KylieDog said:
yo_john117 said:
KylieDog said:
pezus said:
KylieDog said:
pezus said: One thing is predictable, and that's KylieDog's score  |
Someone has to balance the overly postive reviews.
So, you're only rating low to balance the high scores or is 5/10 what you'd really give most games?
Other peoples scores do not influence my own. This game released for £40, it isn't close to being worth that with all its flaws. You can find it for £10 many places now, but I rate based on release price. I rented it personally.
I have a novel idea. How about you rate games based on how much you enjoyed/did not enjoy it instead of getting caught up on the stupid, trivial things. It honestly feels like you are giving games a low score simply to give it a low score. Nobody can possibly hate as many games as you do.
Enjoyment is a crap way to rate something, if I hate a particular genre should I rate it a 0 because I hate it and do not enjoy it at all? You would call that a good way to rate a game?
SOrry for getting caught up on the 'trivial' things like price, gameplay, design and so forth.
Well for one you wouldn't even play a game in a genre that you hate enough to give it a 1. And secondly I'm not talking about only rating it off of enjoyment but off of all the parts of the game (enjoyment should have the biggest weight though because that is why we play games). You seem to focus to much on small negative things in games rather than focusing on asking yourself if you had fun with the game. Seriously why do you play so many games if you hate 99% of them? (that's what your reviews tell me at least). I'm asking you to re-evaluate your frankly really crappy way of rating games.
Anyways here is what I think the best way to rate games are.
Out of 100 (of course different people will have slightly different weight ratios but the general concept remains)
Fun factor - 30
Visuals - 15
Sound - 10
Value - 15
Story/Singlplayer - 15 (note if it's a Multiplayer only game diseregard this and tack the 15 points on the Singleplayer)
Multiplayer - 15 (note if it's a Singleplayer only game diseregard this and tack the 15 points on the Multiplayer)