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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Linkzmax said:

Yes I am, I was wiped after a few games of being extra active just so things could happen. I said as much in the post-game last round: "I want in, but I'm going to be less active than normal. Until day three I feel like I was the only one playing, and it's been draining." It's been a blast mostly letting things develop. I'm still aiming for scum, but I don't feel like I need to go all out with the accusations or trying to convince others.

I didn't check back through the thread, but I didn't recall anyone linking playing differently with suspicion and certainly none with an explanation of why. Heck even when I used that as scum last reason to get some attention on prof for being different, I said I wasn't sure if it was something new he's doing as town or if he's just scum. "Playing differently" is a pitiful excuse for a vote.

Re: first paragraph, that's an understandable sentiment. Just don't get too laid back; you are, after all, still playing, and no one likes a Falcon095!

Re: second paragraph, it's been pretty strongly implied, in my opinion, although I don't think anyone's given an explicit explanation of why in this thread. I do disagree with your last assertion though: there are certainly better reasons for voting, but a change in play is at least a reason, whereas many votes tend to originate from gut feelings or instinct. But that's a discussion for another time.

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RolStoppable said:
Linkzmax said:

lol. I didn't say he actually succeeded. I already said anyone that votes themself is horrible, but for some reason several players seem to think it's a good thing to do, even when it means hammering the lynch.

I haven't read any previous Mafia threads, but do I understand this right: Some people have been hammering themselves in previous games?

I did in my first game, although that was to break up what looked like an eternal stalemate (four players, two were townies, I was Mafia A, someone else was Mafia B, everyone knew there were two separate mafias left), combined with a desire to let the other scum faction win rather than the town.

That was a rather unique set of circumstances, though, and looking back on it I probably could have done something better. I don't remember anyone else hammering himself, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it's happened once or twice.

noname2200 said:
Linkzmax said:

Yes I am, I was wiped after a few games of being extra active just so things could happen. I said as much in the post-game last round: "I want in, but I'm going to be less active than normal. Until day three I feel like I was the only one playing, and it's been draining." It's been a blast mostly letting things develop. I'm still aiming for scum, but I don't feel like I need to go all out with the accusations or trying to convince others.

I didn't check back through the thread, but I didn't recall anyone linking playing differently with suspicion and certainly none with an explanation of why. Heck even when I used that as scum last reason to get some attention on prof for being different, I said I wasn't sure if it was something new he's doing as town or if he's just scum. "Playing differently" is a pitiful excuse for a vote.

Re: first paragraph, that's an understandable sentiment. Just don't get too laid back; you are, after all, still playing, and no one likes a Falcon095!

Re: second paragraph, it's been pretty strongly implied, in my opinion, although I don't think anyone's given an explicit explanation of why in this thread. I do disagree with your last assertion though: there are certainly better reasons for voting, but a change in play is at least a reason, whereas many votes tend to originate from gut feelings or instinct. But that's a discussion for another time.

1st see bold. 2nd, the problem I have and I brought it up with prof is that just last round I played just like I would as town normally. I've proven I can replicate my town self to avoid the gallows, so acting differently only means just that I'm different. It's not a sign of my alignment whatsover.

As for your stalemate game, that's when deadlines are supposed to come in. Day ends in a no lynch, you and Mafia B gamble over shooting the other and hoping they shoot town so you win alone, shooting town hoping the other also shoots town which leads to another day which would be quite interesting or a simple tie if both townies are killed, or you shoot each other and town wins.

Linkzmax said:

1st see bold. 2nd, the problem I have and I brought it up with prof is that just last round I played just like I would as town normally. I've proven I can replicate my town self to avoid the gallows, so acting differently only means just that I'm different. It's not a sign of my alignment whatsover.

As for your stalemate game, that's when deadlines are supposed to come in. Day ends in a no lynch, you and Mafia B gamble over shooting the other and hoping they shoot town so you win alone, shooting town hoping the other also shoots town which leads to another day which would be quite interesting or a simple tie if both townies are killed, or you shoot each other and town wins.

For the first paragraph, that wasn't meant as a criticism or even a warning, just idle chatter.

For the second paragraph, I ultimately drew the same conclusion, but decided that the risk of a town win (via mutual murder) was too high. I really didn't want them to win, since they had let one mafia or the other do all their thinking for them from start to finish, and rewarding them for being lazy didn't sit well with me. Not sure if I'd do the same today, but spilled milk, etc.

RolStoppable said:

I think yesterday you said that you have three suspects. Mind if I ask who they are?

Based strictly on my (fevered) reading of yesterday's posts, and only yesterday's posts (i.e. ignoring Day One stuff), they were the obvious: Truck, noctis, and spurge. Today I'm re-reading from the start of the game, but being at work has made my progress...slow.

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Considering you hammered yourself, you just shoot town at night to ensure they can't win. Then you either tie or the other team wins just as if you hammered yourself... Anyway I was referring to moreno who recently hammered himself.(Though he strangely thought he was unlynchable instead of a Princess there)

Linkzmax said:
Considering you hammered yourself, you just shoot town at night to ensure they can't win. Then you either tie or the other team wins just as if you hammered yourself...

True. Again, c'est la vie.

But I know I would have been tempted to go for the outright win that night...

Sorry guys im at anime boston working with a dealer so i havent been able to really post.
ove been checking in as much as possible and trying to keep track.
i just eanted to take this breif moment to point out that there are people sspecting me dor defending noctis, when i specifically said earlier when i asked to remove votes that i was fine with a noctis lynch, but did not want the day to end so quickly as it was going.
Firthermore, all the votes on him were noobs plus rol and his own vote. It hust looked like disaster. Im glad there is a lot of discussion for me to read. Thank you.

I won't be around tomorrow night, but it's not holiday related. I'll be absent for a few hours Sunday as well.

Nothing has happened that has made me want to change my opinion yet, so I have nothing to post about

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