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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

spurgeonryan said:

theProf: He is a smart, confusing, tricky, Mafia Player. Can he ever be trusted just because of that? Now remember that I just gave him all those compliments! Trucks is also a smart player, and the Prof was trying to trick him into saying something? What theprof pulled on trucks is something that he would pull on someone like me, not trucks. So I call bullshit and say that theprof was not playing like himself. Also I think his comment to me earlier to me was actually a pressure/revenge vote type of situation, just in theprof sort of way.

prof being Mafia and trying to trip up a townie on game rules wouldn't make any sense. Also, he did try to pull a trick on you, he insinuated you were at Final-Fan's house last night in order to make you panic.

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spurgeonryan said:
He tried to pull that on me? He should have known that would have gone over my head. I guess he has never played poker. When you play against someone one who is not a professional or good all of your strategies usually go to waste. On of the reasons there have been so many unknown n winners at the world series of poker over the past 5-8 years.

The only time I saw anything about someone being at final fans house was when he was talking to you.  The last part.

Signature goes here!

RolStoppable said:
In order to start off this week properly, I'll put the players in different categories.

People who are waiting for activity: Rol, radish, supermario, linkz.
People who have been known to be absent over the weekend: trucks, noname.
People who post a lot of incoherent gibberish that gets us nowhere: spurge and, to a lesser extent, prof.
People who have gone missing: nen.
People who have been here and refrained to answer posts directed at them: noctis.

I didn't disappear. i was just reading the  "incoherent gibberish that gets us nowhere"  while "waiting for activity"

theprof00 said:
Im also wondering why you havent decided to look at nen when i wrote him off fairly haphazardly.
on that note, i wanted to say that my initial impression of nen being town might not be accurate.
like someone said he is really being quiet.
His initial thing about vetteman may have been a witch hunt.

I'm not being quite at all. I voted you and gave my reasons and nothing new worth mentioning happened after that.

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We need some action in here I think- the problem is, I've said everything I want to say and I imagine that a few others have too. We need to come to an agreement here, but I'm not leaving today with a no lynch

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I am thinking of issueing a generous timelimit... like 48 hours... or till wednesday 10:00 MESZ or something like that

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nen-suer said:
RolStoppable said:
In order to start off this week properly, I'll put the players in different categories.

People who are waiting for activity: Rol, radish, supermario, linkz.
People who have been known to be absent over the weekend: trucks, noname.
People who post a lot of incoherent gibberish that gets us nowhere: spurge and, to a lesser extent, prof.
People who have gone missing: nen.
People who have been here and refrained to answer posts directed at them: noctis.

I didn't disappear. i was just reading the  "incoherent gibberish that gets us nowhere"  while "waiting for activity"

theprof00 said:
Im also wondering why you havent decided to look at nen when i wrote him off fairly haphazardly.
on that note, i wanted to say that my initial impression of nen being town might not be accurate.
like someone said he is really being quiet.
His initial thing about vetteman may have been a witch hunt.

I'm not being quite at all. I voted you and gave my reasons and nothing new worth mentioning happened after that.

The discussion doesn't stop at your vote, it stops at nightfall.

Strangely a couple of people had said things like this, like "I voted X, and nothing has changed my mind in that time". AS IF you are not required to discuss anymore simply by having come to a decision on one issue. IN the last 500 posts, you've posted about 5 times.

Also, I was just re-reading, I'm I'm unclear as to the reasoning you have your vote on me. Yes, I read the posts, but they don't seem to make any sense, in particular, your vote post:

"Personally I'm not comfortable how the focus fell on Noc from the beginning of the day.

It's like you & Prof were capitalizing on moreno's mislynch (which you toke charge off) to get a speedy convection on Noc.

And just when things seem really going Proff stops the  train & ask everyone to get off!

Then switch to Trucks and try to make something out of nothing!

I think the proff acted even weirder than how Linkz is acting in this game (hey man I'm not judging or anthing).

Vote: proff"

I wasn't comfortable with how the focus fell on noctis either. I watched carefully and said, OK, maybe, this is possible scum, but then he votes himself, and the train seems to be leading to lynch before people even have checked in during day 2! ALmost half the people hadn't shown up yet!

Where was I "capitalizing" on moreno's mislynch? I'm not even sure I understand that logic.....capitalizing on moreno's mislynch to vote noctis...huh?

Proff stops the train, switches to Trucks. Ah, you mean how I prevented a completely reckless vote train, and then started doing what should be done during the day, discussion? It wasn't "something out of nothing". It was a good try using the rules to catch him, but as of yet, it looks like stefl planted some items in the pool that nobody knew about. This is information that nobody knew previously until I started investigating it. Had stefl not planted items, then all we would have had to do is ask Trucks what the item was, and then asked if someone discarded it during day 1. It was a good plan, but I was thwarted by stefl's trolling. Again, this is information discovered during the day, likely things mafia might have already known.

I fail to see how any of your vote support stands to reason. It seems to more fall to the slightest breeze. And since then, you haven't said a single thing because, oh yes, nothing is worth discussing according to nen-suer.

spurgeonryan said:
radishhead said:
We need some action in here I think- the problem is, I've said everything I want to say and I imagine that a few others have too. We need to come to an agreement here, but I'm not leaving today with a no lynch

Then join the NoCtis or the Prof voting bandwagon. Make a decision. Or do you not suspect either of them?

I'm pretty sure I was the first one to make a vote on noctis - definitely wasn't a "bandwagon" when I made my choice.

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Stefl1504 said:
I am thinking of issueing a generous timelimit... like 48 hours... or till wednesday 10:00 MESZ or something like that

I'd be in support of this- I'm normally against time limits on anything but the first day, but we're getting to a point where there's not much more to say imo

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
Stefl1504 said:
I am thinking of issueing a generous timelimit... like 48 hours... or till wednesday 10:00 MESZ or something like that

I'd be in support of this- I'm normally against time limits on anything but the first day, but we're getting to a point where there's not much more to say imo

I usually don't like interfering with the progress... and its still easter monday... so I will wait a little more with issueing a time limit without votes...

There's plenty to say.
Lots of people haven't been questioned. Ideas haven't been substantiated.

ALl you have to do is re-read one person at a time. Read all their posts, and write down the theme. As in,
"nen has made a handful of posts since the start of day 2.
One commented on noname and linkz the day before, two were saying that Rol and I were using the moreno mislynch train to vote noctis (not really sure that's accurate at all), one was asking the cop/watcher to come forward, three were regarding the items exchange that I had brought up....

And one was agreeing that noc acted suspiciously (again, I don't think it's such the case that I thought that..I never voted noc. i just listened to what people had to say)

So, half his posts about the items discussion, and half of them are semi-contradictive in nature. First he says Rol and I used the moreno mislynch to vote noc, then he says that noc did in fact act's just that Rol and I are MORE suspicious somehow.

Again, it is imperative to point out that I did nothing of the sort. If any of his reasoning could even come close to the truth (and yet still not be true), he'd be talking about ROL, who was the one using noc's vote. YET, nen has his vote on ME, not Rol, and secondly agreed with rol that noc was suspicious.

To summarize, three posts meta discussing (really wouldn't have been there in the first place had the discussion not been brought up), and 4 posts of content out of 500, most of which are semi-contradictory, Oh and one asking for the cop to reveal himself.