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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is "Hardcore"? Whats not?

ckmlb said:

The adult or kiddie type of game doesn't determine if it's hardcore it's the amount of depth to the game.

There are games that are in the middle of both, Mario and GTA are both not hardcore games neither are they casual games.

Pokemon is a kiddie game but it is a hardcore game, so it's not a question of how 'adult' a game is.

 Actually this is a pretty good description.

Games make me happy! PSN ID: Staticneuron Gamertag: Staticneuron Wii Code: Static Wii - 3055 0871 5802 1723

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Hus said:

Mario is NOT a hardcore game, nor is it made for hardcore gamers.

Metriod would be a much better choice.


from this I assume that you are very young...or your are an ex-segaian...

mario it's the "non plus ultra" in platform games.


an hardcore gamer cant' say that knows platform games if had not played  AT LEAST the first 5 games of serie!!!!!

 mario,2,3,world,world 2.

 for sure there are many good games...sonic serie etc...but mario serie it's the best in platform genre...

all hardocre gamers played and finished this serie...



 sonyans... little casual gamers...



 hard core gamers are people that know very well ALL types of games.


they play often the genre they prefer.

but instead of casual gamers they know very well also other genres.


you can play only fps...

you are maybe very good...

but still you're not an hardcore gamer!!!!

and also


you can feel a master in playing rpg... 

 but have beaten only FF serie doesn't make you an hardcore gamer or a Jrpg "specialist"...(only a square fan...)


in the end hardcore gamers are people that have beaten majority of leading games for all genres...

 they can speak in details of majority of games because they played and beated those games.

 in a way they are "specialist" in gaming.

 I have another definition also:


 for example:

you played all square games???

youare a master in FF serie???

you're a square-enix core fan 

you are a type of gamer that can speak in details of a serie or a games of a particular softco or games of a particular console.


for example my brother is a core fan of square-enix.

he plays almost only square-enix games.

he's not an hardcore gamer becuase he doesn't like rpgs in general o Jrpg in general.

he likes only square-enix rpgs...


another example:

I play only nintendo consoles.

(still I know very well other consoles trough my friend console...ps3 pad it's really's not a fanboy sentence...I tried it on motorstorm...and it's really crappy...IMO)


so now days there few REAL hardcore gamers..(time to play it's what we lack)

there are more specific types of gamers on console side ,or genre side,or softco side...

so in the end IMO definition of "HARDCORE GAMER" has to be splitten in many categories of core fans.


I think it is almost impossible to define hardcore or casual games.

It is easier if you try it with the gamers. As some already said, casual gamers are just consuming while hardcores really want to finish a game.

This means that casual games are games which fit better to casual gamers and hardcore games are games which fit better to hardcore gamers. But the difference is not the genre or something like this, but the way a game is structured. Sports games are in general very casual in my opinion. When you buy such a game, everything can already be chosen and you can just pick it up and play. On the other hand, all those single player games are for hardcore gamers, because you have a goal there and all you want to do is finish it. This is very true for Mario, for Final Fantasy or for Halo. But also a game like Mario Kart is at least for both, hardcore and casual gamers, in my opinion. You can just play it if you buy it, but you can also unlock the higher classes, the mirror mode an additional characters and you have to spend a good amount of time to do that.

This being said, i think it is important for us gamers to get over this hardcore/casual question if we want that our passion really gets widely accepted. I mean, nobody speaks of hardcore movie fans or casual music listeners, do they?

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

Hard-Core Gamer: A term selectively defined by the speaker in order to make the speaker a member of an elite gamer group. 

Casual Gamer: A term selectively defined by the speaker in order to exclude everyone except the Speaker from being a member of an elite gamer group.


 My definition of hard-core gamer is a gamer who chooses to play games based on the quality of the game and not the image surrounding the game.

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NorthStar said:
ckmlb said:

The adult or kiddie type of game doesn't determine if it's hardcore it's the amount of depth to the game.

 There are games that are in the middle of both, Mario and GTA are both not hardcore games neither are they casual games.

Pokemon is a kiddie game but it is a hardcore game, so it's not a question of how  'adult' a game is.

I was waiting for some one to bring up Pokemon...I have yet to play a console Pokemon game, but I can not think of another game that has a more"Kiddie" look yet is one of the most "hardcore" games ever made. For god sake some times you can only find certaian things on certain day(the actual real time day) How much more "hardcore" can you get.. On Saturday I gotta play to go do this.....well i gotta go Tuesday to get that. Damn its only thursday i gotta wait. Thats "hard core"

Now some people will argue that the story makes Pokemon less "Hard core". I wonder if these were not cutesy little creatures but instead elementals. That simple change would make it more hard core to those who think its a kid game now. 

What really seperates a game like Pokemon for a game like Final Fantasy? one is viewed more kidie and one more adult. but really gameplaywise what is the seperating factor. I for one believe they are both great RPGs and very difficult and fun .they both take a fair amount of time to complete and Waaaaay more time to recover evey hidden creature or item. I would say for the most part people view Pokemon as casual though and final Fantasy mor Hard core...Why?


Excellent point. Pokemon is a full time commitment and makes almost any player want to beat it 100% more than any other game. I personally love the pokemon series and cant wait til tommorrow when the new ones come out. I am getting both.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.

I dont think that Mario is a hardcore game , played trough most of the mario games. Never took me more then one day to finish a mario game. But I think that Metroid Prime is hardcore,  had a little problem to get 100% on it. Zelda is between but still its way to simple. Game must have replay value for the people who wants it must be hard. The problem is that with Nintendo consoles there is not much variation. With PC/PS,Xbox I can choose bewteen 10 different racing games, fps, adventure,sport,rpg... . Hardcore gamers dont like to be limited to few games and they want to compete with each other.

I will explain it a little better later, I am in a hurry. 


HappySqurriel said:
Hard-Core Gamer: A term selectively defined by the speaker in order to make the speaker a member of an elite gamer group.

Casual Gamer: A term selectively defined by the speaker in order to exclude everyone except the Speaker from being a member of an elite gamer group.


My definition of hard-core gamer is a gamer who chooses to play games based on the quality of the game and not the image surrounding the game.

geez..... Who created these terms anyways?

EDIT: Even wiki doesn't have a straight answer! oh the horror 


Games make me happy! PSN ID: Staticneuron Gamertag: Staticneuron Wii Code: Static Wii - 3055 0871 5802 1723

HappySqurriel said:
Hard-Core Gamer: A term selectively defined by the speaker in order to make the speaker a member of an elite gamer group.

Casual Gamer: A term selectively defined by the speaker in order to exclude everyone except the Speaker from being a member of an elite gamer group.


My definition of hard-core gamer is a gamer who chooses to play games based on the quality of the game and not the image surrounding the game.

 You think like me. :)

These labels are stupid buit I'd put it like this:

Hardcore Gamer: Passionate about games.

Casual Gamer: Enjoys the odd game.

 It's no more complicated  than that but I'd add that you can't really consider yourself a 'hardcore gamer' if you're a fanboy ;)