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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Lynchee L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
NoCtiS_NoX Rol noctis      

RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes TruckOSaurus
radishhead unvotes
spurgeonryan unvotes

Urgh... you know... you guys give me a headache... way too much work... keep your stuff to yourself... ack... you know what? I don't even bother complaining anymore! Just let me sleep...

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RolStoppable said:

You are right, you should vote for yourself. I've read the rules of the game and you aren't allowed to talk about it outside of the thread, unless your role allows it (i.e. mafia). But you did just that a couple of days ago on your own profile's wall when I told you that I don't like this mafia game. I was allowed to do that, because at that point in time I wasn't a player. However, you were.


You are mafia. Now commit public sudoku.

On a sidenote, spurgeonryan is pretty much confirmed to be mafia as well, because he chimed in.

This made me laugh so hard :)

I still think this whole Noctis incident is just a desperate move to get us to remove our votes (I guess it worked, so good job to him if he's mafia)

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RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:
I still think this whole Noctis incident is just a desperate move to get us to remove our votes (I guess it worked, so good job to him if he's mafia)

Remember who called for the removal of the votes: It was prof. And he also got into a fight with spurge.

Looks like the mafia we have to deal with here (composed of noctis, spurge, prof) hasn't exactly a unified strategy.

I agree that there is a good chance that Spurge is on the mafia team, but I don't believe that even prof would be able to pull off such a good town charade. Then again, he is a really advanced player, so I have no idea.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

You dont know me very well rol. I would cannibalize my scummates day 1 right at the start, if i thought it would improve our chances. And a team pf spurge and noc would not be on my list of people I would save if such a strong lynch train appeared.
Furthermore, spurge claimed a doc ability, doc is a very common role, so without a counterclaim by the actual doc, hes confirmed at least for now.
As for noc he at least suspects one of the people i suspectso theres some trust there.

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Also if anyone wants to know i dont think linkz read his pm

Im just thinking about linkz change in pla on day 1

Hes tried it before, twice if i recall.
Fresh off the back of being mafia too.

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
Hes tried it before, twice if i recall.
Fresh off the back of being mafia too.

What purpose would that have?

It's the idea that if he doesn't even know that he's mafia, there's no way that he can slip up 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

@prof: Was the third person in your drawing Final-Fan or another potential visitor?

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