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Please try to convey your thoughts in more than one sentence so we don't have to clog up everything with posts.
This feels like a miscommunication, so in the future, try to explain your thought process completely in order to expedite conversations.

Your "erm" doesn't follow because he says "night abilities". Like I said, it is simply a clarification. He's implying that he's a regular townie with a passive role like "voteless" or "priest" or "actor" etc. In my post he says regular townie. A regular townie doesn't even have passive roles, they are just plain.
Like I said, your quotes are just clarifications where he puts conditions on his original post. "Regular townie" in my post becomes "no night action" in yours, the reference to 'no role' in my post becomes "not a cop or doc role" in yours. Do you see?

I'm reading your "He doesn't know about any other role" again and again as I'm typing this trying to answer you, but I'm not sure what you're trying to say, still.

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theprof00 said:
Please try to convey your thoughts in more than one sentence so we don't have to clog up everything with posts.
This feels like a miscommunication, so in the future, try to explain your thought process completely in order to expedite conversations.

Your "erm" doesn't follow because he says "night abilities". Like I said, it is simply a clarification. He's implying that he's a regular townie with a passive role like "voteless" or "priest" or "actor" etc. In my post he says regular townie. A regular townie doesn't even have passive roles, they are just plain.
Like I said, your quotes are just clarifications where he puts conditions on his original post. "Regular townie" in my post becomes "no night action" in yours, the reference to 'no role' in my post becomes "not a cop or doc role" in yours. Do you see?

I'm reading your "He doesn't know about any other role" again and again as I'm typing this trying to answer you, but I'm not sure what you're trying to say, still.

Hmm...I don't know. I guess I misunderstood you. You say that a regular townie can be voteless/actor/priest? I didn't consider it that way. I thought a regular townie was a like a regular cop with no conditions attached.

whew i am a grumpy mcgumprson today. Diablo 3 and up at 5am do not mix well.


Everyone has their playstyle for Mafia, and while yours (along with Rols and Profs) is serious deducer (which is fine, you're honestly doing a great job), I like to sit back and play my own game. If you could probably tell from my "butcher" persona, I like to have a bit of fun being "that mysterious dude" that people are never quite sure about (other fun persona's to play as: the Mortician, Crazy Bum, etc, ). This is just a game, and I was intending to have some fun with it.

As for day 1 lynchs, I still stand by my opinion of them. And while we did have some interesting discussions about one another that has led to some interesting leads, I still don't think that one day without anything happening (aka a Mafia kill, or even a Vigilante kill) is a reason to kill off anyone during Day 1. There's just not enough solid information bar an outright confirmation. We ended up with a no lynch in the end, so it worked out. And like I said, things get much more clearer and fun once the first night is over with. And here we are, and so it is.

I do apologize if I seem like I'm here to ruin the game. Not my intention at all... but in my defense, I am trying to hold my cards to best support the game. I mean, right now we've got both of our cops out in the open... and we're only on the second day. That's... um... (if I may say so) not very smart Mafia. There's usually a rule in place in live Mafia where one can't come out and reveal their role... so I'm kinda taken aback at how quickly people are just telling others (including Mafia members) who they are. I mean, there's really not a good counter for that (only that the doctor now knows who to protect... but now he has a 50/50 chance of having a successful procedure, and leaves everyone else out to be picked off by Mafia).

For all of our good deductions and clue findings, we're not playing smart Mafia at the moment. And Mafia members have the advantage right now.

Claiming is part of mafia. The point is mafia can claim as well. We dont know for sire of tjeyre telling the trutg.

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mantlepiecek said:

Here is the post where he doesn't accept being a regular townie. He neither accepts it nor denies it. Why do that?

Thing is, when I posted that I didn't know that everyone had a role. I thought that "abilities" and "roles" were two different things. I didn't think that I had a role, but an ability. I thought that the only townie roles were doc and cop - but now I understand that everyone (I'm asuming anyway) has a role. Why did I seperate the two to begin with? I can't actually DO anything with my role/power. I can't go out at night doing stuff - which I thought was what "roles" did, but I was wrong about that. Every one has a role it would seem - which I wasn't aware of until quite recently. Or rather, I didn't UNDERSTAND that everyone has a role.

Hope you understand what I mean... Or else come back and say so and I'll try to explain in another way.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:
Im not sYing townies arent main characters.
Im saying how do we know bad guys dont have protagonist names as well.

Yeah mafia could have  protagonist names as well. Other wise the  name cop will be a full fledged cop if thats the case.

But what if there's no real cop in this game? I don't remember it right now, but didn't Truck say that he wasn't a real cop? It sounded more like he only had part of the abilities a cop have - just like NinPie says he does. Perhaps they only can see the name of characters, and we have to figure out what team they're on? Do you follow me here, or am I doing a bad job at conveing my thoughts? =P

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

theprof00 said:
DanneSandin said:
theprof00 said:
Remember guys, this is DS's suspect list.
"I'll tell you this much: I've had it in for Rol ever since we started this game... I think it was because he went about so eagerly to find someone to lynch... But is he mafia? Don't know... But he sure likes to see some hanging going down...

Other than that... Moreno, Baalz, Mario and Truck have all caught my eye in some fashion... I can't believe Truck went out with him being a cop this early!"

He also mentions nen later.

As for townies, he mentions, ninpie.

Later says Rol is likely to die.

I went through the remaining people, and come up with this list:
wonk, noc, stefl, mantle, outlaw, rainbow, insomniac, smeags, radish, linkz

He also calls linkz, "slippery".
I believe DS is mafia and this "innocent list" is his likely team.

Now, I can remove stefl and insomniac, because I feel pretty confidently about them. Stefl's claim and insomniac fighting with me yesterday regarding DS' claim. (sorry insom, I wanted DS to feel comfortable so I could get this info out of him). And if outlaw is the anti-janitor, then:

wonk, noc, mantle, ff, rainbow, smeags, radish, linkz (taken from the first page list)

I believe a majority of the scum team is likely in these people.

Of course, DS might not be scum at all, or could be scum and just fed me fake info, but those people he lists as suspects...well, I for one trust most of them.

And I was right about Rol, no? X Why the hell would I first HoS Rol (I actually think that I did that, at least I FoS'd him) and then openly say  that I think Rol would go first, and then MURDER him?! That's like saying I'm mafia (mind you, I don't actually say that I AM mafia; I'm just stating how dumb that scenario would be). And that could be one of the reasons why Rol got picked, unfortunately. Now ppl will automaticly think of me as scum cuz I pointed out Rol as a possible target - which just plays the mafia right into their hands. Well done.

And if I WERE mafia, Y I sure as hell would have thrown in one or two of my mafia buds in my suspect list!


You act like you're incapable of doing the x  opposite thing that people would expect, and then proceed to tell me that you would have done the y opposite thing...

Would you mind wording that in a different way? I don't know if I quite follow?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

theprof00 said:
Im not sYing townies arent main characters.
Im saying how do we know bad guys dont have protagonist names as well.

We don't know until we find one.  But perhaps that's the way this game works? NinPie isn't a full out cop, he's a flavor cop (I think it's called) and it would seem as if Trucks also a flavor cop (but can't remember at this very moment). Two flavor cops - if both are telling the truth. And if that's the case it would render the godfather useless (well, at the very least cripple him) IF townies have protagonist names and mafias are antagonists....

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
mantlepiecek said:

Here is the post where he doesn't accept being a regular townie. He neither accepts it nor denies it. Why do that?

Thing is, when I posted that I didn't know that everyone had a role. I thought that "abilities" and "roles" were two different things. I didn't think that I had a role, but an ability. I thought that the only townie roles were doc and cop - but now I understand that everyone (I'm asuming anyway) has a role. Why did I seperate the two to begin with? I can't actually DO anything with my role/power. I can't go out at night doing stuff - which I thought was what "roles" did, but I was wrong about that. Every one has a role it would seem - which I wasn't aware of until quite recently. Or rather, I didn't UNDERSTAND that everyone has a role.

Hope you understand what I mean... Or else come back and say so and I'll try to explain in another way.

I see.

I want to know your suspects. Honest suspects that you think are highly suspicious, possible mafias.