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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Interesting. I basically agree with everything you said in your post (directed at noname). I also got the feeling that Linkz wanted to be scanned by me early on and that is the main reason I went after nen first. I'm fairly confident that you are town, but I still want to hear from Noctis before actually voting for someone. Right now it is between Linkz and Radish, but Noctis could change that depending on what his item is.

Nintendo still doomed?
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You guys must absolutely suck as mafia if you think what I'm doing is typical mafia behavior, let alone behavior of a godfather. I'll grant you day 1, but day 2?? Oh boy, that really takes the cake.

Like I really tried to have the cop lynched when I'm the godfather. And our entire team(if 3 people) all went for the mislynch. I'd be insulted if it wasn't so hilariously stupid.

Perhaps we just don't share your high opinion of Linkzmax. Regardless of your flip, this game has certainly provided substantial corroborating evidence for our opinion.

You don't need a high opinion of me. Anyone with enough brain cells to make a post isn't going to do what I did if they were actually a godfather. But I TOTALLY see your point. When I flip town everyone will wonder why I acted like a godfather that tried to lynch the cop along with my scummates. I shall carry great shame.

Mario you can continue waiting for Noc or decide between radish and I. I support either decision fully.

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radish has been particularly quiet since being exposed as a liar... just sayin

I never wanted to be lynched, just said if I'm lynched to remove me from the suspect pool it's a good option. And I'm only playing serious enough to say what I think is most important for town to win. Lynching radish qualifies, and I certainly wouldn't be upset if it occurs Today instead of Tomorrow. Otherwise I'm happy to mock laughingly bad theories.


These are always my least favorite moments, when I most confess to an error that I have made. I take full responsibility for this. You see, when you said that my post was "too long" I concluded that you were subtly letting me know that I should be more concise in the future. I realize now that you were passing on an even more subtle message, that you are actually unable to read past a certain word count. Fortunately, there are promising treatments in the works. My sincerest apologies for being so slow.

I blame Twitter, personally.

Linkz is probably a big boy. As someone who's been struggling for weeks to dish them out, he can take it.

I'm more interested in hearing your thoughts, spurge. We seem to have two main suspects. I've laid out the case for Linkz, and since you're able to read more than a paragraph I'm sure you've gone through it. On the flipside there's radish, who has done a remarkable job today of making himself look suspicious. His item claim is certainly fishy, to say the least, and then there's the rapidity and absolute certainty in which he figured out that moreno was a townie.

Which, if either, do you prefer?

spurgeonryan said:
I think that Radish is the one to go for.

I do not know why linkz would even want to play though if he did not want to play? Why waste his own time? Last game he played to games at the same time he said. It went so slow that he found another forum to play mafia, and now he is acting like he hardly cares?

NoCtis has dodged the bullet from the start. Why would anything with him be any different now?

Radish always seems to play pretty much the same way, I have never last this long to really find out how he plays in the end of these games, but from watching from the Dead thread I would say that this is about how he usually does it.

Even though the prof will probably turn out to be mafia and laugh at us all at the end, his instincts and reasoning have seemed to mostly been right this whole game. Mario seems to be what he says he is, and linkz is not puting up much of a fight.

I would like to go with linkz or Radish. I am horrible at getting lynch trains started so as long as it is one of those two I will most likely jump on board the one that is closer to going down.

Linkz is simply not playing. He is completely right in what he's said. He's only been playing "enough" to help the town, which is understandable. I myself am perfectly capable, and just from the little I've gathered in his points I was able to figure out quite a bit from the thread.