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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

radishhead said:
(not that it looked like much happened, to be honest)


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Linkzmax said:
radishhead said:
(not that it looked like much happened, to be honest)


I'm pretty sure that's either quoted for falseness or quoted for fail- and it's neither of those things; no progress was made during that time, it was just a lot of random voting on and off with little-to-no reason for doing so, and now I'm not even sure if my vote on noctis is correct anymore, which I used to be certain about. I'd go as far to say that that 8 hours undid all the progress that we made during the past 3 days or so. It was useful finding out about Prof's cookie (which further confirms to me that he's town- no idea why he has so many votes), but it turns out that that was one use only too. 

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Damn that was along read.
So Mario claims cop and says Proff is innocent and proff says his item made him invincible and revealed FF killer?
I say either we have a scum group with amazing abilities or one of these two is a lying scum.
Stefl making a broken game is good possibility too xD

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supermario128 said:
I'd like everyone to change their votes off of prof now. You can pretty much guess what my role is at this point. I'm 100% sure that prof is innocent and is TOWN. Further more, I would like to ask for the doctor's protection tonight, but don't actually say if you are going to do so or not... I'm fairly confident we have a doctor besides spurge's protection item he claims to have. I didn't really want to role claim this early on, but I guess there really wasn't any other choice since I had to go so far to get people to listen to me.... -_-

So officer  Mario wuts your item?

And is it bound only to you or town bound (as in you can discard it and other townies can use it)

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Unvote: Proff

By discarding his item he gave us a good chance to verify his story tomorrow.
Trucks good lynch candidate right based on the provided evidence, i think we lynch him today and leave Noc for now

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Linkzmax said:
I've been on radish(in terms of thinking he is scum) since he mentioned modkilling Vetteman out of nowhere.

He was responding to me

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
RolStoppable said:

That's it for me. Doesn't look like anything interesting is going to happen anytime soon, so I am logging out. In the mean time, you guys can make good arguments for why we should vote truck over prof or vice versa. I'll read them when I get back and then I'll decide who gets my vote.

Unvote: prof

waits three days for news.

Big news.

Logs out.

Closing words still echo a possible vote for me.

Considering how you treat people around here, the game could be more fun without you.

Anyway, I've read the new posts and they haven't been all that helpful. A couple of members (including truck) still haven't shown up, so voting pending.

There it is again, covering up scuminess with a joke.

I'd like to point out that you're just as black as I am.

supermario128 said:
theprof00 said:

Trucks is an afterthought compared to this.

I would rather go after Trucks first. We have some "solid" evidence against him as opposed to "guess work" or whatever you want to call it towards Linkz. I was and still am suspicious of him, but we should use your note and proceed to go after Trucks first.

There's no solid evidence. I didn't visit Final-Fan in any way last night, I didn't leave my house last night, I don't hold his item today ( never held it at any point in time). There's absolutely no reason for my name to be included on the back of prof's fortune cookie message which is why I'm guessing prof made that part up.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
supermario128 said:
theprof00 said:

Trucks is an afterthought compared to this.

I would rather go after Trucks first. We have some "solid" evidence against him as opposed to "guess work" or whatever you want to call it towards Linkz. I was and still am suspicious of him, but we should use your note and proceed to go after Trucks first.

There's no solid evidence. I didn't visit Final-Fan in any way last night, I didn't leave my house last night, I don't hold his item today ( never held it at any point in time). There's absolutely no reason for my name to be included on the back of prof's fortune cookie message which is why I'm guessing prof made that part up.

Is your role a "writer" or "messenger" or something like that?