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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

False, don't know him.
The user below thinks that Hiphop was much better 5 years ago.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

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True. Never really been into it, but from what I have heard it gets better the further you go back in time.

The user below is awesome.


The user below prefer Batman over Spiderman.

True Batman is the no.1 Badass around

the user below likes RPG´s

hell yes, I like a game that lasts longer than a couple of hours

user below thinks Sonic is sooo played out

Around the Network

False, Mario is much more played out and still fun and successful, so it depends on how they treat them, not how many games they make.

The user below thinks the Wii U will be last next gen.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

True/False you never know how Nintendo will do the N64 was the most powerful consoles in his gen and flopped but the was the weakest in its gen and fucked em all

The user below thinks Skyrim is overrated

True-ish, Sony in it's current form has been doomed for a while.

The user below me has seen at least one 'Ice Age' movie.

True have seen all 3 and will see the fourth

the user below liked all 3 ice age movies

False, I've only seen the first 2. They were decent movies.

The guy below me has seen every James Bond movie.