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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

supermario128 said:
Never mind what I said before. Stefl worded my PM role very confusingly. My ITEM is the scanning tool and it is bound to me until I die. Prof still has his piece of paper. I interpreted it as "you get the the item of the first player you scan" and it is then bound to you.

No one should over react to this, I was not intentionally trying to misinform people...

I have one more thing i want to confirm , but i wait until your online.

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Lynchee L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
NoCtiS_NoX radish          
TruckOsaurus mario          
theprof00 Spurge

supermario128 linkz        

RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes TruckOSaurus
radishhead unvotes
spurgeonryan unvotes
theprof00 votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes xxain
spurgeonryan votes theprof00 and unvotes xxain
linkzmax votes radishhead
linkzmax votes theprof00 and unvotes radishhead
NoCtiS_NoX unvotes
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes noname2200 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes noname2200
nen-suer votes theprof00
supermario128 votes linkzmax
RolStoppable tries to quadruple-vote but fails
spurgeonryan votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes theprof00
RolStoppable votes nen-suer and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
spurgeonryan votes theprof00 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes nen-suer
supermario128 votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes linkzmax
RolStoppable votes theprof00 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes theprof00
RolStoppable votes theprof00 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
supermario128 votes TruckOSaurus and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable unvotes
theprof00 votes linkzmax and unvotes TruckOSaurus
linkzmax unvotes
theprof00 unvotes
nen-suer unvotes
linkzmax votes supermario128

Votals and Vote History should be correct now.

Stefl1504 said:
Lynchee L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
NoCtiS_NoX radish          
TruckOsaurus mario          
theprof00 nen

supermario128 linkz          
linkzmax prof          

RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes TruckOSaurus
radishhead unvotes
spurgeonryan unvotes
theprof00 votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes xxain
spurgeonryan votes theprof00 and unvotes xxain
linkzmax votes radishhead
linkzmax votes theprof00 and unvotes radishhead
NoCtiS_NoX unvotes
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes noname2200 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes noname2200
nen-suer votes theprof00
supermario128 votes linkzmax
RolStoppable tries to quadruple-vote but fails
spurgeonryan votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes theprof00
RolStoppable votes nen-suer and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
spurgeonryan votes theprof00 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes nen-suer
supermario128 votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes linkzmax
RolStoppable votes theprof00 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes theprof00
RolStoppable votes theprof00 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
supermario128 votes TruckOSaurus and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable unvotes
theprof00 votes linkzmax and unvotes TruckOSaurus
linkzmax votes supermario128 and unvotes theprof00

sorry if I missed a vote there... I am in a hurry... will double check the votals when I am on the bus with my vita :D

You missed mine unvoting Proff

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

I unvoted linkzmax
also i am voting nen.

Vote: nen

I'm now very confident that nen is scum after a re-read.
Specifically, he defended Linkz theory to noname's questions multiple times, and insinuated noname was mafia for it. Then on the night kill of FF, he says that he sees now that noname was simply trying to cast doubt on the FF theory in order to protect FF.

Furthermore, he had put some suspicion forward about moreno, and later in the day, when moreno was at L-3 and a timelimit looming, he decided to hold back his vote. Rol comments that it is a scummy thing to do to hold back on a possible mislynch. And he says "like I'd fall for that. My vote stays where it is".

Lastly, his entire day 1 was pretty superficial commenting on facts. There's no real opinion shared, only commenting on facts and such. The categories of his discussion could be distinguished as:
1. Talking about the FF theory.
2. The vetteman trick
3. suspicions against noname.

Trucks will later ask about why noname is suspicious, and he comments about the FF theory being pressed, and also that my own coment about the possible "fake argument" resonated with him.

Lastly, regarding the Vette trick...for some reason he gives radish a pass, but goes after spurge. Despite all this, he never calls spurge a suspect either.

For the first part, I would say that nen was coached on what to say about the FF discussion, possibly alleviating pressure on noname. The comment he makes is too serious, with too much finality to be thought up of on the spot as his first post.

In the second, I would say that nen's only real flirt with playing on day 1 was calling noname suspicious. Everything else is commenting on facts or vetteman. Trucks questioning of this near the end of the day makes me think that Trucks realized this and wanted nen to tone back.

I would say, given this analysis of nen's posts, that there is a good chance that out of my top five usual picks, three of them would go to noname, nen, and trucks.

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For the first part, I would say that during the night, nen was coached on what to say about the FF discussion, possibly to alleviate pressure on noname. The comment he makes is too serious, with too much finality to be thought up of on the spot as his first post of day 2.

Let's analyse SM128's recent statements together because they're interesting to say the least.

supermario128 said:

nen-suer said:

So officer  Mario wuts your item?

And is it bound only to you or town bound (as in you can discard it and other townies can use it)

My role allows me to scan people, but that is in no way related to an item. Thus I cannot lose my ability to scan people and no one can take it from me. First night I didn't have an item, but I did after I scanned Prof. I would rather not reveal my item yet because it may be useful to the town. If the mafia know what it is then it won't be.


- He doesn't have an item, his role allows him to scan
- He got an item from prof
- The item could be useful to the town only if Mafia doesn't know about it

supermario128 said:
spurgeonryan said:
So you scanned theProf and took his item from him?

Pretty much, but just his "piece of paper" since he already used the cookie beforehand apparently.  The same thing will not happen once I scan someone again, as it only worked on the first night.

- He reveals what the item is (prof's piece of paper)
- He emphasizes that getting the item is a one-shot deal

Already at this point, some things are off. The item he got being the piece of paper from the fortune cookie doesn't fit with "the Mafia must not know about it because it'll be useless" and the part about getting the item only once sounds a cover up which prevents him from having to reveal what item he got from a player everyday.

supermario128 said:
RolStoppable said:

Didn't you just say that you didn't want to reveal what your item is?

Spurge already guessed it anyway, so I guess it wasn't that big of a secret. Either way it doesn't matter. I assume my paper will be used in a similar way to how it was used for Prof. If someone tries to target me I will know who. (As long as I am still alive to talk about it, which should be the case since the doctor will protect the cop)

- He states that the identity of the item wasn't a big deal after all.
- He totally misinterprets how prof's fortune cookie works

supermario128 said:
Never mind what I said before. Stefl worded my PM role very confusingly. My ITEM is the scanning tool and it is bound to me until I die. Prof still has his piece of paper. I interpreted it as "you get the the item of the first player you scan" and it is then bound to you.

No one should over react to this, I was not intentionally trying to misinform people...

- He backpedals on not having an item and stealing from prof.

Changing your story never looks good but with a bit of imagination I can think of a wording that would have made him think he was stealing the item from his first scan. It would go something like this: "[...] at night you can scan a player. For your first scan, you'll also get the item he's holding". In that situation, Stefl would have meant "get info on the item" and SM128 would have thought he physically got the item. It's a long shot but possible.

supermario128 said:
RolStoppable said:

But that doesn't make any sense. Whether or not you misinterpeted your PM role and item description, you would have received a PM after scanning prof that told you that you also received a piece of paper. You cannot misinterpret whether or not you received this piece of paper, because it was either noted in the PM you got after scanning prof or it wasn't noted.

I was notified that he was town and that he had a piece of paper, because I misinterpreted my original message I thought I would also receive that piece of paper. I probably should have cleared things up with Stefl before hand, but the important thing is that I got it right now. Thus, we should move on and focus on what really matters.

This seems in line with what he stated in the previous post

supermario128 said:
Linkzmax said:

Do not buy, not one bit.. lynch all liars. Not so much the going back on what was originally said part, but there is no chance you didn't know you had an item and it was player bound from the start.

Vote: supermario128

This doesn't mean prof must be scum as well, but it's hard to see why he'd defend a town prof without latching onto the claim and voting trucks.(Or did he? VOTALS!?!?!)

I already said I messed up and should have clarified with Stefl. I admit this does look very suspicious and I don't blame anyone for thinking so, but lynching the cop because he made a silly/ stupid mistake is a terrible idea. I haven't lied about what I have said so far and did not mean to misinform anybody. If people don't believe I am the cop then let me scan someone tonight so I can report my findings at the start of the day. This will confirm I am the cop since I will also be able to tell you what item they have, not just alliance.

SM128 apologizes for the mix up and bargains with Linkz and that's where it gets very interesting. He promises not only an investigation but also the item of the investigated player... but going back through his statements, he made it clear the item thing was a one shot-deal but now that's apparently just part of his power.

I can buy a little misterpretation of a PM but that's just too much and it looks like somebody panicking and adapting his story to cover up for his earlier mistakes.

Vote: supermario128

Signature goes here!

"I already said I messed up and should have clarified with Stefl. I admit this does look very suspicious and I don't blame anyone for thinking so, but lynching the cop because he made a silly/ stupid mistake is a terrible idea. I haven't lied about what I have said so far and did not mean to misinform anybody. If people don't believe I am the cop then let me scan someone tonight so I can report my findings at the start of the day. This will confirm I am the cop since I will also be able to tell you what item they have, not just alliance"

Out of all of that analysis, it's this quote that stands out to me- I like to follow a "lynch all liars" approach, but I'm not sure whether supermario is just very confused about what his role can do, or that this was a genuine slip. Either way, the whole "don't lynch me today- just give me one more night to XYZ" sounds like a pretty mafia-like thing to say.

HoS: Supermario

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Radish, you still trust me? Vote nen.

theprof00 said:
Radish, you still trust me? Vote nen.

I still trust you, but both you and trucks make good cases for lynch candidates. Either way, I don't think noctis is getting lynched today (I'm getting more of a town vibe from him anyway now, so that's not a bad thing)

Unvote: Noctis

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~