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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

How prey tell does that confuse mafia or weed out scum?

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theprof00 said:

Not, "that doesn't make any sense, you're trying to find something that isn't there", or anything related to that. Anytime you say the latter rather than the former, it makes people want to lynch you, which is exactly the same problem you had in your last game, which got you lynched, and made you "quit vgc forever".

I think it is funny how you believe that. Mafia wasn't what made me leave VGC. Quite the opposite actually, it was the only thing that was keeping me on the site. I left because of the ridiculous re-design and because almost everyone else I grew close to was leaving. When I got word of a site re-design approaching and saw a few older members had returned I became a bit more active again. Lurking and leaving are not the same thing anyway, so I'd appreciate it if you stopped putting words in my mouth... As far as my last game goes, I honestly don't remember what happened or anything about it, really. It was a long time ago and shouldn't even matter towards this current game.


Speaking of which... Why are we getting so much posts from people that are not even in the game?Also, my thoughts so far on everyone who is playing...

Linkzmax: Claims FF is not mafia with no "real" evidence to support his claim. I know his reasoning, but you can't take it as truth. So, the only other way he could know he is not mafia is if he is in fact mafia himself...

Trucks: Voted for prof and prof voted for himself. Voted for Radish once others started to do so. Maybe he wants to lay low and just go with the flow.

morenoingrato: Hasn't really done much besides vote for prof and then unvote him. Can't really conclude anything from that.

spurgeonryan: Wanted prof to role claim when there is no reason to do so on Day 1, which I found very odd. Maybe he is mafia wanting to know about other's roles early on?  Also, fell for Nen's "Vetteman" trick which shows he doesn't really care who the other players are because he is mafia, or he just wasn't paying attention. I personally think it is the latter.

radishhead: Also fell for Nen's "Vetteman" trick, which means he also doesn't care who the other players are and is mafia, or he just wasn't paying attention. I think it is the latter; even more so than with spurgeonryan...  Also, broke his promise already, which doesn't bode well for the rest of the game.

nen: Either intentionally said Vetteman was playing to see who was paying attention, or did it to try and confuse the town. I think it was the former.

FF: Voted for prof, with what I thought was a good reason at the time, and then unvoted him. Besides that he hasn't done too much, so it is too early to conclude anything about him.

NoCtis: Voted for Radish without stating why which no one should do, even if it was a joke vote you should give a reason. lol Said, we shouldn't be role claiming on day one, which I agree with. So far, I'm not too suspicious of him.

theprof: Is posting a lot and is questioning people a lot, so I would guess he is town because of that, but I'm not too sure about him. People have said he is playing a bit differently, but I won't conclude anything yet even if I am leaning towards him being mafia. :P

noname: Seems to be actively trying to help the town. Wants people to post a certain amount to be able to use items, wants a time limit, went through and counted how many posts people have, etc. I'm not too suspicious of him.

frankenfran: Is either intentionally lurking, or just doesn't have any free time. Hard to get a vibe from him either way because he hasn't really done anything besides voting for prof for being french.


In general: Using the standard 25% mafia to 75% town we should have 3 mafia members and 9 town members. If this is like a conventional game in that regard. I'm going to guess the mafia to be Prof, Linkz, and Trucks. Keep in mind, this is day one and we don't really have much to work with yet. This is just my guess as of right now and is likely to change as we move forward in the game. I'm not concluding anything just yet. :P

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supermario128 said:

I'm going to guess the mafia to be Prof, Linkz, and Trucks.

Skimmed most of your post, maybe I'll read it tomorrow.

Just wanted to point out how awesome it would be if this was true.

I don't agree with the the time limit. We have so many people talking in here. We are also on weekends with my experience playing here. Weekends is a slow days so I am used to it.


theprof00 said:

spurgeonryan said:
Wow! Lol, franken got right down to busines.

On a side note the prof must either not think very highly of his character or he has a powerful weapon if he was willing to start a vote train on himself.

I didn't start a train on myself! Trucks did!

Yes you did.



NoCtiS_NoX said:

theprof00 said:

I didn't start a train on myself! Trucks did!

Yes you did.

He voted himself, but didnt start the vote train.

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spurgeonryan said:

   @ Nen-suer

I think that is just how he always plays. Has a bit of Hatmoza in him I think.


I will end this by saying I am suspicious of you, Noname for wanting to rush the game so that he can get to the night (even though he said time out :), radishead for reasons that you made, and trucks for dissapearing totally. Linkz could be added to the list if it turns out that he is lying. That would make well over the amount of mafia as you say there are, so of course a few must just actually be town, but acting differently.

After what you have said about everyone, my suspicions of the Prof have almost completely subsided. Noctis brings up not feeling inside me, and Frankenfran is just not here.

@first part

I'll take that as a compliment…..with a hint of insult.


Trucks said he will be gone for the weekend and won't post for a while (plz dont tell  me you missed that.....too)

I'm a little suspcious of noname not becouse he wants the night to start, but for still pressing on the FF issue that i think Linkz explained well

Linkzmax said:

supermario128 said:

 I'm going to guess the mafia to be Prof, Linkz, and Trucks.

Skimmed most of your post, maybe I'll read it tomorrow.

Just wanted to point out how awesome it would be if this was true.

But it cant be true becouse your name is in there....right right ?

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I haven't broken any promise - I have genuinely read every message that has been posted in this game so far, which is really quite an impressive feat for me. Just because I got confused about the Vette thing, doesn't mean that I didnt' read the other messages- other people got confused too :S I wouldn't break my promise this early (nor will I at all this game); it's time for the New Radishhead :D

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Also, I wasn't ready to put up a time limit over the weekend since lots of people are busy over the weekend, but it's monday now, so I'm going to

Vote: Time Limit

I'm not trying to rush or pressure people, rather that I wanted to show that I'm in support of such a time limit should other people also be interested

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Oh, and finally-

Vote: No Lynch

Not because I'm not prepared to lynch anyone today, it's just because no lynch is my default stance for any Day 1 rounds of mafia unless decent evidence can persuade me otherwise (you guys probably knew that anyway)

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Lynchee L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
theprof00 supermario

supermario128 linkz            
radishhead noctis prof trucks        
no lynch radish            
Timelimit T-3 T-2 T-1 BOOM!
votes radish      

Vote history:

theprof00 votes theprof00
noname2200 votes Stefl1504
TruckOSaurus votes theprof00
noname2200 votes theprof00 and unvotes Stefl1504
supermario128 votes theprof00
spurgeonryan votes RolStoppable
spurgeonryan unvotes
Final-Fan votes theprof00
noname220 unvotes
morenoingrato votes theprof00
Linkzmax votes theprof00
Linkzmax votes supermario128 and unvotes theprof00
theprof00 unvotes
NoCtiS_NoX votes radishhead
theprof00 votes radishhead
TruckOSaurus votes radishhead and unvotes theprof00
morenoingrato unvotes
frankenfran votes theprof00
final-fan unvotes
radish votes limelimit
radish votes no lynch

Hi there, dear spectators, I found my way back to the Arena somehow... maybe I shouldn't stay away for such long times, because it looks like that when I am not around the action starts to cease. At least I hope it was fun for you even when I couldn't describe the action!

Okay, now on a not so flavoury note: GIVE ME MORE ACTION! ;P (also I really wasn't arround and I was expecting like a 150 posts awaiting me... instead I find... 40)


Oh and regarding frankens inactivity... I would be willing to replace him if a player is found and since someone asked if he should be Modkilled - I won't do that.