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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

False don´t like Call of Duty at all.

the user below is from Europe

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True and False, live in EU, not born in EU though.

The user below me is from the UK or USA?

False. Lived in Sweden my whole life!

The user below consider himself a casual gamer.

leaning  more to false I don't play countless hours online but every game I buy is pretty bad ass.

The user blelow fines this image attractive.

Well I don´t like the Hitler stuff, but I would bang her.

The user below knows Korn

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... No comment Gilgy!

True. I know Korn, definitely not a fan though.

The user below me thinks Gilgamesh is strange?


the user below like SM

Ummm I'm guessing SM is Super Mario? So yes, Mario is cool. But I'm not a huge fan of it like everyone else.

The VGcharter below me is interested to know that the first slave owner in America was a black man, and that it was blacks selling other blacks to the European slave traders. I know slavery was bad but it wasn't all the white man's doing, those people in Africa are responsible for selling their own people.

True indeed. But it's nice to see the whole picture.

The user below is impatient.

True, I am often impatient.

The user below me owns a PS3?