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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Just posting this to clarify some stuff, since I think I was unclear about it:

If you find an item, you don't need to pick it up, this will give you the chance of picking up another item at dawn. But if you pick up an item, you are stuck with it until daytime, because only during the day you can discard an item.

So if I inform a player that he has found an item, he can tell me if he wants to pick up the item or not, as long as he hasn't had the item at least once in his inventory (picked up) he will not know what the item until he does so, if he finds an item he formerly held, he will be informed which item he found.

If you have questions regarding this, PM me, do not ask them here in this thread, thank you, and I hope this will answer some questions.

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Final-Fan is dead, he was Rowen a Townie, he currently held 'Scrap Zinc' and brought no item to the itempool

Morenoingrato brought the item 'Meat' to the itempool, he was in possesion of it at the time of his death

Day 2 START!

Welcome... I will be you navigator today... and imagine, we got rid of that happy-go-lucky moderator from yesterday... he was just too annoying... anyway... don't you dare making something that could entertain people... I don't like such stuff... also keep your voices down... I want to sleep.... ... ... zzzzz....

spurgeonryan said:
What the hell does zinc and meat do?

I would actually assume meat makes you less vulnerable to attack?

-if a player dies the description of the item he held at the beginning of the game will be made public

from the rules in the OP

look at the post after the OP for item description.

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Now we have two dead townies and it is 7 town to 3 mafia. (Most likely) If we mislynch again today that ratio will be 5 town to 3 mafia and we will be in very bad shape going forward.  Did anyone learn anything important over the night?

(Goes back to re-read through thread)

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Wow i at least expected an argument...something!

But im not sirprised.. what im most surprised about is that nobody really defended him, or tried to counter my arguments, usually that is a surefire mafia tell. Id say that were probably looking at an experiemced mafia team.

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@rol i agree on that noc vote, furthermore, its a tipping point vote, as i explaoned previosly. Thats usually a good indication of scum.

Sure sure btlut before that, tell ke why you unvoted him and then hammered with ten minutes left. Linkz vote was enough to put him away. Why did you seal the deal.
Note that i am definitely NOT blaming you gor his death in the slightest. I take full responsibility for that.
i want to know exactly why you hammered.
Oh, and i know why fyi. This is your chance to explain to me why i shouldnt vote you.

Theres one other person i need to question after you, then i can start my day.
You are not in nearly as much hot water as my other target, so im starting with you.

I'm not mafia, but I'm really suspicious of noctis because of this "joke" vote that turned into a fully fledged vote train, which he made no effort to stop (if his vote really was a joke, then he should have taken it off before I got to L3/L4/whatever I got to). His initial vote had no valid reason for existing, and then once the lynch train started leaving the platform, he started picking apart everything that I said - he genuinely wanted me dead, I think.

vote: Noctis

But I'm also suspicious of supermario because of his reaction to the nighttime events-

"This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Now we have two dead townies and it is 7 town to 3 mafia. (Most likely) If we mislynch again today that ratio will be 5 town to 3 mafia and we will be in very bad shape going forward. Did anyone learn anything important over the night? "

1) This to me sounds like bragging, or at least trying to distance himself from the events of yesterday. The "most likely" is like he's trying to "prove" to the town that he's not mafia by saying that he doesn't know how many mafia there are.
2) Sounds like he's asking the Cop/watcher to come forward

HoS: Supermario

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I was suspicious of noname because of his attitude towards the FF situation, but now

I realize now that maybe he was trying to protect him from a night kill by trying to cast doubts in Linkz claim

It was stupid of me trying to voice my agreement with Linkz  coze that’s the kind of thoughts you should keep to yourself.

supermario128 said:

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Now we have two dead townies and it is 7 town to 3 mafia. (Most likely) If we mislynch again today that ratio will be 5 town to 3 mafia and we will be in very bad shape going forward.  Did anyone learn anything important over the night? 

Stating facts & asking for info at the beggining of the day is just scummy from my experince. Your on my list pal.

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radishhead said:
"This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Now we have two dead townies and it is 7 town to 3 mafia. (Most likely) If we mislynch again today that ratio will be 5 town to 3 mafia and we will be in very bad shape going forward. Did anyone learn anything important over the night? "

1) This to me sounds like bragging, or at least trying to distance himself from the events of yesterday. The "most likely" is like he's trying to "prove" to the town that he's not mafia by saying that he doesn't know how many mafia there are.
2) Sounds like he's asking the Cop/watcher to come forward

HoS: Supermario

I agree with your first point, but if a cop/watcher did indeed find something last night he should come forward .

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