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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Lynchee L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
NoCtiS_NoX Rol radish        
TruckOsaurus prof          
theprof00 spurge linkz        

RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes TruckOSaurus
radishhead unvotes
spurgeonryan unvotes
theprof00 votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes xxain
spurgeonryan votes theprof00 and unvotes xxain
linkzmax votes radishhead
linkzmax votes theprof00 and unvotes radishhead
NoCtiS_NoX unvotes
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX

...zzz...zzz...zzz... ugh? huh? man... keep that noise down okay! Oh, ladies and gentlemen... in case I am awake when something interesting happens I could tell you about it... but I doubt that I will be awake... so, please... stay silent, okay?

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:

noctis placed his vote on radish and kept it there the entire time. Since I suspect both of them to be mafia, it would be a typical move of the mafia on the first Day.

I thought this was your first Mafia game?

theprof00 said:
Wow i at least expected an argument...something!

But im not sirprised.. what im most surprised about is that nobody really defended him...

Assuming we're speaking of moreno, wouldn't you say radish and noctis kind of did?

spurgeonryan said:
I assure you that if theProf was talking to me through some sort of Mafia link I would not be posting like a ass.

I believe this is the second time someone mentioned mafia being able to talk privately during the Day. Is this new?

TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
Trucks, by the way, you were not asleep last night.

I most certainly was.

theprof00 said:
So you had an item and didnt use it?
TruckOSaurus said:

My item was useless.

TruckOSaurus said:
I discarded it.
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
Yup its dawn. Ehy domt you have an item?

Look outside the sun is way up in the sky! It's not dawn anymore. I discarded my item during Day Two which means I'll get something at twilight.

TruckOSaurus said:
I guess there's no harm is spelling it out:

- I didn't have an item to start with, I found it at twilight.
- I didn't do a thing at night.
- I discarded my item today.

This exchange is logically consistent with everything we know so far. I am struck though by how Truck's answers seem to be baiting prof. I imagine most people would respond to "So you had an item and didn't use it?" with "I didn't have an item at the time" or something that makes it clear that he did not possess an item last night. Instead we got "my item was useless." That seems deliberately misguiding at best.

theprof00 said:
Well i know for a fact that rol didnt make the kill.
Why? Because someone picked up ffs item and rol alteady had one.

The rules make it possible for a person to use an item at night and still pick one up come dawn. I should think it's equally possible to do a night action (i.e. kill) and still pick up something later. Or am I misunderstanding you?

Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Also if anyone wants to know i dont think linkz read his pm

I can see how you arrived at that conclusion from "I want to use my item"

and "I suspect the better items are player bound for what it's worth. The non-player bound items certainly should be interesting though."

No, wait I can't. Nor can I see the point of saying such a thing.

Alright folks, 'fess up. Who pissed in Linkz' Wheaties this morning?

spurgeonryan said:
I have heard all that I have to hear.

Unvote: Xxain

Vote: theProf

He is too smart to get confused over this item thing. I am not the only one that suspects him either I do not think. Maybe this one time he has slipped up? Just one vote so nothing serious so far, so it is not like this will hurt you too much, unless others agree with me.

If you're convinced you've found a scum, you keep pushing for information or for votes. You don't go all passive-aggressive, and hope others swoop in and do your thinking for you.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
RolStoppable said:

Let's go back to the beginning.

I accused you of being mafia which you countered by saying that you wanted to help moreno. Only you couldn't, because I casted the hammer vote. The post you "intended" to reply to was this:

It was posted approximately one hour before time ran out. You were online the entire time which you didn't deny in subsequent posts. Yet you are telling us that you couldn't respond to prof's post anymore, because I had already hammered moreno. This means your time window to help moreno was ten (!) minutes. Ten minutes during which you would have to respond to a lengthy post, hope that others read it and be persuaded immediately, because your own vote was irrelevant at this point (radish or no lynch wouldn't have made a difference, so you needed to convince other people to save moreno).

That isn't realistically possible within a timespan of only ten minutes and that's why your entire story falls apart. Your statement that you wanted to help moreno is an outright lie.

So this one doesn't illustrate to helping then. 

Ok I am out. 

That's not much of a defense in and of itself, but even if it was you were directly responded to by prof, who laid out his case against moreno. So clearly, he was still interested in discussing this. Why did you not accept this invitation, especially since convincing any combination of him, moreno, and/or Rol to vote for anyone or anything else would have avoided the lynch?

RolStoppable said:
We need noname in here. The voice of reason.

Or evil, if he is indeed the head of the mafia.

'Fraid I'm not going to be much help right now. Going through today's posts brought up three suspects, but there's nothing I can really pin on anyone. I'll re-review, of course, but right now I'm not prepared to vote anyone.

Just luring in some people^^... Me wantz action nao!

EDIT: Lol, ninja^^

@noname: I did have an item last night.

Signature goes here!

@prof: Can we go back to your drawing and my question about the third person (is it FF or someone else?).

Also, is it possible you're not interpreting the information you have correctly? Because both players you've declared as being at Final-Fan's place (me and spurge) in fact were not there at all.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

Yes moname im glad you noiced that because he was being very evasive takin 10 to 15 minutes to repond.
unfprtunately i dont actually have any info, i just decided to try something because im worried that hes scum.
i dont think his hesitation or deliberately being vague is any value as a piece of evidence.

It was worth a shot *shrugs*
Maybe if stefl hadnt been trolling me i wouldve had something, but his story holds up.

Id like linkz, post vote of course, to answer the questiin posed to him when someone said " youre playing differently" and he rreplied " why is everyone saying this" even though he mentioned playing different himself.

RolStoppable said:
Btw, Stefl. Your moderator duties are needed in another thread. Keep track of the voting tallies over there.

Sorry, I don't moderate someone elses thread...

radishhead said:
I don't believe that was a slip by Prof- I don't want to seem defensive of him, but people are really picking apart something very insignificant. Why would prof defend noctis if they were both mafia- that doesn't fit prof's playstyle at all

@Linkz: You're completely wrong. Not only am I not Mafia, but Prof and Mario aren't even on my list of possible mafia possibilities. They include spurge (I can't be the only one that doubts this supposed "doc claim" (he didn't even properly claim), noctis and trucks

What a relief. You must be town and you must be completely right about prof and mario.

supermario128 said:
Linkzmax said:

Did you not read spurge's claim of a protection item, or do you think he's lying, or do you think that isn't considered useful?

I am well aware that he claims to be some sort of doctor, but would a doctor really reveal themselves as such...

1) It gives the mafia an easy target because with the doctor dead (If there is only one) then the cop would not want to reveal themselves in fear that they would die soon afterwards.

2) A mafia pretending to be a doctor is the perfect cover up. He can say he protected someone and not have to worry about the consequences. This is because the mafia will target someone other than the person he "claimed" to protect. Also, it is a possibility that there is more than one doctor, so him claiming that he is one isn't too outrageous.

I went over this already. It's not necessarily true that spurge still has the item. Which means claiming it could have zero drawbacks. I doubt there's going to be multiple doctor items, unless the scumteam has their own doctor item and in that case there's going to be extra kills.

theprof00 said:
Id like linkz, post vote of course, to answer the questiin posed to him when someone said " youre playing differently" and he rreplied " why is everyone saying this" even though he mentioned playing different himself. "I certainly am. The point is so what?"