. In fact, I'll reveal my scan since it'll help us shape our idea of how name and alignment fit. I scanned Baalzamon because I was convinced of his scumminess and wanted to scream "I told you so" to everyone on Day Two with my guilty result but I was wrong about him and he scanned Not Guilty.

Are you sure you do both roleblock AND absorb, not just one or the other?

Also, you forgot that I'm Duke Nukem when you made your gender alignment theory.

Yes i do both.

Edit:snipped the quote

If I think I know the answer to this Prof/Trucks roleblocking issue, but revealing it wouldn't particularly help the town in any way, except that Prof will know what happened on Night 1 - if it worth mentioning?

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

no. DOn't say anything. No reason. Unless it's something crazy like you tracked me to a different person