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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

theprof00 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Vettemens trying to play! Hmm. Interesting. He usually does come along and starts to be active. Just. Takes him a whiiiiile.

What is this about?

You know spurg more than i do, you think he was really joking back there? 

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noname2200 said:

Second idea, we institute a rule change. This game is based on items, with every player having the ability to possess and use items during the Night phase. So let's institute a rule that you can not use whatever item you hold unless you post at least an average of X times a day. That can be "day" or "Day," depending on what folks want, although I favor little d, for pacing reasons. To go along with this, the mafia can not murder at night unless all of its members average that X number of posts. I think this change will prove beneficial.

The second idea seems to be the ideal one imo. Forcing players to post wont necessary make them add to the discussion, but at least we won't have a mafia of  lurkers.

Actualy i want and add and extra rule in there and make it more fair for all (not only you wont be able to use the item, but you will lose it when the day ends)

That way if you want to savor an item with  limited usability you need to post too.

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Linkzmax said:

Screw quotes...

1. One it would be odd if Stefl made a table of 11 players, excluding FF after he had given him a role. And two there's no way he rerolled everyone after correcting the table. You guys go ahead and do whatever you want about FF, but I'm not going to suspect him anytime soon.

2. I put prof at L-1 momentarily, and had I not refreshed before posting, moreno could have voted without noname's unvote and it would have been a hammer instead. There was a 2 minute gap between their votes as has been mentioned.

Yay radish is going to follow a game of Mafia that he's playing in. I didn't mention this last round as to why radish wasn't targeted night one, but most scumteams aren't going to kill him because he's prone to rash hammering and/or not making good cases against mafia. That doesn't mean he should be lynched as a liability, but good townies need to recognize his shortfalls.

I suspect the better items are player bound for what it's worth. The non-player bound items certainly should be interesting though.

I'm back and quoting as a read, sorry if I bring back old stuff.

1. Just to be clear, you're basing your FF observations on the OP table in this thread and not the sign-up list? I didn't notice the OP changing but if that's so then you may be on to something.

2. Your sentence makes no sense. No matter how many times you refreshed your page, noname's unvote would always have taken place before moreno's vote unless your browser has the ability to alter the space-time continuum. I'm guessing, what you were trying to say is that if you hadn't refreshed your page AND if noname didn't unvote you could have hammered prof.

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Linkzmax said:
I'm worried you're going to realize I was sent 2 role PMs, duh

Is this statement a serious one?

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theprof00 said:
Guess who's got 3 votes and a diablo 3 beta key?

Someone I'm super jealous of?

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nen-suer said:
spurgeonryan said:
Well since the game has been going for a bit now I would check his profile to see when he last checked in. Give him 2-3 days in the meat world to show up. Because as we know from last game the first day can last forever1

And here i thought you were helping me mess with radish's head >_> 

FoS: for not knowing the players list (radish gets a pass but not you)

So you're saying that you brought up Vetteman just to mess with radishhead. While that's possible, I can't help but think you're the up who messed up by thinking Vette was in this game and you're trying to make it seem like it wasn't a slip up after all.

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spurgeonryan said:
That was a game nen suer and I were playing, I thought to the end, but he pu**ied out. You should join in theprof. Its called confusing mafia and weeding out scum.

So you're using the same defense as nen-suer. Please apply my previous comment to yourself too.

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Linkzmax said:

supermario128 said:

I'm going to guess the mafia to be Prof, Linkz, and Trucks.

Skimmed most of your post, maybe I'll read it tomorrow.

Just wanted to point out how awesome it would be if this was true.

Reading his post my reaction was: The town wouldn't stand a chance if that were the case ;-P

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TruckOSaurus said:
nen-suer said:
spurgeonryan said:
Well since the game has been going for a bit now I would check his profile to see when he last checked in. Give him 2-3 days in the meat world to show up. Because as we know from last game the first day can last forever1

And here i thought you were helping me mess with radish's head >_> 

FoS: for not knowing the players list (radish gets a pass but not you)

So you're saying that you brought up Vetteman just to mess with radishhead. While that's possible, I can't help but think you're the up who messed up by thinking Vette was in this game and you're trying to make it seem like it wasn't a slip up after all.

Not sure if serious! plz don't tell me you actually fell for it too when you read that post lol.

Anywho in case you are being serious (and let me pause here for a second) read my reply to radish after that.

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radishhead said:
I haven't broken any promise - I have genuinely read every message that has been posted in this game so far, which is really quite an impressive feat for me. Just because I got confused about the Vette thing, doesn't mean that I didnt' read the other messages- other people got confused too :S I wouldn't break my promise this early (nor will I at all this game); it's time for the New Radishhead :D

I feel like I've heard this before, so many games ago. Let it be true this time.

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