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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%

Wow a cross over between StarFox and Metroid would be the end of my support of Retro. I do not care if the game play was decent those two IP are not compatible, their would be no possible way for me to support such a move. Not even Retro could pull this one off, I love Retro they are a very competent studio but a StarFox, Metroid cross over is out of the question!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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It would be very interesting to see that crossover. I'll give anything a shot once, especially if it's from Retro.

As long as the Metroid game was a coherent Prime 1/2 like experience, I'd be completely up for that.

But really they should have done two separate games.

really, the only thing to connect Star Fox and Metroid is space,

Star Fox is so cartoonish

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Joelcool7 said:
Wow a cross over between StarFox and Metroid would be the end of my support of Retro. I do not care if the game play was decent those two IP are not compatible, their would be no possible way for me to support such a move. Not even Retro could pull this one off, I love Retro they are a very competent studio but a StarFox, Metroid cross over is out of the question!

strange foods always look strange until you taste them. then they become a diet.


nintendo forever . . .

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dark_gh0st_b0y said:
really, the thing to connect Star Fox and Metroid is space,

Star Fox is so cartoonish

where do you people get your ideas? who's misleading you?


nintendo forever . . .

Roma said:
lol Metroid + starfox would be the crappiest thing to ever happen! i wouldn't play that if it was given too me for free!

cool story bro. I know at least 100 people who would.


nintendo forever . . .

StarFox + Metroid = EPIC!!!!!

theARTIST0017 said:
Roma said:
lol Metroid + starfox would be the crappiest thing to ever happen! i wouldn't play that if it was given too me for free!

cool story bro. I know at least 100 people who would.

your story is cooler though. Do you relies what you people want?


keep Metroid and fox far away from each other!!

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