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Was the Wii a fad?

Yes 131 38.76%
No 152 44.97%
Irrevelant, next-gen is coming 28 8.28%
see results 26 7.69%
d21lewis said:
And Mazty. I probably failed to mention this but I have a PC connected to my TV right beside my Wii, PS3, and 360. I use a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse to browse the web. I'm using it right now. Laptop in my lap and mouse beside me. It's not that tough.

You need a hard surface to rest both a mouse and keyboard on. A wireless set up merely means your surface can be further away from the case, but you still need something to rest them on. 
Seriously you really, really aren't helping yourself out here. Be a little humble and admit it wasn't the best of comments to make. 

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maybe the real question is "are motion controls a fad?" some people certainly think so...

d21lewis said:
Mazty said:

How are you going to use motion controls when you are sat on a sofa? Oh right you stand up. 
You just dug yourself in deeper there bud. 

I am at a loss for words.  Pics, I guess.

Motion controls for PC.  That's just the first one that came up.  There's more.  There's much more.

They even made Portal 2 exclusive stages to try and promote that awful thing.

d21lewis said:
Mazty said:

How are you going to use motion controls when you are sat on a sofa? Oh right you stand up. 
You just dug yourself in deeper there bud. 

I am at a loss for words.  Pics, I guess.

Motion controls for PC.  That's just the first one that came up.  There's more.  There's much more.

Oh I know they exist, razer have made one, but they aren't exactly flying off of all. 

Panama said:

The power of the console is irrelevant to the question. If it wasn't a fad it wouldn't be getting outsold 2:1 for over a year now when it was outselling the competitor by at least 3:1 at some stages in its lifecycle, simple as that. There's no sugar coating it. I'm simply answering the question with what I deem to be the most logical approach. I'm quite certain that the NES, SNES, PS1 and PS2 were not so greatly outsold by their competitors on a weekly basis towards the end of their lifecycles.

You're right.  Partly because their competition had died.  Five year life span, remember?

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Mazty said:

Oh I know they exist, razer have made one, but they aren't exactly flying off of all. 

But they exist, right?

Mazty said:
d21lewis said:
Mazty said:
d21lewis said:




More unconstructive jibberish. You made a bad point and aren't humble enough to develop your point of view. As I said, at 25, such behaviour is just embarrassing.  Either show how I'm being illogical or bow out with some grace. 


Show me the bad point I made? Lol. The only point I have made in this thread is that you where wrong in saying that Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros. sales where only because they where bundled with the Wii. I have not made any other point besides that one. After I prove you that you made a bad point, the only one that needs to bow out with some grace is you. You lost this debate almost 50 posts ago.

d21lewis said:
Mazty said:

Oh I know they exist, razer have made one, but they aren't exactly flying off of all. 

But they exist, right?

And they have been a staggering failure, and therefore shown to be a fad...

Gonna go play some Xenoblade. G'night, guys.

Mazty said:
d21lewis said:
Mazty said:

Oh I know they exist, razer have made one, but they aren't exactly flying off of all. 

But they exist, right?

And they have been a staggering failure, and therefore shown to be a fad...

You asked why weren't they available for PC.  I showed you that they were.

You said Wii games didn't sell well unless they were bundled.  Sensebringer showed you that they did.

I don't know what else you want from us......and I'm tired.  We'll just agree to disagree.  I enjoyed it, though.  I've missed stuff like this on this site.  Take care, man.