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Forums - Sales Discussion - PSV v 3DS v PSP v DS - TRUE Aligned launch - Week 80 update. BRUTAL

Chandler said:

When will the Miku-bump show up on the charts?


Oh wait, its already in the Japan chart. But I guess it's not in the global chart yet.

Already did. Japan weeks 36 and 37, I think it will be on Global 36 and 37 weeks.

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kowenicki said:
mitlar37 said:
Good job Kow, keep it up. I know it's hard to post anything that's the least bit negative on this Sony dominated site. Just keep the flame shield on and charge forward as I for one enjoy reading facts and not spin.

I'm in the process of updating all of the charts to show first 52 weeks.

Its impressive for 3DS so far.

That would be amazing. Thanks for the updates.

Hm, would be interesting to do some estimates on when the platform will pass a million in each of the three areas, though I imagine USA won't be for quite a while.

Thanks for the updated charts! Always interesting to see the statistics.

Great thread, thanks for the updates.

Are we still expecting revisions to the vita totals? Does ioi wait for official shipped figures to make revisions? What if Sony keeps combining PSP with vita shipments to avoid the shame? Will we ever know the true vita sell through numbers? Hopefully the vita holiday sales will be good enough to reduce sony's shame.

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
benao87 said:
kowenicki said:

I'm in the process of updating all of the charts to show first 52 weeks.

Its impressive for 3DS so far.

That would be amazing. Thanks for the updates.


Cheers mate. I somehow feel that 3DS ain't doing that bad, but as soon as DSlite appears it better keep the pace.

kowenicki said:
benao87 said:

Cheers mate. I somehow feel that 3DS ain't doing that bad, but as soon as DSlite appears it better keep the pace.

Yeah.  But this does show so far that 3DS is doing as well as Vita is doing badly.

That was indeed helpful at a time when you-know-who refused to believe how bad PSV was doing. I think now its clear for everybody, and I don't really see how Sony will be able to turn things around.

Great Post!!!
I hope u could update this topic every week!
And... I know Vita sales is not good enough, after I look this chart Vita sales is really bad.... I hope sony can fix this...

Taking int oaccount that DS and 3DS released at different times of the year (November vs. March), I think the only real fair comparision between the two is the slope of the sales line outside the hliday season. For most regions they look about the same, so I think 3DS will likely end up with lifetime sales of around 160 million like the DS.

However PSV is not only lagging behind the PSP, the gap between PSV and 3DS is huge! PSP kept up saleswise to the DS at the start, but PSV is failing hard!

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