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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

spurgeonryan said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
spurgeonryan said:

Nothing  weird about it. He lurked most of the game (but that is nothing really new) then he popped out and voted time limit.

Did not want to say anything that would get him lynched so that he could make it to night.

Pretty straight forward I would say.

I want him to talk so please don't answer for him and defend him.

I think you missunderstood my post. :(

There was no defending.

Yeah, I did.

@ prof

You are talking about me what do you want me to do ignore it?? As if your post about me are full of good stuff about me. All fo you are suspecting me, right?

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RolStoppable said:
The only logical reason to be against the time limit is if you want to keep the probability for an eventual lynch higher and on the first Day that only really plays into the hands of the mafia.

Unvote: spurge

Vote: noctis


I like your post. With the time limit and Rad has the majority of the vote there is a high chance the we have a lynch because people that voted for him will not have a chance to unvote if they are not around. 

Anyway, the same can be said for the people who wants a time limit. They want to end the day with a player that has the majority of the vote and hoping that other players won't make it in time to unvote and  excited to end the day so that can use their abilty to kill a townie and  very excited to have a strategy meeting at night time.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
spurgeonryan said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
spurgeonryan said:

Nothing  weird about it. He lurked most of the game (but that is nothing really new) then he popped out and voted time limit.

Did not want to say anything that would get him lynched so that he could make it to night.

Pretty straight forward I would say.

I want him to talk so please don't answer for him and defend him.

I think you missunderstood my post. :(

There was no defending.

Yeah, I did.

@ prof

You are talking about me what do you want me to do ignore it?? As if your post about me are full of good stuff about me. All fo you are suspecting me, right?

If you recall, it was a question that I had asked someone else that you responded to.

Anyway, no, I am not currently suspecting you.

To be fair, I only voted time limit because a day one lynch is always a mis-lynch. And there is nothing solid to go by. Voting for someone who asked for a no lynch? Asking for a no lynch in day one is perfectly justified.

Right, so why didn't you vote no lynch?

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
spurgeonryan said:

I think you missunderstood my post. :(

There was no defending.

Yeah, I did.

@ prof

You are talking about me what do you want me to do ignore it?? As if your post about me are full of good stuff about me. All fo you are suspecting me, right?

If you recall, it was a question that I had asked someone else that you responded to.

Anyway, no, I am not currently suspecting you.


Ok I am confuse. Aren't we talking about last round?

Final-Fan said:
noname2200 said:
Alright guys, I'd like to call a time out. The following is not intended to have any relation to my role in this game, and any response to this interruption shouldn't be read in light of the game either.

So we've been "playing" for over three days now, roughly 80 hours. In that time, we have collectively amassed exactly 150 posts as of this one, broken down as follows: [...]

Only three of the twelve players have posted more than the moderator. Five of the twelve players have posted as much as or less than a non-player (Rol). On average, somebody, player or not, posts in this thread less than once every half hour. We just went 18 hours with no one saying a word, and the game's just started.

So, erm...what's up? I know it's the weekend, but are we thinking things are going to get better anytime soon?

I have a few proposals. First, that we vote for that time limit. If we go with this one, we can bring it up later, since again I'd like this to be a complete time out, whereas the time limit is built into the rules.

Second idea, we institute a rule change. This game is based on items, with every player having the ability to possess and use items during the Night phase. So let's institute a rule that you can not use whatever item you hold unless you post at least an average of X times a day. That can be "day" or "Day," depending on what folks want, although I favor little d, for pacing reasons. To go along with this, the mafia can not murder at night unless all of its members average that X number of posts. I think this change will prove beneficial.

Third idea, we keep puttering about, saying little and doing nothing, until the impending apathy calcifies completely and we repay Stefl's hosting generosity by blowing him off. For the record, I don't like this plan.

Fourth idea: insert your own proposal here. Open forum, go nuts.


"To go along with this, the mafia can not murder at night unless all of its members average that X number of posts. I think this change will prove beneficial."

Any day we find out the mafia had a kill last night, oops, I guess that means all the lurkers get a free pass.  Surely they won't interpret that as an excuse to coast even more through the rest of the game.    (I find it almost hard to believe you didn't spot that massive flaw in your plan, but I will refrain from forming conspiracy theories for now.) 

I also forsee your little-d post requirement producing lots and lots of "check-in" posts, which might be of some value by themselves, and might increase participation just because they might decide to participate for real once they got here to check in, but the signal-to-noise ratio would become pretty terrible IMO.  It is very possible to have a Mafia game with too many posts; I don't know if you were playing in the mega-games we had for a while, but a lot of people had trouble keeping up. 

Calling time out again for this response (and this response only).

I do understand your objection, but that's why I proposed making it a team average; if there are four mafia, and one or two of them lurk(s), the kill couldn't have happened unless his/their teammates posted enough to make up for him/them. In other words, that line of thinking would be both lazy and flawed, because it's not necessarily true. This is especially true if X number is a fairly low one, since there shouldn't be many players who don't reach that goal (especially since item use is still tied to individual post count: the individual has his own carrot to reach as well).

I concede it's not a perfect proposal, but I believe it's the beginning of a workable one.

Your second objection is a good one, though. I suppose there'd also have to be some objective means of incentivizing quality as well as quantity. It's moot for this game, since the proposal wasn't picked up, but it's something to ponder for future purposes.

Alright, time-in!

spurgeonryan said:
1. Why not ask if anyone wants to role claim? I have asked before. Maybe someone does.

1. What value is there in role claiming this early on? Especially when the rules provide that items are changeable, and the rules implicitly state that some have only finite uses, so some roles are almost guaranteed to change as the game progresses. Or am I misinterpreting what you mean by "role claim"?

RolStoppable said:
The only logical reason to be against the time limit is if you want to keep the probability for an eventual lynch higher and on the first Day that only really plays into the hands of the mafia.

Unvote: spurge

Vote: noctis

Some folks believe that, depending on the number of players, a first day lynch is akin to a "free" lynch for the town, so they push for one. I believe it was theRepublic who has some formula to determine when he thinks it is/isn't appropriate.

Other players prefer to have long days in order to generate some conversation between players. If there are people posting, as there are now, I generally fall in this camp.

Finally, the rules in this particular game means that a day one lynch is at least slightly more likely to occur with the time limit. Quote:

"Voting/Lynching will be based on a majority system.  Somebody needs to receive greater than 50% of the total votes in order to be lynched.  If 33% of the remaining players vote for a Time-limit there will be issued a ~24 hour time limit, valid as soon as the last necessary vote has been cast.  Any non votes will be eliminated from the count at the end of each day.  Understand that this means if there are 12 players, and only 9 voted by the end of the day, the 50% measure is based off of the 9 votes, not the 12 votes." (emphasis added)

If your goal was to ensure that no one got lynched today, the time limit was not the best way to go about it. Voting "No Lynch" is more appropriate.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
I really disagree with this time limit. >_>

FoS Moreno
So far I am not liking all his post all through out this game.
This is just a weird feeling.

I also dislike the time limit, seeing as how things started picking up, but in fairness it's been several days (little d) since we started, so some fatigue is understandable.

radishhead said:
Personally, I put a time limit request up because I believe that on the first day, nobody really wants to kill anyone since there isn't really evidence to go off- tomorrow when somebody is (presumably) killed, there will be information to go off, either from police reports or just looking at the interaction between different players and comparing it to the newly found information revealed regarding alignment

If there's conversation happening, there's information to mine through. And if we rush to the first Night without first creating some interaction, there won't be any interaction between players to compare against the information learned at night.

Moreover, I'm surprised to hear you say that nobody wants to kill anyone on Day One. If I recall correctly, you yourself were a vote away from getting lynched in your first game here, and someone else was lynched in your place that game. Have things gotten more conservative since then?

spurgeonryan said:
Ahh! You really are a pro. You pressured me into basically saying what my item was. Nice work Final Fan!

I have to agree with Final-Fan; he didn't do this at all. Were you merely looking for an excuse to talk about your item? You have been pushing for role claims since early this game; it started three days ago, and the request came out of the blue.

morenoingrato said:
So much off-topic blablabla.

Vote: Time Limit.

This is a weirdly timed post. We just had a player about to be replaced with someone who hasn't played before, the new player was asking questions about the history of the game, and Final-Fan and noctis were in the midst of grilling spurge on the latter's posts. What part of this is "off-topic blablabla"?

spurgeonryan said:
Long story short, no matter what item I have or what role I play the Prof is going to throw me to the wolves and see who pounces first tonight! If that happens I hope that it is a big time mafia guy that I help take down!

Does this mean you're now convinced that prof is a townie?

RolStoppable said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

I haven't played all but the last 6 rounds. 

Mafia: 5

Townies: 1

The mafia is pretty good then. Although understandable, because if the townies pick a wrong guy on the first two days, the ratio of townies to mafia shrinks from 9:3 to 5:3 in a twelve player game. From there on out a mafia victory is very probable.

Well, that is if I grasped the basic rules of the most basic version of Mafia.

This is partly just noctis' luck: the games I've played have been more even, and the two mafia wins I remember each had four or more factions of "scum" (mafia, or other bad guys like serial killers).

Damn, mega-posts from work are going to take forever. =^/


Vote: No Lynch

NoCtiS_NoX said:
theprof00 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
spurgeonryan said:

I think you missunderstood my post. :(

There was no defending.

Yeah, I did.

@ prof

You are talking about me what do you want me to do ignore it?? As if your post about me are full of good stuff about me. All fo you are suspecting me, right?

If you recall, it was a question that I had asked someone else that you responded to.

Anyway, no, I am not currently suspecting you.


Ok I am confuse. Aren't we talking about last round?

Please learn how to use past-tense when talking about something that happened in the past.

I was able to figure out that the first sentence was about last game, but the last sentence seemed to be talking about the present.

RolStoppable said:

Well, I am assuming that everyone who signed up for this game has enough time to check out the game thread at least once a day, so a time limit of 24 hours can't have devastating effects on the strategies of non-mafia guys, unless some of the townies go crazy on their own. The mafia is the only faction that can benefit from an unlimited first Day, because it gives them more time to spread FUD that eventually leads to a lynch.

Uhm, I don't know about that. Time limit is very advantageous for the mafia  since they can kill at night and they can just choose to lurk which is harder for the townies to read. If there is unlimited time the more tha mafia get impatient since they can't kill. They can't also start a lynch train without the risk of suspicion casting over them. IMHO.