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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

noname2200 said:

Re: FF, part of my problem is that it's sloppy to assume that Final-Fan was just tacked on as a townie at the last second when a simpler explanation, that stefl originally just accidentally neglected to add his name to column, is equally available. Again, and I mean this with all due to respect to poor radish, it's logic that I expect more from other players.

Your forgetting that FF name was not present in the final players list that stefl most likely used to set up the game. 

That what linkz is gettting at.

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Oh, so vette isn't actually playing? That was an unfair trick :(

@Something that someone said earlier relating to me (I can't remember what it was): I'll elaborate on what I said in the morning (real life time)

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radishhead said:
Oh, so vette isn't actually playing? That was an unfair trick :(

@Something that someone said earlier relating to me (I can't remember what it was): I'll elaborate on what I said in the morning (real life time)

I'll wait for this elaboration of yours for like, forever??

spurgeonryan said:

 At noctis

1. Not any push for a role claim, just seeing if anyone wanted to.

2. Also noctis, leave it to stefl to make a 3rd party. So full of tricks this guy is.

1. Why? Day 1 you want someone claiming? 

2. Huh!? What are you talking about? If there is a 3rd or not it's already been set before the game start.

spurgeonryan said:
Elaborate on what? Are you talking about what I said about you radish?

At Noctis

What did you mean by the forever statement noctis? Just what it looks like or is there something deeper?

I am making fun of him because last round. He posted something like this and we ended up waiting for nothing. >_>

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It was noname's thing- "at what point do you think it was"; I don't actually know when it "was"- I just made that comment as a general feeling, but I wanted to take a look back and decide when/if the Prof bandwagon was taken over by the mafia

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spurgeonryan said:
Nen-suer dos not know me very well. I thought we were going to continue... :( you think I would say the iliterate thing to radish without checking my self? :P just going along with theprof crazy play.

Will the party ended with proff's post. can belive you kept going with it

+1 for the commitment.

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theprof00 said:

Enough with the jibber jabber,

What is confusing about items? "They are items, thus are confusing", is not a good answer!

And no, you didn't say they were player bound. To clarify, you didn't say anything about the items at all. The confusing thing about items is that they are NOT player bound, meaning it's possible that people's roles will change! THAT is confusing. Yet you didn't seem to realize that! I wanted to see if you understood why you said what you did, and with the bad answer you gave me, it makes it look like your original post was just mindless chatter.

This makes me think:

a) you were not thinking, and simply parroting other players who said "twist" and "odd"

b) you have a role that allows you to take items, hence why you called the items confusing without pointing to the rules.

You are going on and on about something that simply doesn't matter. I also said items are interesting, yet you are not over-reacting about that word... I gave you an honest answer already; if you don't like it that isn't my fault.

a) Nope.

b) Nope.


spurgeonryan said:
Anyone want to role claim? Theprof? You seem quite willing do. To anything today.

No one should be role claiming on day one.


nen-suer said:

only vetteman. i think we should have him mod killed.

I realize you were probably joking, but to see people go along with this... It shows just how much some people are paying attention to the game if they don't even know who is playing.

Nintendo still doomed?
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supermario128 said:



I realize you were probably joking, but to see people go along with this... It shows just how much some people are paying attention to the game if they don't even know who is playing.

It doesn't matter that you can't explain why you said something was confusing with any tangible reason?

I'll help you out here supermario, because your reply makes me think town...but let me clarify. It DOES matter. Maybe it doesn't matter to you because you are town, so you're autoatically dismissing why it's important.

But here's how you handle something like that in the future "I meant it was confusing because a role is thought of as permanent, and an item isn't".

Not, "that doesn't make any sense, you're trying to find something that isn't there", or anything related to that. Anytime you say the latter rather than the former, it makes people want to lynch you, which is exactly the same problem you had in your last game, which got you lynched, and made you "quit vgc forever".

Attacking a question looks suspicious. Just do your best to answer questions as they come at you.

If i had known the game would be this slow, I would have signed up :P