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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game


Indeed... indeed...

Edit: Response was meant for Millenium, but as it turns out there's no reason to change the answer :D

The user below has over 80 games in his collection (on this site)?

I can tell I just should've left.

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NintendoPie said:

Indeed... indeed...

Edit: Response was meant for Millenium, but as it turns out there's no reason to change the answer :D

The user below has over 80 games in his collection (on this site)?

I can tell I just should've left.

Wut? I noticed your absence =)

@youtwo: Lol!

@question: True, I thinks 117+ games.

The user below me doesn't like carrots?

false I like them

The user below doesn´t like TV shows

brendude13 said:
Already have, Battlefield 3 and Resident Evil 3. I got really pissed off with Resident Evil 3, now I have a dead end save file.


Sorry, I post half finished posts and edit them a minute later, but I had to quickly go.

OT: I don't like most TV shows at all, there are still some I enjoy though.

The user below me doesn't drink water often.

Around the Network

False, I drink it every time I brush my teeth!

The user below has his TV on in the background but hardly watch it.

False I actually have my PC plugged to my TV

The user below has watched Walking Dead at least once

False. I dislike that show, way too linear in my opinion. (Like everything else having to do with zombies.)

The member below me just got back from a party.

False, stayed home for the drinking tonight.

The user below me has seen all 3 LOTR movies at least twice?

Nope, watched most of the first one and some of the second and third ones. I'm sorry to say, but they put me to sleep.

The user below me has fairly frequent nose bleeds.