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morenoingrato said:

theprof00 said:

(Deleted unrelated stuff before this)

Know now, little sister, that your life is now forfeit if you are a recruitable. You WILL be recruited by one side or the other, and both sides will consider you too dangerous to allow to live. You are especially more powerful on mafia side, so I will push for your lynch asap.

(Deleted unrelated stuff after this)

Do you have any proof of that apart from your crappy theories?

Whoa a little testy there aren't we.

And LOL at your sentence. "Do you have any proof apart from theories"?

That's why it's called a theory.

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Baalzamon said:
Oh silly me, well I have seen it in some legitimate newspaper articles and whatnot and I think there has to be a reason.

ahh, yes. That's when someone is being quoted out of context and it doesn't quite make sense to all readers unless it's slightly edited.

For example:

After a brief encounter with Lebron, he replied, "You can't let their chants bother you. We already know I'm a choke artist."

To the readers in the article:

After a brief encounter with Lebron, he replied "You can't let [the crowds] chants bother you. [Dwayne, Bosh, and I] already know I'm a choke artist."


I mostly see it with indefinite pronouns when I'm reading articles.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

It created bullshit, prof. Speaking of which, why have you been dodging my questions?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Linkzmax said:

You didn't say that explicitly, I'm mocking you for calling me inactive when I wasn't even online because I was at work. You called me out twice for being quiet. I pointed out that I wasn't even the most quiet and wondered why you didn't mention some other names. You never responded because apparently you don't know how to use backspace/delete. But Mario's quote clusters are just fine, right?

Yeah sure.

You seem to post fine lately, guess your on a vecation now right? And once again your lying, i brought up wonk, Noc and Trucks.

And yeah your quote clusters were terible, but guess you wont even  admit that. Oh yeah, I see now how you brought up the same point in a completely different manner. /sarcasm

What? It was minutes between the posts. You're lucky this site is such garbage for Mafia.

oh my! wow!

Desperate for what? I am linking you to prof, just not in the way that you are scumbuddies.

Thats sarcasm right ?

I haven't dug for posts like I used to in many games. It's a chore that falls on deaf eyes. Skimming through radish and Stefl's walls of analyeses had me shouting "get to the point!"

look at his infamous quote cluster....will yeah i cant ask to go over board with your analyeses /sarcasm.

The nameclaims don't point to anything yet, and I suspected nothing would come of it since we're already on day 2.

Of the role claims, Trucks and Stefl are the easiest to fake.
NinPie's can't be faked unless he's mafia and giving up his own team's names; however the role isn't necessarily town. I'm not familiar with Kid of Chrono Cross,(cus it did such a disservice to Chrono Trigger I couldn't finish it) but many of the other claims are fitting with their names. Tails having two tails makes sense to have two votes now. Luigi is still odd, but maybe it's from Luigi's Mansion or something rather than the standard SMB series. As such, I don't think anyone else should nameclaim at this point either.
Very much buying Mantle because 21 players suggests a miller as a counter to the cop.
Danne being bulletproof highly suggests a serial killer or two mafia teams. Even if he's mafia claiming his actual role, it makes sense to have the protection against extra night kills. It's likely there's a vigilante in town too, but that's not a reason to have a town BP.

That quote culster was after i said your being quit, then you came with that biga$$ quote and suprised me coze i didnt think you'd care

if i was the only one saying that! 

The only reason you are after me now is becouse i said found you suspcious, thats it. thats what your saying. Thats the main reason.

Even now i asked you for your thought about the role claim and you answered fully! something you would have done when your town.

You seem to care to much what everyone says about you and that why i think your scum a a lousy scummy scum.

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Lately, like today, as in Sunday? You did not bring up Noc or Wonk for being quiet.

How are 4 quotes in a post worse than 16?(Might be an exaggeration)

"Oh my! wow!" Well I sure can't argue against that rebuttal, nor "That's sarcasm right?"

Who's infamous quote cluster? Me quoting things as I read through them is not the same as trying to sift through 1600+ posts to link to something that only 2 or 3 people will click on anyway.

I'm not Wonk. Counter-suspicion is not the only card in my deck. I'm voting for you because you've been shadowing prof. Even prof agrees that it's fairly accurate, he just disagrees on your alignment because you cleared Stefl's nameclaim.

So I did something I would do when I'm town, and that makes me scum? Brilliant logic there.

I care when I'm being misrepresented, such as calling me out but not naming others that were worse in activity. And you're misrepresenting me again, because I've largely ignored the mention of my name. It was often prof alluding to suspicions of me, and since I thought he was transparently town I see no reason to say anything about it.

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there were legitimate questions in there? Lemme check back again.

You asked some questions earlier that i thought should be addressed.
i didnt say that ninpie targeted rol. I said ninpies role is often used in mafia as a way to identify threats.
you scan someone and kill another. You hope to kill the cop and if not hope you scan the cop.
Either way youve eliminated two possible townies from being the cop. You then hope that you scanned someone else imporant like a watcher so you have the decision to either a) kill the watcher and scan someone else, or if your scan was a crappy role you just scan and shoot two different people.
Also i thought for a moment that yuna was mafia as well, but linkz talked me out of it. I was indeed getting a little carried away.
Rather more to your point, baalz and rol were on ninpie. Baalz got scanned and rol died. And you think mafia wasnt trying to eliminate threats there?
I can say this much, it doesnt appear that baalz or rol are aligned to ninpie.

Also i think the evidence is fairly overwhelming against ninpie.
Vote ninpie

Followd by hos noc for not claiming.

Also doc feel free to protect trucks or yourself tonight.
Stefl you protect me no questions asked. I need to know what power i got and share it with you.

Of course if ninpie is town feel free to do wjatever with me.

prof, do you know where your vote had been?

I confess I've been throwing my vote around to push discussion and claims, but I could've sworn that I unvoted ninpie. After he claimed I wanted him to feel safe so I unvoted, did I not?

Either way, I've also been bold unvoting before every vote because I just want to make sure it gets recorded.