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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

theprof00 said:

Oh please! The guy flat out claims to be a cop, he's already a target. He has no reason to pretend his flavor cop power is one time only.

Who cares?

When I asked about your items, you said "well I guess it's no harm to spell it out".

That was unnecessary caution, there was completely no harm in the first lpace, yet you drew that out 10+ posts before we heard everything, and you don't understand a little caution on the part of the cop?

Mighty strange Trucks, mighty strange.

Trucks spelled it out because you didn't understand the direct answers he gave you. Even Rol said everything he said added up before he had to spell it out.

You are saying mario was being cautious about a comparatively useless aspect of an item with regard to the cop part which would make him a high priority target.

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theprof00 said:

Why do something so incredibly rash? It's just crazy! Who would do that? Maybe if this were day 3, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but this is a cop claim on day 2, when we can still lynch a cop and be semi-OK.

Also, despite the item/role discussion of the cop, were he to say it was a one use item, I would also be inclined to agree with you, because that's a good counter-claim protection. "Oh I didn't say I was the cop, I just had a one time item". It negates counter-claim. But he didn't, he went with full-on cop claim.

While you are right in the last sentence, your point is skewed. I am ready to lynch a cop when the circumstances call for it, but these are far from those circumstances.

The other thing is, I was already buying Mario as a townie on day 1. Go back and check. I called his hardheadedness a "wonk-town-tell" ie; he's being so hard headed and arrogant that it could only be town. He had no reason to support me like that.

In an assumed scumteam of 3 I'd play a bit more cocky than last round where FF and I were very outnumbered. As I said, they could already know there isn't a cop.(Pssst, you should know how they could know this) He could just take the risk/reward of fakeclaiming cop. No counterclaim means he coasts for a few days, which could be all that is needed. A counterclaim outs the cop making his presence far less dangerous.

You're refuting my reasoning of why buddying up to you is good when you think he's town by saying you thought he was town?

theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

You went from a drawing with 3 people in it, to a fortune cookie naming a single person.

My wording wasn't very good. It took a claimed cop scan to get me to unvote you. I don't believe anyone besides myself called you guys scummates, and and is proof he wanted people off you.

Yes, your wording wasn't very good at all. Almost like your explanation isn't what you meant at all.

Your two linkz have nothing to do with you. I said it was because he started to become suspected, your first link proves that but doesn't prove anything related to the context your placing it in.

Yes. Mario claimed the cop scan specifically to change my vote. I needed him to do that or I couldn't back off of your lie.

I wasn't trying to prove I called you guys scummates, nor disprove anyone else had done so. The links are proof that mario claimed to get people off you. It's pretty hard to misinterpret "I'd like everyone to change their votes off of prof now."

spurgeonryan said: is Wednesday. What is up?

I never issued an official timelimt, so what should be up... Also to inform you all the internet of the place i am staying at is acting up, so i only have my psv to go online for now. So please show patience.

spurgeonryan said:

Did you ever give the name of the item you had last night? If not, could you do so.

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supermario128 said:

I am well aware that he claims to be some sort of [cop], but would a [cop] really reveal themselves as such...

1) It gives the mafia an easy target because with the [cop] dead (If there is only one) then the [ town is oh soooo doomed ]

2) A mafia pretending to be a [cop] is the perfect cover up. He can say he [scanned] someone and not have to worry about the consequences. This is because the mafia [will lie or claim the person killed at night or decalre players town that they aren't worried about confirming innocent]. Also, it is a possibility that there is more than one [cop], so him claiming that he is one isn't too outrageous.

Edited to fit the situation

Linkzmax said:
nen-suer said:

I didnt what to bring this up until Mario is online so i dont give time, but first you know is the item name.

Mario still didnt say what his item name was. Why ? becouse he thought about the role claim but the item name.

You cant be confused if you have an item or not coze the item has a feaken name!

Ding ding ding! We have a winner. Your vote on prof is horribly reasoned though.

Can you blame me? Prof made this personal and i was caught up in the heat of the moment.

Unvote: JerkProf

Vote: Mario

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Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

You went from a drawing with 3 people in it, to a fortune cookie naming a single person.

My wording wasn't very good. It took a claimed cop scan to get me to unvote you. I don't believe anyone besides myself called you guys scummates, and and is proof he wanted people off you.

Yes, your wording wasn't very good at all. Almost like your explanation isn't what you meant at all.

Your two linkz have nothing to do with you. I said it was because he started to become suspected, your first link proves that but doesn't prove anything related to the context your placing it in.

Yes. Mario claimed the cop scan specifically to change my vote. I needed him to do that or I couldn't back off of your lie.

I wasn't trying to prove I called you guys scummates, nor disprove anyone else had done so. The links are proof that mario claimed to get people off you. It's pretty hard to misinterpret "I'd like everyone to change their votes off of prof now."

"You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you. "

No he didn't, and your two links do not prove it.

He claimed because he was accused of being scum by spurge.

You say:

"I don't believe anyone besides myself called you guys scummates", then you place a link completely contradicting yourself -


"I needed him to do that or I couldn't back off of your lie."
"You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you."

You actually voted me way before I told you it was a lie.

Another misinterpretation?


RolStoppable said:
So why again are people voting for supermario? Wouldn't it be better if we believed in the fortune cookie?


Voting mario doesn't really affect believing the fortune cookie.