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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Since my question was not answered, I'll change the question who discarded scrap zinc?

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spurgeonryan said:
NoCtis it seems See...RolStoppable has given you a reprieve.

I really don't care.

@ rol
Im simply willing to go out on a limb and venture beyond whats on the surface, in this game or in threads.

Scrap zinc?

Yeah, Who discarded it?

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RolStoppable said:

 The whole confusion about the items I write off as idiocy on prof's part. Sure, this might not be a console wars thread, but that doesn't mean prof's inability to grasp the obvious at times doesn't exist anymore.

What I don't get though is why so many people seem to ignore the noctis incident. Perhaps they just want to have more discussion and see if they can find a better suspect. And if they don't, they can always fall back on noctis. I guess it doesn't hurt to try to get more information on Day 2 before moving on to Day 3.

Personally I'm not comfortable how the focus fell on Noc from the beginning of the day.

It's like you & Prof were capitalizing on moreno's mislynch (which you toke charge off) to get a speedy convection on Noc.

And just when things seem really going Proff stops the  train & ask everyone to get off!

Then switch to Trucks and try to make something out of nothing!

I think the proff acted even weirder than how Linkz is acting in this game (hey man I'm not judging or anthing).

Vote: proff

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RolStoppable said:
nen-suer said:

Personally I'm not comfortable how the focus fell on Noc from the beginning of the day.

It's like you & Prof were capitalizing on moreno's mislynch (which you toke charge off) to get a speedy convection on Noc.

And just when things seem really going Proff stops the  train & ask everyone to get off!

Then switch to Trucks and try to make something out of nothing!

I think the proff acted even weirder than how Linkz is acting in this game (hey man I'm not judging or anthing).

Vote: proff

But noctis drew the focus on himself by writing such a questionable retort. He could have just said that he had doubts about lynching moreno, but didn't care enough to do anything. Instead he produced a story about him wanting to help moreno within the last few minutes of the Day. We all knew about the time limit, so why did it take him so long to respond to prof? With only one hour left and the intent to help someone, you just don't wait until the very last minutes. It makes no sense.

I've played with Noc before and he can be a very lazy player. now don't get me wrong I'm not saying he didn't act suspiciously

I'm saying that I'm most suspicious of you & Proff…plusi don't like the fact you gave the Proff a break after the exchange with Trucks, but can't offer the same to Noc.

It depend on the player and I can see Noc screwing up, but I can't see Proff making such bizarre and confusing posts.

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I think we will find the mafia hiding among NoName, Nen, Spurge, and Linkz. I generally feel pretty good about everyone else. Of course, I could be way off. lol

NocTis' defense seemed "off" to me, but I don't know his play style enough to tell if that is normal for him or not. He seemed like he was trying to get himself lynched as a way to prove he wasn't mafia. Probably because he is town so he would have showed  up as such, but I guess mafia could also do this as long as the lynch doesn't actually happen. :P

NoName and Nen seem to be "playing it safe". They don't want to bring too much attention to themselves.

Spurge's never admitted to being a doctor, thus he either has an item to protect people or is mafia, or both... I'm starting to think it is the latter because no sane "protecting role" would announce themselves as such unless they had no other choice.

Linkz, I just have a feeling about.

Vote: LinkzMax

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You "just have a feeling"? After naming valid reasons to be suspicious of a whole bunch of other people, I find it strange that you eventually decided to vote Linkz- I get the feeling that you know that Linkz is mafia, because he's one of your mafia buddies.

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radishhead said:
You "just have a feeling"? After naming valid reasons to be suspicious of a whole bunch of other people, I find it strange that you eventually decided to vote Linkz- I get the feeling that you know that Linkz is mafia, because he's one of your mafia buddies.


I'm sorry, but if I was mafia there was no way I would vote for a fellow mafia member in such a fashion. If you look back through the thread you would see that I have been suspicious of him since day one. Me saying I have a feeling about him is because of him not denying he was mafia right away until I pestered him even further, and even then he gave a sort of joke answer saying he was the pope. He also has stated he is playing differently and his posts just rub me the wrong way.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089