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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Anyhow, here's how I see things. I still maintain what I said earlier: Linkz is the Godfather. It is consistent with everything that's happened so far. Let's start at the beginning.

On Day One Linkz declared that the "better items" are player bound. Obviously, the only item information he would have had at that point was his own. He now claims that the effect of his own item is merely to make him "unpopular." The item is a mask. Useful for hiding one's identity. Yesterday he added that his item was purely passive.

He's been acting "different" (scummy and obnoxious, basically) from the start, as has repeatedly been noted by everyone, himself included. He could of course just be trying something new, but this leads me to think he's been trying to draw a scan since early on, which would be quite useful for a Godfather. It certainly wasn't particularly helpful for the town.

When mario stepped forward as the cop, three people tried fervently to lynch him. Trucks, nen, and linkz. The former two have flipped as mafia.

He was pretty obsessed with learning the extent of what mario could learn with a scan: item name alone? Item power too? Other? Perhaps this was merely attempting to flush out a falseclaim (for the record, still no counterclaim on the cop thing by anyone), but I'm inclined to wonder if this was motivated by a fear that mario could learn exactly what linkz' item does, which would negate the strategy of trying to draw a scan. In either case, I certainly got the impression that linkz made his decision to try and lynch mario, and then went looking for support afterwards: his strongest piece of evidence against mario wasn't brought up until the conversation had been going on for a while, which makes me think he'd been scrambling to find facts to justify his position, rather than the other way around.

Then there's the shock grenade, which delays the target's night action. Again, perhaps this is merely circumstance, and the mafia's target was either protected by spurge or someone/thing else. What I do know is that I used it on linkz, and there was no night kill that night.

Speaking of night kills, I can't help but notice that two people are still alive: the claimed doctor and the claimed cop. Two nights have passed since they both claimed, yet here they stand. I can't help but wonder if this is because the mafia knows that he has nothing to fear from a scan. Something similar happened in the last game I played. There, the final scum claimed Miller, then proceeded to leave the claimed cop alone. And why not? Getting scanned poses no danger. If the claim had been believed, that is. We won because that claim was tested.

No credit for guessing who the final scum was, by the by.

So yes, I'm going to stick with my vote. I'm confident in it. And fortunately, we've been largely successful to this point, so even if I'm wrong we can still afford to, how did linkz put it when we lynched moreno? Eliminate a suspect player? Something like that.

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And now everything I write is in italics, apparently.

noname2200 said:
And now everything I write is in italics, apparently.

You have to un-italic the post where it started

Logged out, cleared my cache, logged back in. Better?

That'll fix ya.

Around the Network

How about now?

Stupid site allowing formatting to extend through posts.

Rol was a great kill choice by the way. I commend scum for that one. First he claimed to have the stunner item, and second he was very active. It's obvious already the effect his demise has had on everyone.

noname your post was entirely too long and entirely too wrong. But you are right to vote me to remove a suspect. radish still has to go, but whether it's today or tomorrow shouldn't matter.

If you edit in a ["/"] minus the quotes in you first post, all the others will revert to normal.

Linkzmax said:
If you edit in a ["/"] minus the quotes in you first post, all the others will revert to normal.

That'd take editing a post, which I prefer not to do in this game, but it's a good tip for the future. Thanks!

Confirmed with Stefl about my item's purpose. I am both relieved and humored that mario is town.