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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

By weird, my only question about the whole thing was that if he had my paper, why didn't he try to read it much much earlier?

This is a question that you scum still have yet to ask....and really, it is the ONLY question that has any real importance. Questioning the validity of claims or that he said the first time he can identify the item and then later saying he will indeed get the item again? That's all bullshit because he could simply be covering that part up.

The only question is why didn't he try to read it earlier.

That's why all of this looks like flailing to me. You can't even properly analyze evidence.

Trust Proff you wont even know an evidance even if it kicks you in the face.

I didnt what to bring this up until Mario is online so i dont give time, but first you know is the item name.

Mario still didnt say what his item name was. Why ? becouse he thought about the role claim but the item name.

You cant be confused if you have an item or not coze the item has a feaken name!

Please try to word yourself a little better.

He thought his item was tied to his role. There's really not a huge deal about it.

You're theorizing that he came up with a role claim, not an item claim, DESPITE having teammates?

I'll repeat. You think that out of his mafia team, nobody thought to talk about that last night?

Additionally, and this is something you can't possibly know because you're not me, but it makes absolutely not a lick of sense for him to stick his neck out for me when I was going to be lynched (probably), and push for someone who not only has barely contributed, but also has no item.

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And suddenly the chicken hut of people who have been quiet this entire game and trying to hang back has suddenly srpung to life, insulting the people who actually are playing and jumping on a potential cop mislynch!

You stay quiet all game and then jump at this chance. You've had plenty of chances to go after others, and neither of you have really pushed. This is both of your first pushes.
And I think you're both beyond pulling back. You're invested in this lynch.

theprof00 said:

Exactly, there is no evidence.

You've hung back the entire game, contributed nothing, continue to contribute nothing. Most of your discussino revolves around "meta" things not directly relating to game events.

You flipped quickly on the noname thing when you forgot to even ask yourself "why protect FF by doubting the theory". He tried to protect a townie, you said. What does that matter, a townie would've been killed regardless? You think he believed linkz but tried to cast doubt for that? Gimme a break. Your comment was coached.

Rol's comment has everything to do with his logic being flawed. Even noname agreed that it's flawed logic.

contributed to the game  more than you did with 1/10 of your posts.

I actually think i contributed more than half the players in this game and you know it.

As for the being "coached" by noname i say i never had the honour.

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nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

Exactly, there is no evidence.

You've hung back the entire game, contributed nothing, continue to contribute nothing. Most of your discussino revolves around "meta" things not directly relating to game events.

You flipped quickly on the noname thing when you forgot to even ask yourself "why protect FF by doubting the theory". He tried to protect a townie, you said. What does that matter, a townie would've been killed regardless? You think he believed linkz but tried to cast doubt for that? Gimme a break. Your comment was coached.

Rol's comment has everything to do with his logic being flawed. Even noname agreed that it's flawed logic.

contributed to the game  more than you did with 1/10 of your posts.

I actually think i contributed more than half the players in this game and you know it.

As for the being "coached" by noname i say i never had the honour.

You've done NOTHING.

Tell me what you've done. Go for it. You've not initiated discussion. You've spent half your posts talking about the FF theory only to take it all back on your first post of day 2.You spent the other half talking about the Vetteman thing. You condemend spurge, but gave radish a pass. You never even voted for spurge or continued onto him on day 2. I'm not saying he's your partner, just that you don't do ANYTHING.

You've not gone after anyone. You were suspicious of moreno yet never asked him questions. You were suspicious of noname, suddenly you've taken it all back. You asked for a cop with info to come has come forward! And you want to lynch him.

Today you said that you didn't like me and rol taking control of the train and specifically indicated that I was using the mislynch to go after noctis, yet I've not done that one bit.

Tell me about all this you've done with a tenth of my posts.

Let me think about it some more.
I'm not one to make rash decisions.

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theprof00 said:

Additionally, and this is something you can't possibly know because you're not me, but it makes absolutely not a lick of sense for him to stick his neck out for me when I was going to be lynched (probably), and push for someone who not only has barely contributed, but also has no item.

No you werent going to be lynched, and there was alot of reasons for Mario's claim, having you trust him and get a away with a fake claim was

what was i thinking until you switched at me and planned the next lynch and investgations.


And suddenly the chicken hut of people who have been quiet this entire game and trying to hang back has suddenly srpung to life, insulting the people who actually are playing and jumping on a potential cop mislynch!

You stay quiet all game and then jump at this chance. You've had plenty of chances to go after others, and neither of you have really pushed. This is both of your first pushes.
And I think you're both beyond pulling back. You're invested in this lynch.
Dont insult others if you dont like being insulted, that what my Mom always say :)

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By that I mean we have trucks and nen, and one of them is definitely scum.
I would like to find their other teammate before the day is over.
There's still more discussion to be had.
Especially when the croc is in the chicken hut.

theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:

Actually that's not true in the slightest. After re-reading nen, I've actually come to the conclusion that they cannot talk during the day, which is why Trucks commented on Nen during the day.

The point is, Trucks is a good player and a loss for town if he's town. While I cannot wait to lynch him, what is so wrong with waiting just one night to get the scan on him? I agree with everything you've said, and will throw in the fact that he's trying to lynch someone who wants to scan him, pretending that his accusations are simply based around that ONE mistake mario made, and not actually motivated by preventing the scan.

I would also venture that this means mafia believes there is a doc, and rightfully so, and that they have no roleblocker.

Why do you always assume I'd be the kind to coach my troops when I'm scum? You were oh so wrong the last time you accused me of parenting and you still are now. I know better than that and you should know I do.

As for Mario, he never said he'd scanned me because he wants to lynch me today. I don't fear a scan in the slightest. He didn't make ONE mistake, he rearranged his story multiple times to suit his needs up to the point where he has to have lied.

He stated before his claim that you were a good lead. He wants to lynch you because he already knows I'm telling the truth.

I didn't say you were coaching him, I said you combatted his point. Maybe you didn't coach him, but something made him change his stance on noname, that's for sure, and it definitely wasn't FF's flip.

Yet I lied and neither you nor linkz want me dead. And both of you have called mario a liar and that mario needs to die. YET both of you acknowledge that the pm could've been worded as "you will also get his item", and could have been confusing. Why?

It was part of my thought process... up until that point I could still see him misinterpreting his PM but when you add the only once stuff about the item and his reversal when talking to Linkz then there's no amount of misinterpretation that can logically justify this.

Please, you have the reason right there in your post.

He said he didn't want to give mafia too much information, so, he said that he could only do it once, meanwhile he can do it everytime.

You questioned this, saying it doesn't make sense when it makes complete sense. You guys are reaching for anything you can grab, and missing the important stuff because you're all nervous.

Oh please! The guy flat out claims to be a cop, he's already a target. He has no reason to pretend his flavor cop power is one time only.

Signature goes here!

nen-suer said:
theprof00 said:

Additionally, and this is something you can't possibly know because you're not me, but it makes absolutely not a lick of sense for him to stick his neck out for me when I was going to be lynched (probably), and push for someone who not only has barely contributed, but also has no item.

No you werent going to be lynched, and there was alot of reasons for Mario's claim, having you trust him and get a away with a fake claim was

what was i thinking until you switched at me and planned the next lynch and investgations.



And suddenly the chicken hut of people who have been quiet this entire game and trying to hang back has suddenly srpung to life, insulting the people who actually are playing and jumping on a potential cop mislynch!

You stay quiet all game and then jump at this chance. You've had plenty of chances to go after others, and neither of you have really pushed. This is both of your first pushes.
And I think you're both beyond pulling back. You're invested in this lynch.
Dont insult others if you dont like being insulted, that what my Mom always say :)


There's no point in risking his neck to support a claim against a (from what Trucks says) vanilla townie. Mafia was sitting pretty. Already two townies down, already a doc claim. If you're mafia, you wait out the day.l.....OR you fucking push against spurge! spurge is one of the scummiest people here. It's very possible that he might've been a lynch candidate. And he's the doc. Why waste a mafia on a vanilla? Go after the doc, or even just wait out the night, kill the doc, paying no heed to possibly being caught in the act...THERE you make your sacrifice, not stupidly claiming cop, (furthermore clarifying that he's the permanent cop, not just a passing item) and going after a possible vanil'.

TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:

Actually that's not true in the slightest. After re-reading nen, I've actually come to the conclusion that they cannot talk during the day, which is why Trucks commented on Nen during the day.

The point is, Trucks is a good player and a loss for town if he's town. While I cannot wait to lynch him, what is so wrong with waiting just one night to get the scan on him? I agree with everything you've said, and will throw in the fact that he's trying to lynch someone who wants to scan him, pretending that his accusations are simply based around that ONE mistake mario made, and not actually motivated by preventing the scan.

I would also venture that this means mafia believes there is a doc, and rightfully so, and that they have no roleblocker.

Why do you always assume I'd be the kind to coach my troops when I'm scum? You were oh so wrong the last time you accused me of parenting and you still are now. I know better than that and you should know I do.

As for Mario, he never said he'd scanned me because he wants to lynch me today. I don't fear a scan in the slightest. He didn't make ONE mistake, he rearranged his story multiple times to suit his needs up to the point where he has to have lied.

He stated before his claim that you were a good lead. He wants to lynch you because he already knows I'm telling the truth.

I didn't say you were coaching him, I said you combatted his point. Maybe you didn't coach him, but something made him change his stance on noname, that's for sure, and it definitely wasn't FF's flip.

Yet I lied and neither you nor linkz want me dead. And both of you have called mario a liar and that mario needs to die. YET both of you acknowledge that the pm could've been worded as "you will also get his item", and could have been confusing. Why?

It was part of my thought process... up until that point I could still see him misinterpreting his PM but when you add the only once stuff about the item and his reversal when talking to Linkz then there's no amount of misinterpretation that can logically justify this.

Please, you have the reason right there in your post.

He said he didn't want to give mafia too much information, so, he said that he could only do it once, meanwhile he can do it everytime.

You questioned this, saying it doesn't make sense when it makes complete sense. You guys are reaching for anything you can grab, and missing the important stuff because you're all nervous.

Oh please! The guy flat out claims to be a cop, he's already a target. He has no reason to pretend his flavor cop power is one time only.

Who cares?

When I asked about your items, you said "well I guess it's no harm to spell it out".

That was unnecessary caution, there was completely no harm in the first lpace, yet you drew that out 10+ posts before we heard everything, and you don't understand a little caution on the part of the cop?

Mighty strange Trucks, mighty strange.