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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

True! Goin out tonight, gonna be fun.

The VGchartite below me loves the ladies :)

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The user below is epicly awesome because there the 1000 poster in this thread :D 

False to the literal meaning, True to its subtle, cryptic definition.
The member below me loves themselves some panocha


the user below plays phonegames


The user below me has seen both Iron Man movies?

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True loved the first one liked the second

the user below has downloaded at least one game form PSN/XBLA

True. I own all systems. Also, @AndrewWK Even the Urban Definition? I thought I'd follow's sRyan's lead LOL
The user below sometimes feels like s/he just want to uppercut a punk

False I don´t wan´t to uppercut a Punk altough my right uppercut is pretty decent not as good as my right Low-Kick tough

The user below is excited about the upcoming UFC event

False, don't really watch UFC anymore.

The user below me likes go-karting?

False I was once and I was terrible

the user below has played at least one Mass Effect game (if not you should)