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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top Game Developer of all Time, (Irrational is the winner!!) - ....VG Chartz user's are f***ed (me included)


Blizzard  98
Square-Enix 86
Retro Studio 97
HAL Laboratory 105
Sony Santa Monica 100
Bioware 101
Epic Games 100
Naughty Dog 92
Insomniac 92
Platinum Games 97
Capcom 28
Bethesda 79
Valve 108
Rockstar 89
Bungie 103
Maxis 100
Dice 97
Visceral Games 100
Shin'en 99
Tamsoft 100
Atlus 97
Sega 79
Ensemble Studios 100
Codemasters 100
Lucasarts/Lucasfilms 101
Microprose 100
Origin Systems 100
Irrational 100
Intellegent Systems 101
Treasure 101
Piranha Bytes 88
Cing 70
Monolith Soft 96
Eidos Montreal 91
Studio 4C 100
Gust 97
Alphadream 100
Grasshopper Manufacture 97
Gamefreak 100
From Software 97
CyberConnect2 91
Media Molecule 88
Quantic Dreams 91
Kojima Productions





It's a shame, because I really like Sega- if you stop voting down Nintendo I will stop voting up Nintendo, and stop voting down Sega :)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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zero129 said:
bouzane said:


I may be stubborn but the childish, vindictive down voting of SEGA as some sort of retaliation is enough to keep me here.

PS. Your concern that I may get an extra vote against Nintendo shows that you are taking this too seriously.

Hmm hahaha, dude did you even read what you just posted?.

First you say you think Nintendo is a great company and you're only down voting them cos you hate Nintendo fans.

Then you say Nintendo is over rated, and complain cos their games get such good review scores (You ever stop to think they sell so much and get such good reviews cos their games are GOOD??).

Then you say the "Childish, Vindictive down voting of Sega as some sort of retaliation is whats keeping you here. Yet you are doing the very same thing against Nintendo, and then have the nerve to say you hate us thats voting for Nintendo O_o , Yep thats very hmm grown up of you *Rolls eyes*.

Much can be said for reading comprehension. Something can be both great and overrated, it's as simple as that. Did you ever think that no game deserves a 98 metascore, especially one with abundant flaws? I am not disputing that they are quality games but to insist that they are flawless is ridiculous. Sorry if I hurt feelings but the response that I'm getting simply proves that people are taking this a bit too personally. Go ahead, vote against SEGA as if it serves as some sort of revenge for my actions. Question my motives, attack me personally, confront me about my opinions and be insulting and vindictive; just don't claim that a single vote against Nintendo warranted this sort of response.

Sorry Gilgamesh but this thread should be locked. It was a good idea at the start... now look at it... at least there was some type of conversation going on. (Although just back and forth arguments...)
Good job Conegamer! (your posts are the best in this thread!)

Just change it so voting can only be done once a day, that alone would correct much of the issue.

Thanks NinPie. I did try, but a petty dispute like this was bound to break out sooner or later. I'm just happy it's sooner.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network
bouzane said:
Just change it so voting can only be done once a day, that alone would correct much of the issue.

Good idea... though it would make this thread take even longer to end.

NintendoPie said:
bouzane said:
Just change it so voting can only be done once a day, that alone would correct much of the issue.

Good idea... though it would make this thread take even longer to end.

Ugh. That would only drag it on to...

*alters calculations*

Mid October 2013 if things continue like they were. Right now, more likely March 2014.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Alright zero129, it seems that it wasn't until after my second vote against Nintendo that the SEGA bashing started. Seeing that this is the case I'll leave, but I have to say, people are shockingly hostile over such trivial nonsense.

Conegamer said:
NintendoPie said:
bouzane said:
Just change it so voting can only be done once a day, that alone would correct much of the issue.

Good idea... though it would make this thread take even longer to end.

Ugh. That would only drag it on to...

*alters calculations*

Mid October 2013 if things continue like they were. Right now, more likely March 2014.

What game does this remind me of...


Final Fantasy Versus XIII rings a bell!

bouzane said:
Alright zero129, it seems that it wasn't until after my second vote against Nintendo that the SEGA bashing started. Seeing that this is the case I'll leave, but I have to say, people are shockingly hostile over such trivial nonsense.

Welcome to the Internet.

In honesty, the thread should have been abandoned long ago. A good idea poorly executed it would seem.

@NinPie- The difference is that this thread COULD actually come to an end. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.