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Forums - General Discussion - Wal-mart to sell $299 HD-DVD player

This could definitely turn the tide.

Wal-Mart set to sell $299 HD-DVD player

Posted Apr 20th 2007 2:54PM by Brian White
Filed under: Products and services, Launches, Wal-Mart (WMT)
The rage in consumer electronics these days -- past the flat-panel TV -- is the next-generation DVD player. Of course, there are two incompatible formats vying for the customer's attention (and wallet or purse). Those two formats, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, have been seen mostly at premium prices thus far, with players recently selling for as high as $999 and $599. In fact, some folks reported buying Sony's PlayStation 3 gaming console specifically to use the Blu-Ray next-generation DVD player inside. The PS3 was actually the cheapest way to get a Blu-Ray player.

Enter Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT). The retailer that loves to set the bar low enough on prices to squeeze out as many competitors as possible is reportedly going to introduce a $299 HD-DVD player after sending quite a pinch of its money to a Chinese supplier to get to that price point at retail. The deal for two million HD-DVD players with China's Great Wall Corporation will bring the next-generation DVD player down to the level where it may start selling. Right now, most consumers are content with regular DVD and see no reason to lay down a grand for what can be perceived as a minor step forward in picture quality (it really isn't, but that's the perception).

In a retailer where you can find disposable $29 DVD players now, will Wal-Mart lead the charge to commoditize the HD-DVD format this early in its lifetime? Surely -- it does this all the time with certain products in the consumer electronics category, bringing other retailers with it in the process. Circuit City (NYSE: CC) and Best Buy (NYSE: BBY), for example, have to match the pricing on those flat-panel TVs Wal-Mart sells or possibly lose sales. That's the Wal-Mart effect at work. These new HD-DVD players are expected sometime in late 2007 or early 2008. Other consumer electronics retailers, watch out.

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This is good news, but in late 2007 to early 2008, I doubt it will be that difficult to find an HD DVD player for that price anyway.  Especially on Black Friday.

The player is most likely a Blu Ray player, as there has been some mixup with the translation. Besides TDK, the company manufacturing these players, is a Blu Ray supporter. Check the update on the URL below.

Also a $299 HD DVD player around the end of 2007/beginning of 2008 wouldn't really be anyhow spectacular, as for example is selling the Toshiba HD-A2 for $330 already, so by the end of the year the price is bound to be lower and new models should be also out.

Saq said:

The player is most likely a Blu Ray player, as there has been some mixup with the translation. Besides TDK, the company manufacturing these players, is a Blu Ray supporter. Check the update on the URL below.

Also a $299 HD DVD player around the end of 2007/beginning of 2008 wouldn't really be anyhow spectacular, as for example is selling the Toshiba HD-A2 for $330 already, so by the end of the year the price is bound to be lower and new models should be also out.

Oh well if it is blu-ray...then this war might be over (unless its just a one time deal)

Well to be honest I'm not so sure about the format of the player anymore.

Seems that none of the news sources knows for sure which one it is due to dubious translations. And also the upcoming 51GB HD DVD discs are designed in co-operation between Toshiba and TDK, so that much for the TDK's Blu Ray only support. My bad.

Better just wait and let the dust settle.

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Saq said:

Well to be honest I'm not so sure about the format of the player anymore.

Seems that none of the news sources knows for sure which one it is due to dubious translations. And also the upcoming 51GB HD DVD discs are designed in co-operation between Toshiba and TDK, so that much for the TDK's Blu Ray only support. My bad.

Better just wait and let the dust settle.

Where have you found that those 51GB discs (that are incompatible with current players and hasn't been close to finished the last I heard) are co-developed by TDK?  I looked briefly for any TDK involvement with hd-dvd but couldn't find it.  They were the first to join the blu-ray side so that would be odd. 

btw, FishyJoe, you might have jumped the gun like every other website out there.  I hate how all these "news" sites just copy each other and don't check facts themselves.

That's better then their $599 Blu Ray player.


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Myahon said:

That's better then their $599 Blu Ray player. 

Probably not considering Sony's $600 player is really good.  I assume that's who you meant even considering Sony has nothing to do with this news. 


you can get a hddvd player for 320 right now.