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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

theprof00 said:

You've done NOTHING.

Tell me what you've done. Go for it. You've not initiated discussion. You've spent half your posts talking about the FF theory only to take it all back on your first post of day 2.You spent the other half talking about the Vetteman thing. You condemend spurge, but gave radish a pass. You never even voted for spurge or continued onto him on day 2. I'm not saying he's your partner, just that you don't do ANYTHING.

Of course i gave radish a pass, its radish. the whole thing was a joke just for him after he said "i will read all posts"

i cant belive you still hanging on that....oh right you dont have anything aginst me so anything will do i guess.

You've not gone after anyone. You were suspicious of moreno yet never asked him questions. You were suspicious of noname, suddenly you've taken it all back. You asked for a cop with info to come has come forward! And you want to lynch him.

I went after you

Today you said that you didn't like me and rol taking control of the train and specifically indicated that I was using the mislynch to go after noctis, yet I've not done that one bit.

Tell me about all this you've done with a tenth of my posts.

What did you do ? item claimed? 

If you wasnt do dismiss everything i said thats you choice just dont state as fact.

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nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

Additionally, and this is something you can't possibly know because you're not me, but it makes absolutely not a lick of sense for him to stick his neck out for me when I was going to be lynched (probably), and push for someone who not only has barely contributed, but also has no item.

No you werent going to be lynched, and there was alot of reasons for Mario's claim, having you trust him and get a away with a fake claim was

what was i thinking until you switched at me and planned the next lynch and investgations.



And suddenly the chicken hut of people who have been quiet this entire game and trying to hang back has suddenly srpung to life, insulting the people who actually are playing and jumping on a potential cop mislynch!

You stay quiet all game and then jump at this chance. You've had plenty of chances to go after others, and neither of you have really pushed. This is both of your first pushes.
And I think you're both beyond pulling back. You're invested in this lynch.
Dont insult others if you dont like being insulted, that what my Mom always say :)


Oh also, I don't care about being insulted. Trust me, I'm not offended in any way because I see beyond the insult and instead see the reason for insults.

You're insulting because you know you're in the wrong. You have no defense. You instead try to minimize what other people are doing, to make it seem as if you're doing a lot more than it appears. I don't take any offense at that.

theprof00 said:

Oh also, I don't care about being insulted. Trust me, I'm not offended in any way because I see beyond the insult and instead see the reason for insults.

You're insulting because you know you're in the wrong. You have no defense. You instead try to minimize what other people are doing, to make it seem as if you're doing a lot more than it appears. I don't take any offense at that.

I admit i have no defense, i cant defend myself when there is no real evidance provided.

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

You've done NOTHING.

Tell me what you've done. Go for it. You've not initiated discussion. You've spent half your posts talking about the FF theory only to take it all back on your first post of day 2.You spent the other half talking about the Vetteman thing. You condemend spurge, but gave radish a pass. You never even voted for spurge or continued onto him on day 2. I'm not saying he's your partner, just that you don't do ANYTHING.

Of course i gave radish a pass, its radish. the whole thing was a joke just for him after he said "i will read all posts"

i cant belive you still hanging on that....oh right you dont have anything aginst me so anything will do i guess.

You've not gone after anyone. You were suspicious of moreno yet never asked him questions. You were suspicious of noname, suddenly you've taken it all back. You asked for a cop with info to come has come forward! And you want to lynch him.

I went after you

Today you said that you didn't like me and rol taking control of the train and specifically indicated that I was using the mislynch to go after noctis, yet I've not done that one bit.

Tell me about all this you've done with a tenth of my posts.

What did you do ? item claimed? 

If you wasnt do dismiss everything i said thats you choice just dont state as fact.

HAHA, that's all you have? You went after me? That's what I'm saying, you don't go after anyone on your own. You have no big opinions on your own. You just stick your toe in the pool saying things like 'X is slightly suspicious, but I dunno really'

The point about vette has nothing to do with radish. Spurge said "he hasn't been on for a while, give him a chance". Your reply was "I thought you were helping me mess with radish's head, FoS spurge". Where did you come to this conclusion? You up and decided that he actually didn't know? Then despite this, you don't even look at spurge again.


Not only did I item claim, but I've been the one spurring conversation, getting people to talk. When I see people being silent I push them into talking. I was primarily involved in the moreno lynch; despite being a mislynch, it's activity. I provided information by talking about the item pool. I've questioned nearly everyone.

I'm not dismissing anything, you haven't done anything to directly help town except for voting nolynch, but you couldn't even be bothered to try and defend moreno a bit more. Instead, you just picked your side and watched it all unfold.

spurgeonryan said:
Wait... did the Prof just say I was scum? Lol, if that is the case. You seem to have everything planned out, but get this one thing entirely wrong? Mario says something crazy,instead of discussing that you immediately take attention off of him. Same thing you said about trucks.


Mario hasn't said anything crazy. He's claimed a permanent cop (something that YOU haven't done) which means, he's the cop, period....with NO COUNTERCLAIM, and three votes. He's not to be voted for! End of story!

Show me the counter-claim, and I'll show you my vote. How many times do I have to fugging tell you?

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nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

Oh also, I don't care about being insulted. Trust me, I'm not offended in any way because I see beyond the insult and instead see the reason for insults.

You're insulting because you know you're in the wrong. You have no defense. You instead try to minimize what other people are doing, to make it seem as if you're doing a lot more than it appears. I don't take any offense at that.

I admit i have no defense, i cant defend myself when there is no real evidance provided.

I just asked you wat you've done for the game.

Just tell me. Simple.

theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

Oh also, I don't care about being insulted. Trust me, I'm not offended in any way because I see beyond the insult and instead see the reason for insults.

You're insulting because you know you're in the wrong. You have no defense. You instead try to minimize what other people are doing, to make it seem as if you're doing a lot more than it appears. I don't take any offense at that.

I admit i have no defense, i cant defend myself when there is no real evidance provided.

I just asked you wat you've done for the game.

Just tell me. Simple.

See this is what I'm talking about with insults.

You can't even tell me what you've done, so what do you do? You insult the idea or the poster in order to make your posts appear more valuable. You said "I've contributed more in 1/10ths of the posts than you"

Yet you can't show it. Insult covering for a deficiency.

spurgeonryan said:
I keep my vote. First time you have been that mad over a vote. Must be the right decision.


Don't ever change spurge.
When I am mafia you will be my best friend.

theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:

Please, you have the reason right there in your post.

He said he didn't want to give mafia too much information, so, he said that he could only do it once, meanwhile he can do it everytime.

You questioned this, saying it doesn't make sense when it makes complete sense. You guys are reaching for anything you can grab, and missing the important stuff because you're all nervous.

Oh please! The guy flat out claims to be a cop, he's already a target. He has no reason to pretend his flavor cop power is one time only.

Who cares?

When I asked about your items, you said "well I guess it's no harm to spell it out".

That was unnecessary caution, there was completely no harm in the first lpace, yet you drew that out 10+ posts before we heard everything, and you don't understand a little caution on the part of the cop?

Mighty strange Trucks, mighty strange.

I totally would understand a little caution from the cop, like say... not roleclaiming when all you have is one innocent reading to save someone who can fend for himself.

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