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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

False, I literally just do not like the color pink.

EDIT: >_> False, I won't waste even more of my life watching that movie.

The person below me uses "u" for no obvious reason. "Colour" as an example.
@Millenium I don't really pay much attention to actors.

Around the Network

Yes I do, because I speak English.

The user below me wears glasses.

False, except sun glasses :)

The user below me likes apple pie?

True!! I am American after all.

The member below me likes Pumpkin Pie.

False,I prefer apple pie :)

Person below think islam is threat to mankind.

Around the Network

False, I wouldn't call it a threat, more of a disturbance like all religion... Yep went there.

The user below me is religious?


The member below me thinks Millenium should'nt have been so rude about Religion.

True but I respect his opinion

The user below has seen Sin City

True, as previously stated. :)

The user below me has seen the movie 'Resurrection'?

pezus said:
NintendoPie said:

False, I literally just do not like the color pink.

EDIT: >_> False, I won't waste even more of my life watching that movie.

The person below me uses "u" for no obvious reason. "Colour" as an example.
@Millenium I don't really pay much attention to actors.

...says the guy who knew instantly when Brad and Jolie broke up!

True, my first R rated movie in a cinema I think

The user below does not believe in a god

Why would I not pay attention to them?  Best couple EVAAAARRRR! *sarcasm to the slightest*