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Forums - Sales Discussion - VGAnalyz Series: Ep02 - North America HW Sales by Manufacturer, by gen


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amp316 said:
RolStoppable said:
NintendoPie said:
RolStoppable said:

It is a failure. Nintendo's goal cannot and shouldn't be to do significantly worse than in the previous generation.

Compared to the DS's last generation? Yes. Compared to Sony's last generation (and most likely the Vita)? No.

You judge performance against the best, not an also-ran.

I agree.  A company should also be looking to improve upon hteir past performance.  If 3DS sells less than the DS, then it should be considered a failure.  If the Wii U has worse sales than the Wii they should not be happy either.

By the way, I like these threads.  They are a throwback to when people on this site used to talk about the numbers.

Well then I guess the Wii U will most likely be a "failure." While I do understand this logic, I think the title should be changed. It shouldn't be named a failure if it doesn't mark the sales of it's predecessor. The Wii U could beat out both the NexBox and the PS4, and not the Wii. I think that'll still be considered no where near a failure.

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NintendoPie said:

Well then I guess the Wii U will most likely be a "failure." While I do understand this logic, I think the title should be changed. It shouldn't be named a failure if it doesn't mark the sales of it's predecessor. The Wii U could beat out both the NexBox and the PS4, and not the Wii. I think that'll still be considered no where near a failure.

Not to take sides, but I second this. It all depends on how the market responds to the upcoming offerings, and if there are variables that are beyond Nintendo's control. Of course, they should do everything they can to expand their reach on the extended audience (especially the elderly, as it is a growing population). However, with considerations such as "They already own a Wii/DS", an example of a question is, can Nintendo overcome it's own success? Would it have to wait a gen (so will consumers skip a gen since it's maybe too soon). I'm not saying these are necessarily valid questions, but likely that they are possible factors to consider.

^Also, different metrics define success or failure. Some examples:

Absolute Sales volumes: Many will agree the PS2 is a monstrous success due to sheer platform sales volume.

Profit/Loss measures: Some will say the 3DS first year is a failure because the 3DS did not make profit for Nintendo, rather it likely caused losses. In that case it will be said so, even if absolute sales volume is high. It can be also used against the PS3 and in favor of the Wii.

Relative Sales volumes: Some may argue that the Wii is not the full success it could've been by absorbing HD market via basic HD support. In that case, despite high absolute sales volumes of 90+M, relative to the HD consoles separately, or even relative to the HD consoles combined, the Wii may be considered a mild success.

However, in a case where the market altogether shrinks yet one platform largely demolishes the competition by holding a marketshare of say 70%+ (as was the case for the PS2 in europe), then it could lead to much more interesting questions as "What caused the market to shrink? Was it the doing of the main market players, or was it the market itself?" and ultimately "Was the leading manufacturer winner, or loser in the end?" Food for thought.

In that sense, comparing gen 8 to gen 7 (3DS to DS) could lead to fruitful discussion as to the state of affairs of the market.